SPS Governance Proposal - Make Runi Evergreen

in #spsproposal4 months ago


The purpose of this proposal is to address the many community suggestions that Runi should be able to stay in modern permanently. Some feel that more should be done to make Runi feel special and that this would make the NFT more unique and give it additional utility.

If this proposal passes, Runi will remain available in both modern and wild formats indefinitely. This would make Runi the only "evergreen" card in the Splinterlands game. If the DAO would like to restrict Runi at some point in the future, a new proposal would need to be put forth and passed to override this one.

I drafted the proposal and @yabapmatt provided the DEC to fund it.


Even though I don't own a Runi, I understand they were meant to be special, so I'll vote yes. It's not like I'm running into them all the time like the Gladius cards.

Also don't/never owned one but have the same feelings on the matter. They were something that was/is different, very costly and should be forever a modern card.

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I don't any Runi but feel like this should have been the case from the start. Runi are meant to be very special and need more utility if anything

Personally I do not own a Runi, and have never cared to... even with Land utility, and I do own around 25 plots. I feel this is a good step in the right direction to bring them more value for those who did invest in the concept/asset. I can't afford to stay in Modern, so this still won't encourage me to want one in any way, but maybe its a plus for those who can afford Modern...forever; so I'll be a yes for those peeps at least, but overall I don't think its enough if I still don't want one and go out of my way on Opensea to obtain; even historically being a TCG collector. I don't want to buy a "super special" card only to lock up on land forever and never Play with, but that's just me.

Runi is on OpenSea - right? I know it's actually launched on ETH. So we have a chance to get more attention to SPL is Runi works out nicely. I don't own any Runi. But I totally support this proposal 👍

For sure! Would also like to see them upgradeable i.e buy say thorns / crossbows to add to arsenal. 😀

I am a little disappointed that this proposal isn't about creating a Christmas tree skin for the runi. As for the actual proposal I don't really feel strongly about this either way. My bot never uses runi in wild. If it gets banned from modern then runis are really great to put on land.

It is special agree give it a holiday skin at least

I'm voting against it not because I think it is a huge problem but because it's such a difficult card to buy (and impossible to rent, as far as I understand), regardless of the price, that it's not good for the game to always stay in modern. It's not a huge problem because it's a useless card but it isn't super powerful. It would be much worse if it were a Venka or something like that.

If there's ever a Runi like card but much more powerful it would likely get the same treatment and it would be pretty bad for the game.

This is about the team doing just a fraction of what was promised for RUNI... it was sold as a VERY special and unique card and was promised to have a TON of utility as well as VIP access to new things. We need to start remembering these promises and delivering on them. Making RUNI a permanent modern card gives permanent value to the card, even for new collectors that may eventually join the game. As-is, RUNI has been seriously neglected and as it stands I will never trust a promise for future utility again (and never spend $ for such things) until past promises are delivered. This would be a small step in the right direction for RUNI.

I do agree with what you're saying. I disagree that gameplay should be the utility given considering that most players can't access even if they are willing to pay the cost.

Agreed, I think this is part of the team's commitment and must be implemented.
The current Runi is not particularly powerful in battle, and its practicality on land is questionable.
If new NFTs need to be sold in the future to obtain funds, this proposal will help improve player rights.

Thank you for participating in SPS DAO Governance @clayboyn!
You can place or monitor SPS Stake Weighted votes for and against this proposal at the link below:
Link to this Pre-Proposal

Updated At: 2024-12-08 09:20 UTC


I don't own one but it is special so I support this.

I would be great also to allow to swap traits among RUNIS, to make them look better... As originally intended..

Easy yes vote here, for all the reasons already mentioned. I also think this card should be able to be staked on land AND be able to be used in battles. As mentioned,it is not a game-breaking card by any stretch, but it does have its uses. Seems stupid to give it the nice bonus for land and then not be able to play it. This proposal is the first step, in my mind, towards giving it the special utility it was promised to have.

If we want the price to go up at some point, it needs to keep adding value.

Would love to see it!

Of course it's gonna pass, who bought runi has lot of sps and the interest to keep that op card in modern

i dont think that is the case here , I own 1 but i dont have a ton of sps.@
clayboyn I thought Runi should be a card which can do what other cards can not do. like eg playing with it while being staked in land. in adition to your proposal I would suggest that we see it more often in ranked play if possible

I was under the impression that modern was supposed to be the place for new players to play, people who could get the old expensive cards easily. For people to buy new cards, less expensive max decks, etc.

TO me making Runi evergreen goes exactly against that.

This feels like a clear, hard no.

For the record, modern currently has the most expensive cards ever sold in the shop by FAR. This was done deliberately via the promo pricing (TEN cards at $350-$550 ea) and the auction card having a $1000 floor. RUNI is not even close to the top end of these prices and nowhere NEAR as powerful in battle as the promo and auction cards.
Making RUNI a permanent modern card helps fulfill the promise it was sold as, a unique NFT that will always be important in the SPL ecosystem. This helps deliver a portion of an old promise that needs to be delivered.

I understand that point of view and you have some very solid points.