Hey man how about mentioning teem likle ONCE in your shitty instagram page? Your pages on instagram are the worst types! Go learn from a real Instagram user like myself who only has 2000 followers but they're all organic REAL cryptocurrency related followers https://instagram.com/ackza770
see how my instagram is actually growing? Yours just seems to have a bunch of fake traffic and stolen memes that you didn't create lol one day instagram will block users who post content that isn't theirs, and youll be stuck having to create original content.
But I do respect your hustle and your money making but I just wish youd tell us more about the instagram drop shipping thing!
Your instagram has potential to be a MASSIVE portal to bring people to steem!
I use Instagram as a miniature blog and as another medium to show off my writing. I might make a post about Steemit one day, but if it becomes a “massive portal” it will only be by coincidence.