Last Season Earnings in Splinterlands

in #splinterlands8 months ago

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Hi, fellow summoners,

for a few months already I have been tracking every battle in the Splinterlands in terms of how much SPS I am getting from a win, how much I am spending on card rentals, SPS rentals, how much I am getting from tournaments and guild brawls.

All this adds up to a quite accurate indicator of how much I am spending and how much I am earning by playing Splinterlands. This Season I started to play Soulkeep as well so I will be posting these numbers here starting the next season.


These are the cards that I am missing and I cant play without as I belive they are essential in any deck.

  • Possibly the Wise
  • Queen Mycelia
  • Runemancer Florre
  • Immortalis
  • Corsair Bosun
  • Queen Of Crows
  • Lily Shieldpaw
  • Scavo Hierling
  • Doctor Blight
  • Spirit Hoarder
  • Coeurl Lurker
  • Lux Vega

And these are cards that I will rent when I am at full energy and I know I will spend few hours playing Ranked, Tournaments, and Brawls. In the end, you will get your money back - sometimes if I want to really max out these cards I would also buy some energy or Chests to get some.

  • Venka The Vile
  • Daarg Deadlbast
  • Grimbadun Smith

Last season on rentals I spent: 19758 DEC

Currently I have 125134 staked SPS which is not a small amount but if you want to earn properly in Champion league you need a little bit more. My usual rent is 80000 DEC and on these rentals I spent 4480 DEC.


SPS Rentals: 4480 DEC
Card Rentals: 19758 DEC
Total expenses: 24238 DEC = with current DEC price of 0.00629 = 15.960723 USD

Last season I played 469 battles with 249 wins which gives me a win rate of 53%. I managed to finish the season on 46th place which gave me 20000 DEC. This reward completely covered my SPS and Card Rentals expenses which means that everything else is pure profit.

In those 249 wins I earned 5548 SPS. I earned another 2988 SPS by playing tournaments and 351 SPS by playing Guild brawls.

That adds up to a total of 8887 SPS which .


Number of battles: 469
Number of wins: 249
Battle SPS earned: 5548
Guild Brawl SPS earned: 351
Tournaments SPS earned: 2988
Leaderboard reward: 20000 DEC

Total income:

5548 SPS = with the price of 0.006332 per SPS = 56.27 USD
20000 DEC = with the price of 0.006629 per DEC = 13.26 USD

Grand total income: 69.53 USD


When you take into consideration all the expenses and income through the season my overall profit is: 53.57 USD

With the current price of DEC and SPS 53.57 USD for a season of play is really not bad. I am happy with the number of the SPS that I got by playing this #playtoearn NFT game. Unfortunately, the prices of SPS are now low but this is the time when you should save up your earnings or use them wisely.

In the end, #splinterlands is an amazing game where you can earn with a minimum investment of a few cents per day - it depends on the level you are playing at - same as the rewards that you are getting.

Good luck summoners and see you on the battle field!


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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice