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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Make Rentals Seasonal Only

in #spsproposal14 days ago

Honestly... so you don't see the issue for new players or existing players to increase the rental costs? We keep coming up with ideas that increase the game cost, while we should be worrying about atracting new players and making the game affordable to every kind of wallet, both big and small spenders. I usually rent for specific time slots, such as brawls (can imagine someone who does the same for tournaments feels like I do), can't see the sense in this, apart from sending money down the drain. Unless we want to make Splinterlands a bot only mode, and in that case season rentals make all sense, since they play 24/7 anyway...


I never botted my account in Splinterlands, but be forced to play everyday only because of seasonal rentals make me feel like a bot without life..