Good news Steemians! You can now start your own community powered by Proof of Brain distribution! It took us a few months, but we've been able to build a smart contract platform, allow for token creation and trading, stake (power up) the tokens, distribute them using a customizable python voting bot modeled after the SMT white paper, and more is coming.
Both @yabapmatt and I have put up our own money to get Steem Engine and the distribution system created, and there will be ongoing infrastructure and personnel costs to run the system, so we are offering it as a paid service, but we want to work with active and serious communities to make sure it is affordable and even profitable to run your own proof of brain token.
We're currently prototyping an integration of advertising into a custom website (we'll use condenser, the code behind, which we can run on your behalf for your token.
One thing the new communities running off of the website will like is that we'll display post rewards in your token! So, it won't show how much steem you're earning. Instead it'll show how much of your community's token the post is earning.
The next major step after getting the prototype launched is incorporating advertising into the custom websites. If this all works your investment in a Scotbot community will generate more revenue in ads than is spent on running the community! What you do with that revenue is up to you!
Will you collect it and lambo-up? Or will you buy tokens with it to burn to inflate the price? How will you manage the project?
So many thanks!
This project couldn't launch without @harpagon or @yabamatt who created the smart contract platform and built a front end for it.
We were lucky to borrow @asgarth (thanks @jarvie and @steempeak), and he built the exchange that's on the platform modeled after the steem/sbd market.
@wehmoen built a block explorer and we link out to it on the site.
@beggars took over site creation and has taken on lead developer role for the steem-engine front end.
@someguy123 created and now manages the crypto converter that's powering how we can deposit and trade other cryptos onto the exchange.
@holger80, master of python and beem, took on constructing Scotbot and allowing for many customizations.
@inertia built a second block explorer and has been helping us track down bizarre transactions and coordinate dev ops.
@crystalhuman and @clayboyn have been helping us with some user concerns along the way.
We're of course standing on the shoulders of the Steem platform so thank you to the Steemit team.
It's been a great team and we're super productive! I'm looking forward to more!
What's next?
Beyond the custom websites that generate you revenue for your community we have a few things planned. Next up on the crypto converter side is the integration of EOS and EOS tokens. So, not just trading EOS, but we'll trade the 100+ tokens that live on EOS.
This is another step in turning steem-engine into a one stop trading shop to turn any asset class into a different asset class. Take crypto, tokens, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, commodities, futures, or government fiat and turn it into any of other assets and have it happen transparently on the Steem blockchain!
So, we got custom sites with ads in the works, a crypto converter that's gonna keep expanding, and we've started on a STO/ICO/IEO launcher! Once we've made it easy to gather money here then it makes more sense to launch tokens here. Build a business, register the token, and launch a security. Or go the ICO route where you have a product functioning and it's powered by the token you sell via an ICO. We'll help with both. You'll setup a crowdfund like kickstarter where you can set the goal, send the money back if it doesn't reach goal, and we'll get multiple currencies accepted there!
These are exciting times!
Greasing the wheels
I've placed a 10,000 ENG sell wall at 0.8 ENG/Steem. This is a 20% discount for the first 10 communities that would like to distribute their tokens with scotbot. With Steem prices low and this discount it's a really inexpensive time to launch the first independent token communities built on top of Steem!
You can find an explanation of the parameter here:
Great stuff you did. I think therefore I need to send you a !BEER
Posted using Partiko iOS
thank you sir @holger80
To view or trade
go to @holger80, here is your
token. Enjoy it!hola alguien habla español, soy de Venezuela y con tantos problemas seria de mucho agrado que alguien hablara español y me ayude
Varios somos de Venezuela, en que te podriamos ayudar. Por aqui hay varios de los que ayudan y apoyan, lo más importante es seguir públicando contenido original para que te voten, entrar en los retos que creas conveniente para darte a conocer. @rocksaul
Several of us are from Venezuela, in which we could help you. Here are several of those who help and support, the most important thing is to continue publicizing original content to be voted on, enter the challenges you think appropriate to let you know. @rocksaul
yo tambien soy de venezuela necesito algo de ayuda por fa :)
En que te puedo ayudar @daniel2001
bueno necesito ayuda sobre el funcionamiento de steemit y que evalúen mi blog y mis posteos a ver que he hecho mal.
Vente al discord para que el euipo de @radiosteemit te oriente @daniel2001
amazing work man
Where’s Ned? I miss his hair
We're interested to understand more about SCOT and the proposed crypto exchange powered by Steem Engine. Please feel free to reach out to our team members so that we can bring this discussion ahead.
We are available on Discord or Telegram
It is TIME for a @coingeko scotbot tribe!
SO MANy use cases i cant even BEGIn to count them all!
IMAGINE when people can MAKE POSTS and COMMENTS about price fluctuations and u can link back to the comments on coingeko site! YOU CAN BE the LARGEST contributor to steemengine's publicity in this way!
cool! we'll take a look at it.
@aggroed, sounds very intresting, I am part of #steemsilvergold, would love to talk more about this.
I'm in there. or aggroed at steemmonsters dot com
Thank You for Helping Me spend my Money on Steemmonsters. Love It
Lol 😂
This is what I am talking about.
Thanks to your entire team for putting this together. It is really amazing how community members stepped up to push Steem forward. There is no depending upon one centralized company to get things done around there. This is the epitome of decentralization.
I am going to have to get some ENG tokens. I believe you are onto something that could be massive. The integration of the EOS family of tokens is a another monumental step. Bringing it all together makes sense.
Hopefully the price recovers now
eos integration + free eos accounts for steemans can save steem from 1 cent steem like golos
1 cent for a base layer token with all known issues, and maximization, seems rather generous long term. Especially if platforms using SCOT will reward ALSO in Steem.
steem should be $1 at least, steem should be $10 if we had more users.... metacalfs law , value of telecom network grows exponentially with more users
Just users, without additional utility, is merely 9m new accounts per years which are ready to dump/create down pressure.
Telcos have both paying customers and upsell strategies. Even more in developing markets does that matter when looking purely at user numbers.
Uncle Keynes would be happy but increased numbers does not result in scarcity, or increased token value. It just means more people will some day sell it.
It's about utility.
Now look at ENG. ENG is a central token in this "not STINC evolution" and needed for everything. That's utility. That's when scarcity will drive price up, because everyone needs it for day-to-day use.
Daddy Likes ;-)
I hope people like the ones who made this reddit post would see this accomplishment... I hope you guys succeed and thank you for putting your own time and money into this
I'm a bit of a novice and this might be off topic?? But........
We are looking at ways to build our own Crypto / token to be used a Currency in our community.
There are a couple of hundred of us that live in a Bush Community out of town. We are lucky enough to have no local government (no rates etc), no planning or building regulations and no provided services.
We are looking at a peer to peer currency as a method of trading while still keeping fiat currency for normal purchases.
Is this something that could be done by this project???
Would love some advice and comment.
SAND - @ackza is the locality blockchain token authority; wait for Dan to weigh in for June, but it looks like a Complimentary Currency could be just the thing for small localities that need to support each other. Link to the nearest big city token, and expand your network?
@testing123, I don't think Dan is into social kind of platform like Steemit, he might love to create a community but assuredly he is going to create a different kind of platform that supports developers and project designers. The best choice for him is to allow his EOS crypto to be also distributed through Steemit, that will also increase the value of EOS , he is a business man.
really/ Facebook likes? come on man replace those with steem upvotes
priceless ;)
There ya fuckin go heres like 15 cents in upvotes from me and @tytran
Lol Great job 👏👏👏
Alright, excellent communications.
I really do not want to see Steem go the way, of BTS, so I am a believer.
We will be in touch, cheers, best to all your great crew!
Hey aggroed I would like you to Lambo me up please 😃
Is the new Steemit killer? This is all amazing.
You guys are definitely the MVPs of the blockchain at the moment, this is super exciting. Now, let's get communities up and rolling!
Great news @aggroed, thank you and all involved in this for putting it together, with this functionality and the coming ones the utility of Steem just keeps going up, this is awesome.
Posted using Partiko Android
Great one as always .... you are the Shining Steem Star at the moment!
Hope to see this soon in action with a project taking on. An example for others to follow.
You are making #scotbox to become a grand house.
That integration will be a big booster for the #scotbox on the history of blokckchain.
Thank you @Aggroed and team.
a Grand House Indeed
Advertising your paid product as a "featured" post where my feed should be? Ugh.... this site is getting so ugly... :/
What interface are you using? Steemit?
you know you can close it right? It can be difficult to see in nightmode.
Mind if I put some of my products and links up in front of everything you're trying to do? Just a popup every few hours that you can easily click to get rid of. Would you be okay with that? What if a few other people want to do that to you, too, are you still okay with it? Of course not. So what makes it okay for someone to do that to me? :)
if it sucks we will downvote it.
we apparently like this.
i find it interesting.
Yeah, that makes sense. Downvote featured stuff that sucks. I'd rather not have to do that, but that's the best option now.
And yeah, mute is a great feature, I recommend it! The other person isnt notified you muted them (but they can find out certain ways). It does no harm. Just stops you from having to see their stuff anymore. I find it makes my experience here better because there are a number of people I can't stand.
That said, mute doesn't work on featured posts. If someone you have muted gets featured, you have to see it front and center when you use the site.
I'm seeing everything you are seeing. Yeah, I am pretty okay with it. If I were not or when I don't want to see it, I use instead.
It just a featured post by the company that owns this front end. :)
you can always unfollow .. i heard you can hide folks, but i haven't tried.
I’m so sorry about the way you’ve been treated :*( this all must be really difficult for you
You've got DRAMA. You are going to be a Whale!
To view or trade
go to Think Dramatoken is Cool but I have yet to get my FIRST Token. !dramatoken
Maybe one will show Up in my Account in Steem Engine.......
Well surely you can be more dramatic in your request
Whenever there is Drama a
token may help to have everybody smiling.!BEER
Posted using Partiko iOS
To view or trade
go to @dramatoken, here is your
token. Enjoy it!This is amazing. What's the difference between this and 'SMT'? Ofc, except one actually works and the other does not even got started.
Posted using Partiko Android
TOKEN town loves it!
Great work. I'm super excited to see the first community tokens!
Might be worth contacting these guys for a steem listing?
(sorry to barge in on this post, didn't see a better way to reach you though)
This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!
Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!
Manually curated by @niallon11.
Whaat? Are you kidding!
Great job everyone this really improves what community leaders and Steemians can do with posts and rewards.
Thanks to those who are working each day to make Steem interesting, fun and of course more valuable.
And this doesn't get to be a featured post?!?! It's Huge news!
This is a great step beyond for Steem!
Congrats to all involved!
Posted using Partiko Android
Great! congrats to all the team! hope so much people and communities get involved in this project!
this is wonderful ... the communities to power
Sounds interesting but since I’m dumb I’m still confused. Lol
I’m going to create my own token for customers at my shop soon. I’ll probably bother you guys when I’m ready for that with some most likely stupid questions.
A stupid question is a question never asked @blewitt. I don't think most devs here, especially these guys expect us all to know everything. I'm sure I'd have more stupid questions :) A Blewitt token sounds cool ;)
Congratulations @aggroed it's definitely a big leap and achievement for all the steemit community
Thinking about signing up, what is this dropdown for select a token? It wants my private active key, however the dropdown box is still not functional on safari after putting in a key, so I'm not sure?? What are the step by step instructions for signing up on the website? Why is there a dropdown box if it is not working?

Hmm, this would be suitable to try with one of my Steem projects, sadly it just isn't quite ready for this so perhaps later!
Keep up the great work though! You're building this out with a great speed and that's something to respect for.
Whatever, noone even answered my simple question about the sign up, I don’t think this is for real????
Well, I completely failed to understand why I need those "smart contracts" and this service. Maybe I am not the only one.
I don't believe you are the only one. It seems that crypto market participants don't care about any of this stuff at all.
In fact, it appears that they care less and less each day, despite these announcements of "great things!" that are happening.
You are not alone, my friend
Well, the distribution of tokens is one reason why. So now new apps can come in and rewards their user's activity. Also, once or if smt's launch they can just switch their scot tokens to their smt token.
I have a few questions about this Scotbot. Does it play bagpipes? Does it love finnan haddie? Is it pro- or anti-Brexit?
This sounds a lit bit misleading. I believe, you also store the key of steemsc account on your servers. (Unless you do manual stuff for every action)
So, a potential attack on your servers still let an attacker access users' active private keys.
😂 Karen lol
Haha 😂😜
Posted using Partiko Android
Dear #aggroed @aggroed
dear friend your content is very good, you bring us updated information on the handling and movement of cryptocurrencies, sometimes I do not understand this topic very much, but I try to read to see if I can achieve something. Congratulations
Dear friend, I feels the same as you. Blees.
I keep learning by watching those who know how to make these coin changes, while I keep writing my stories and stories, thanks @pagandance
This project is very intriguing, I need time to digest all the information and see how best to utilize what you have built. Thank you for your hard work!
I can see there is much truth in what you say, Sir!
If you ever want to get into the crowdfunding space via @crowdfunder, I am willing to give you or your partners a majority stake in the project.
I am only looking for passive income from it, nothing else.
My main project is @humanism but I want @crowdfunder to be Steem-based.
We're interested to understand more about SCOT and the proposed crypto exchange powered by Steem Engine. Please feel free to reach out to our team members so that we can bring this discussion ahead.
I got as far as ScotBot Initialization, then it wants a key and
says select your token but there are none to select from. Went to
an empty discord chat room. I would like to prove I have a brain,
and learn more about the 'proof of brain' concept. I also need
oil, a heart, and courage. I'd greatly appreciate someone to email
me at [email protected] and be my new friend and walk me
through it. On steem I am coolthingssite
Fix. That good and will to be my inspiration.
How i cant to making good articles.
hola soy de venezuela aun no comprendo algunas cosas en steemit alguien que me ayude??
how can i create a bot ?
excelente publicasion
Just a comment so I find it back easily. (SSG community asked me to study this with some others already commenting)
We're interested to understand more about SCOT and the proposed crypto exchange powered by Steem Engine. Please feel free to reach out to our team members so that we can bring this discussion ahead.
So if a token is created on steem engine you can now upvote with the token or am I missing something here?
Posted using Partiko iOS
We're interested to understand more about SCOT and the proposed crypto exchange powered by Steem Engine. Please feel free to reach out to our team members so that we can bring this discussion ahead.
Will you be able to integrate the Steem POCKET tokens on to this platform?
Really cool man it will be fun to see what new projects look into doing this.
We're interested to understand more about SCOT and the proposed crypto exchange powered by Steem Engine. Please feel free to reach out to our team members so that we can bring this discussion ahead.
It's like a white-label Steemit centralized on your servers?
Posted using Partiko Android
But if so.... what does that mean?
It means no censorship resistance, no ownership of data. Kind of building Facebook on top of Steem. Difference is you have to pay for it. Not good for Steem, but very good for the people behind it I guess.
Posted using Partiko Android
Its opensource code and they are working on a consensus system and mining eventually.
It's like a white-label Steemit centralized on your servers?
the perfect time to get tokens at this time, in this launch