Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!


The upvotes will come from the OLD @steemmonsters account (as that's where the VP is vested). Everything else happens at @splinterlands!

And now...

👉 Let's get SPLINTERLANDS trending!

We want your best, most exciting posts about Splinterlands! Got a battle that is too good not to share? Have you created something amazing? Do you have thoughts on stats, cards, abilities, gameplay? We want it all! And we want it to be awesome.

Make sure you tag #splinterlands and #play2earn when sharing outside of HIVE!

Speaking of...

Where should you share it?!

Literally, anywhere. Here are some examples to get you started:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Medium
  • Youtube
  • Publish0x
  • Tumblr
  • Reddit
  • LinkedIn
  • Snapchat

There are TONS of places out there! Share! Share! Share!

How do YOU get an upvote?

  • Create AMAZING Splinterlands content on the HIVE blockchain.
    • It should obviously be Splinterlands content. We want to reward our Splinterlands community.
  • Make it look good. Need help formatting?
  • 👉Include your Splinterlands referral link!
    • This is required. You must give your viewers/readers a path to the Splinterlands. Note: Battle links already include your referral. 💪
  • TAG it #splinterlands and #play2earn. (Let's get TRENDING!!)
  • Include a link to your shared post and your HIVE post in a comment below.

DEADLINE: Payout of this post. Every week this challenge will be posted again.

Voting Quantity

You can get a MAX of 2 upvotes per week. Please only enter TWO posts a week. This includes the Battle Challenge. Take your time. Make them awesome. 😍

Manual Curation

That's right! Splinterlands/steemmonsters is manually curating (upvoting) your posts! We currently are working with 12 amazing community curators, plus official team members also have the 'powers' to upvote! We (the curation team) work together to try to upvote in order of entry. Sometimes we get a couple of days behind, just so we can let the VP heal in order to give larger upvote values. Make sure you drop your links within a day or two of posting so we can get to it. If you ever have any questions or concerns DO reach out. And as always, thank you for creating amazing content and sharing Splinterlands with the world! 😍@carrieallen

curation team yellow aug..gif

Curators are rewarded with higher upvotes on their posts and are allowed up to three per week, rather than two. This is our way of saying "Thank you!"


Rewards for this post are burned.🔥

There are 4 pages

Here is my entry for this week:

This is my entry to this week Social Media Challenge :D


HIVE: https://www.1up.zone/@luizeba/the-cheap-usd50-silver-league


Reddit: ~~~ embed:Splinterlands/comments/qzu5n9/the_cheap_50_silver_league_deck_fire_splinter/ reddit metadata:fFNwbGludGVybGFuZHN8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL1NwbGludGVybGFuZHMvY29tbWVudHMvcXp1NW45L3RoZV9jaGVhcF81MF9zaWx2ZXJfbGVhZ3VlX2RlY2tfZmlyZV9zcGxpbnRlci98 ~~~

Steemit: https://steemit.com/hive-140217/@luizeba/the-cheap-usd50-silver-league-deck-fire-splinter-budget-guide

NoiseCash: https://noise.cash/post/15n7r80v

TORUM: https://www.torum.com/post/619bf6ddfc65f76c2a55270d

Here is my entery into the Social Media Challenge:
Splinterlands Play to Earn Blockchain Gaming
Splintertalk: https://www.splintertalk.io/@seattlea/splinterlands-play-to-earn-blockchain-gaming-episode-1

Please upvote! Thank you.

Been waiting a bit for the social media challenge and here is my entry for it entitled - Splinterlands - Capitalizing on Vouchers airdrop to buy into Chaos Legion packs.

Hive: https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@behiver/splinterlands-capitalizing-on-vouchers-airdrop-to-buy-into-chaos-legion-packs
Reddit: ~~~ embed:Splinterlands/comments/qwoxt9/splinterlands_capitalizing_on_vouchers_airdrop_to/ reddit metadata:fFNwbGludGVybGFuZHN8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL1NwbGludGVybGFuZHMvY29tbWVudHMvcXdveHQ5L3NwbGludGVybGFuZHNfY2FwaXRhbGl6aW5nX29uX3ZvdWNoZXJzX2FpcmRyb3BfdG8vfA== ~~~
Noise.cash: https://noise.cash/post/6n39pmgh0v28


Your post has been manually curated by @monster-curator Team!

Get instant cashback for every cards purchase on MonsterMarket.io. MonsterMarket shares 60% of the revenue generated, no minimum spending is required. Join MonsterMarket Discord.


Thanks so much for the opportunity to share our writing with the Splinterlands community!


Yesterday I released a primer on some of the most advanced and interesting Play2Earn games to help spread this amazing community. Splinterlands came highly recommended!

I posted this article on both PeakDand Publish0X.

Thanks for helping this message reach as many people as possible so we can grow as a community.

A guide to completing your daily quests!

My post: Splinterlands Guide to Daily Quest

Shared on Noise.cash.
Shared on Twitter.

~~~ embed:1461683235428048896 twitter metadata:bmF5dGhhbjAzNDQ3Mjk4fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL25heXRoYW4wMzQ0NzI5OC9zdGF0dXMvMTQ2MTY4MzIzNTQyODA0ODg5Nnw= ~~~
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Hi guys. I don't know if this meets the requirements but this is my video

and post about blockchain games.



Btw. Can you tell how accurate the dappradar stats are about the number of players?


~~~ embed:1461476777797332995?t=7mFP0BQxF2OrMX3TDMSzeA&s=19 twitter metadata:WW9uaWxrYXI3Nzd8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vWW9uaWxrYXI3Nzcvc3RhdHVzLzE0NjE0NzY3Nzc3OTczMzI5OTV8 ~~~

These are my twitter posts:
Spanish: ~~~ embed:1460393697124696069 twitter metadata:Y3BvbHNpbHZlcnx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9jcG9sc2lsdmVyL3N0YXR1cy8xNDYwMzkzNjk3MTI0Njk2MDY5fA== ~~~
This is my entry for reddit:

Thank you so much for this initiative!

Hi. @cpol. You need to send an HIVE link

Oh my God, so sorry!! Unfortunately, my article a moment ago was paid out. Sorry!!! Later, I'm going to publish this week article in a comment with the right formatting and such. So, sorry, again!

honestly, i've published it yesterday, but it's a kind of social🙃
Here on hive :


On twitter :


hive: https://peakd.com/splinterlands/@lypisz/1-data-challenge-see-your-idea-become-real-and-earn-with-that


reddit: ~~~ embed:Splinterlands/comments/qvzmwx/have_you_ever_thought_about_sharing_your_idea_and/ reddit metadata:fFNwbGludGVybGFuZHN8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL1NwbGludGVybGFuZHMvY29tbWVudHMvcXZ6bXd4L2hhdmVfeW91X2V2ZXJfdGhvdWdodF9hYm91dF9zaGFyaW5nX3lvdXJfaWRlYV9hbmQvfA== ~~~

This is my entry for the week, whereby I talk about the Post Season Grind and why it happened. If interested to join the game, my referral link is as follows


Hi thanks for this opportunity.
Here is my giveaway for charity donation.

Hive :


Instagram :


~~~ embed:1461447048146870274?t=8vRfVpb1c9V7_KTCgWYaIg&s=19 twitter metadata:Tnlzc3Rlcnx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9OeXNzdGVyL3N0YXR1cy8xNDYxNDQ3MDQ4MTQ2ODcwMjc0fA== ~~~

Here is my Hive post.

Here is my share on Facebook.

My contribution this week, a post on how to win matches against Yodin Zaku:
Splintertalk Countering Yodin Zaku

Here is my social post for this week! It's just showing off my season rewards and debating if it is worth renting to reach silver rank or not (for newbies).
Hive link: https://hive.blog/hive-13323/@shadow346/is-renting-worth-it-check-out-my-splinterlands-season-rewards-in-silver-rank-2
Twitter link:

Hello Friends, my entry:


Twitter: ~~~ embed:1461582035881971713?s=20 twitter metadata:TE9CQU9CSHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9MT0JBT0JIL3N0YXR1cy8xNDYxNTgyMDM1ODgxOTcxNzEzfA== ~~~

Come to the Splinterlands universe,

If you enter my link, leave a comment that I will help.😍
@splinterlands @play2earn

Blue and White Gaming Logo.png

My Weekend Delegation Day - delegating one card to the winner.





~~~ embed:1461636692104945667?t=LzW8H4MRqRo5y2OH6TImgw&s=19 twitter metadata:Tnlzc3Rlcnx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9OeXNzdGVyL3N0YXR1cy8xNDYxNjM2NjkyMTA0OTQ1NjY3fA== ~~~

Here is my post!
For players who are still unsure of why opponent melee monsters are attacking your from other position? Come check out my post and it will let you noe why!

peakd: https://peakd.com/splinterlands/@chinzilla/why-did-your-melee-monster-attack-from-other-position

Friday my art "Azmare-harpoonist"


~~~ embed:1461729031447932929?t=1EvyLFHOradlDCvuOADEwg&s=19 twitter metadata:cmlwb25fc3R1ZGVudHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9yaXBvbl9zdHVkZW50L3N0YXR1cy8xNDYxNzI5MDMxNDQ3OTMyOTI5fA== ~~~

There are 4 pages