wow so are Smart Media Tokens a sort of Community Isued asset like the Pocket Token by @biophill that lets you send and recieve the tokens over the bliockchain using the comments...
I heard about these new Community Issued Assets and i think these two thinsg are different i think the CIA's will be more like easy to create tokens anyone can make or whch a "community" can make and a community will be like a subreddit i have heard, and that soon we will ahve actualy sub steemits so we can have our own customized steemit communities for specific topics where dolphins or even whales can emerge for a scpefici subculture or hobby and help users who are into the same stuff with related projects oh it wil be so awesome it will replace so many subreddits! many many subreddit users like in the photography and videos subreddits and meme subreddits wil come here instead of reddit!
Anyway yeah Steem is going to be going up up up, itys already up right now 10%! so is eos!
EOS up 22%
and steem is up 11.42%
This is getting so exciting!
U stay with a crypto long enough you're bound to get to experience some EXCITING days when it starts to moon! It feels SO GOOD to have the price go up after staying sideways for a while...
So happy when Steem and EOS are up 10 and 20% we will eventually see bull runs on EOS thats for sure
EOS might end up making us more money faster than Steem? Or steem might be making us just as much! I forsee EOS at least as high as Ethereum is now, so EOS will go from around $1 to $300 so a 300 x increase, would be so nice, so you could put $34,000 in and end up with $1 million dollars with a 300 x price increase like how Ethereum went from $1 to $300 this just reemmevr how easy it is to become a millionaire in this crypto game! have your thousands of dollars ready! Now is the time to get some Ms in your bank account as 21 savage would say. (and we are our own bank accounts now)
Wooooooo I get SOOO HIGH off crypto and steemit and ooking at prices when they are going up! and when things are down and i have money to bu them its also a great feeling but hahaha lets face it, when prices of crypto are up, its one of th best feelings
winning with cryptocurrency feels like this: