Creating Illusory Deals With Item Sets

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Three numbers to manipulate for an "attractive" offer utilizing item sets. Bid - calculates the sum of all the bid prices. (Even ones that you cannot directly sell to.) Low BCX - calculates the sum of all lowest bcx costs. Market value - the sum of all market values.

I happen to have a card that I'm having a hard time selling. Thus, experimenting with item sets.


Given how my previous scannings of item sets provided few sets with 3 green numbers. I assume that means people brought those hard to sell cards. The current listing fulfills that price I want to get rid of something at.

Will update on if the set actually sells. (Since, I think other people sold theirs without issues.)

But hey, -35% bid should be attractive to someone, right?

I currently have no data on sell rate of sets vs traditionally listing cards on the market.

Update: The card sold overnight.