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RE: My Thoughts on STEEM/SBD and What I'm Doing With My Payouts

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I've only joined Steemit less than a week and I should say, it's definitely more than a money making platform. It's community building. And while it's still in its form shaping stage, we're seeing a glimpse of newness that I personally believe will spark greater opportunities and ideas for many. There will be a lot exploring and ceiling breaking to come, and I trust with patience and understanding as well as taking time to mold healthy judgment it will bloom. Other than the love of sharing and writing, as a homemaker I would like to also contribute to the household financially, especially that there's going to be a new addition to the member of household joining us soon! (I'm now 36 weeks pregnant and it's anytime now 😘) so yes, once I can see a good amount that I can cash out I would love to do partial cash out, and retain the rest to take part in the betterment of Steemit. Thank you, @khaleelkazi for being one of the trailblazers. I believe with guidance there will be more who will rise up and run alongside you! Cheers!