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RE: Revamp Market Fees to Include 2% DAO Royalty

in #spsproposallast year

But they are never going to achieve it unless they back DEC dollar to dollar with cash. I don't really know how to put this politely, but it is just delusional. It has been at peg for about 1 minute in the past year. Even if they get it back there it will just wobble right off it again. So they can enable burning of SPS for DEC for all of a few minutes or maybe days until the price changes again, then what? Another proposal, then charge us 7%? Meanwhile players like me just think "ok so you want me to fund this silliness that isn't going to work, in yet another proposal that ultimately reduces the financial value of the assets I accumulated in this game?" Hard no for me. Sorry for the forthright and blunt tone, but I just feel (like many others who already left the game) like every month for about a year, another proposal appears that nerfs value from ordinary players like me and I'm absolutely sick of it. I wouldn't mind as much if I believed in the economic competence of the team, but they have never given me any reason to do so. Great game designers? 10/10! Love it! Economists? Nope!