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RE: From Steem with Love II, SPUD 7 FINAL Winner's List + Some Stats- [steem] [blockchain] [community]

in #spud4 years ago

Apologies for the delayed response. I think it just hadn't come through yet, since I am seeing the transaction as processed in the DB from 19 November.


Sorry for persisting with this, I am just curious if there is a list where I can see delegations? I have used the Google spreadsheet, so maybe I am missing something or I am not looking in the right place. Thanks again.

The google spreadsheet has a delegations tab which we update every couple of weeks (less frequently now that we're not publishing a regular delegation report). You can also check delegations on [steemworld]) which is where we build the delegation report from to check against our internal delegation record.

Thanks, sorry for bugging out.