SPS Governance Proposal - DAO Sponsored Jackpot Prizes

in #spsproposal4 months ago

This draft has been approved by all members of the SPS Foundation board unanimously.

The purpose of this proposal is to determine if the SPS DAO would like to provide packs for the jackpot prizes that can be won in the chests that are sold for glint in the rewards shop and granted upon league advancement in ranked play. You can see the previous polling results here.

The highest amount of stake weighted support was in favor of Riftwatchers packs being allocated over the other options. After speaking with the team, current thoughts are that 2,500 packs should be enough for at least a year's worth of prizes, but if the game suddenly sees a massive growth in the player base then they could run out sooner.

If this proposal passes, the SPS DAO will provide 2,500 Riftwatchers packs to be distributed via the jackpot prize mechanism in the current iteration of the rewards chests. This will be a one time grant and a future proposal will be required to allocate any further packs or prizes in the future.


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I will vote No because its riftwatcher Packs and Riftwatchers will no longer be played in Moderns whats the point of adding it to the jackpot prizes its better be Rebellion Packs so people can play atleast for another 3 years in Modern

100% this. A RW pack doesn't feel like a jackpot at all. Given the very low odds of getting "jackpots" it just doesn't make sense. Might as well make the jackpot a maxed out GF legendary reward card.

Well they've been giving out Beta packs, so not really sure if it has anything to do with Modern, but anyway this is what the people voted for in the poll, so that's why this proposal.

I know it's what won the pool but there's a difference in price between those 2 where a beta pack feels like a jackpot even though it already is out of modern and a RW pack doesn't. Its price is only gonna go lower once it goes to wild.

I don't like the principle of using the DAO assets as a piggy bank to appease players for anything other than anything systemic. With this attitude we will run out of assets at some point and then we won't be there to support the game/team in a real time of need.

I don't think 2500 packs is a big deal, but where do we draw the line? So I'm a "no" just out of this principle but I don't think it going to make or break anything either way.

Fair enough, I think the amount of packs given out is so low it's kind of trivial, but I get it. I'll likely just abstain and see what the DAO wants to do.

What else is the DAO supposed to use packs for if not give back to the community - ourselves? Tis the WHOLE point. We collect SPS rewards within the DAO to give rewards back to the players when SPS distribution ends. If providing jackpot prizes in the form of a small fraction of the packs of that one single set the DAO owns/holds during a time we want to promote the game in the Bull Market....when and what other reason are they being held for??? When is gonna be the "best" time to give out RW packs....never?! as far as I can predict this convo coming up? Just burn them then if ya'll wanna sit and die on a hill of untouched assets that aren't providing usage anywhere at any point in time. Nobody wants to put the money in the DAO to work and gain returns or ever touch any packs for the sake of 'inflation'. This is a card game...there will forever be card inflation, accept that fact and move on. I do get the argument of wanting to use a Modern set instead so they last longer for new players, etc. But not the latter; the DAO is the players, re-investing & rewarding ourselves is part of the whole concept... Anyway, love & light, I just think we have too many sticks up our butts as a whole about everything DAO related that we're not even willing to give back to ourselves at times. More balance is needed. More FUN is needed.

I never said I wanted to burn assets either. I wish if people would claim that I have a stick up my butt, then at least they would read what I wrote.

But love and light back to you!

Reread! You responded too quick, I was re-editing a bunch 😂 I'm not aiming any of that at you specifically but the community as a whole. I said from my perspective that we should just burn them if we never wanna use them for anything, not you. And throughout a lot of pervious DAO issues, I'm just saying we're all so quick to shut things down right away. What did you want to use packs for then one day if not "a piggy bank for the players"/giving back to the community?

No worries. And to answer the last question, they are assets. Assets can be used to support the game/community when its needed. So I don't want to burn them, nor do I want to give them away. I want to add them to our arsenal of assets that can be used to solidify and strengthen our ability to help a) stabilize the game - like we just did with giving the team funds and b) to grow the game.

Just like the team uses Alpha/Beta packs to incentivize behavior many years after they were printed, I too think we can use these packs for the same purpose. But giving them out now when they are very low in price doesn't give out much value, so I don't think its going much if anything at this time. Five years from now it would be a different story.

Ahh nice, yeah, I see where you're coming from there on the long-term perspective! I could very much be behind that ideal as well. Personally I guess where I differ primarily is utilizing them during Bull Run cycles including the current one to help with promotion for new players, etc. So in my mind we use a fraction this cycle, then save the rest for future bull cycles/long-term as well. which won't be for another 4-5 years anyways getting to where your mind is at. Apologies for the delayed response, was taking a break for holiday, hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving ^.^ Apologies for any wording btw that may have felt like I was coming at you specifically, I'm kinda an oddball that thinks from the perspective of the whole and the energy I've seen since being here, so my response was addressing/including a lot of that.

You did fine SR! I appreciate you engaging me and looking at my point of view too. Also I would be ok with giving out more if more people had your attitude and we did it very purposeful with a stated objective AND a willingness to understand the DAO does need to keep assets for the future.

I hope you had a nice holiday as well and thank you again for the engagement!!!

I would 100% keep this assets on us for the future and specifically only for new players. It doesn't matter that the pack is out of Modern. Think of them like a Weatherlight MTG pack. Esentially low value, not useful for Modern or Standard, and still today it costs... * checks the interwebz* $35 USD when its retail value was $2.99 ...

As a side comment I would love to see a Proposal, *any * proposal, that doesn't involve to spend, sell, burn or gift DAO Assets on diverse adventures/projects. Would be nice. One. Or two, even.

yes I'm completely with you @renovatio ... Its refreshing to see that someone else shares my feeling about our assets :)

Thank you for participating in SPS DAO Governance @clayboyn!
You can place or monitor SPS Stake Weighted votes for and against this proposal at the link below:
Link to this Pre-Proposal

Updated At: 2024-12-01 09:11 UTC


sounds good in principle.

how many reb packs do we have?

Rebellion packs didn't get much support, so this proposal is for Riftwatchers packs. You can find the DAO's in-game holdings here:

seems like api links are weird in a browser. can you just tell me how many packs we have please?


thanks, clay, 2500 of 204089 is nothing, so let's go for it! 🙂

yeah thats barely over 1%. I miss having packs as a reward...
And when I first read this I thought we were talking about Rebellion packs and I was like "heck yeah, give REB pack plx" 😂
RW are not as sexy as RB... Still better then nothing

I'm Lovin' It!

A chance to win a free pack - hell yeah!

I am ok with this though it would make more sense to open these packs and put the cards in jackpot chests. Epics and Legendaries on level 1 rare cards should be leveled up to lvl 6 commons level 8

How about focusing on allowing us to touch our DEC-B as how long has it been?