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RE: The Number One Fix to Improve Steem's Chances for Mainstream Adoption

in #steem6 years ago

I was made a part of Steemit about a year ago through my goddaughter (@tecnosgirl) but have mostly just been getting over here to take part in discussions when I find the time. I'm planning on becoming much more active a.s.a.p. Anyway, I see Steemit as a wonderful way to touch hearts and lives with what we write.

As for the cash...I'm still trying to figure that one out. I mostly have just let it stay in my account and take care of keeping me able to reSteem, but I began transferring some of it to where it goes to be paid out. Anyway, I had given my PayPal address when I first was asked about how to pay me, which was one of the options at the time.

But nothing ever went to my PayPal account -- which I found out is no longer a payout place. So, where has my payout gone?

Anyway, the important thing right now is that Steemit is kept going because a lot of ideas have been shared to make this world a better place, and they need to be preserved and read indefinitely!!!


When you are ready to transfer again get a hold of me and I will come over and make sure you are doing it right. It can be confusing.