Splinterlands Art Contest Week 296: Lunakari Mistress

lunakari mistress.png

This is my entry for the weekly Splinterlands Art Contest found

Here is the original card art:

Didn't make any real changes to her from the original art. Similar hair, ears, glowy eyes, and clothing. Just done in my oil paint style.

Created in Clip Studio Paint Pro on a Microsoft Surface Pro 7+. Here is the timelapse video:
Screenshot 2024-06-01 183403.png

And here is the step-by-step drawing process:

Step One: Rough draft. I use a 40 px pastel pencil to block out the rough.
lunakari mistress p1.png

Step Two: Line art. I used a Real G Pen with a gray tone to make it look less like ink and more like pencil drawing
lunakari mistress p2.png

Step Three: Hide the rough layer and create a flat color layer for the entire image
lunakari mistress p3.png

Step Four: Create new clipped color layers for hair, cloth, and gold
lunakari mistress p4.png

Step Five: Shading! On a separate clipped "multiply" layer. Done with a soft airbrush tool with black
lunakari mistress p5.png

Step Six: Create a new clipped "overlay" layer for some reflected light surfaces
lunakari mistress p6.png

Step Seven: Background. Just some large wet water color splashes and some purple shading for contrast.
lunakari mistress p7.png

Step Eight: Create a new "add glow" layer. Airbrush some magical energy and glowing eyes and mouth
lunakari mistress p8.png

Step Nine: Sign my initials so that the drawing is authentic
lunakari mistress p9.png

Step Ten: Profit!

Thanks for watching.


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I just watched it on rumble, Wow man your art process is cool. I love how you maintained the original essence of the character while adding your unique touch with oil paint. Great job bro