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RE: The Number One Fix to Improve Steem's Chances for Mainstream Adoption

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Many have complained along the same lines for a much longer time, like the very very toxic Steemian @ats-david.

Really glad to see this retarded narrative continue. Is it so hard to actually give me credit for being on top of this mess for over a year now (and for being proven right time and again) without continually labeling me in an attempt to diminish my relevant contributions to the ongoing discussions?

And you guys wonder why I see many of you as irritating douchebags most of the time and treat you accordingly?

You could just as easily have written:

Many have complained along the same lines for a much longer time, like @ats-david.

Enjoy the rewards for saying the same shit I’ve been saying since last spring...but have been labeled and vilified the same people now raking in rewards for being extremely tardy parrots...and who are magically not “toxic.”

Funny how that works.


Sorry about that. I was just checking back in a post I wrote a month ago and noticed your comment that you were talking about your predicament that way, so I was just continuing that vein of humour. I guess it’s not funny. It certainly wasn’t an attempt to undermine you.

Anyway as for whatever you have brought up in the past on the same matter, I personally just wasn’t in the same wavelength and was never on that ball. And I don’t think I’ve even spoken against it or debated before since it wasn’t a topic that even bothered me until recent months.

Being called toxic should be considered a badge of honour here. Besides, it wouldn't be a good idea to poison a well and then drink from it, so I think his tongue may have been in cheek.