I just read a fascinating New York Times article: The Follower Factory. To fully understand the corrupting role bots can play in social media I urge you to read this lengthy article.
Certainly the more tech-savvy Stemmians are well aware of the phenomenon of vote buying via bot and many use these critters to enhance their posts, get more reads and collect more Steem. I've been a bit uncomfortable with this from the start, but I had no idea how pervasive it is in the most popular platforms like Twitter, Facebook, You-tube and all the networks driven by advertising revenue.
The NYT article reveals that follower bots cost anywhere from one to two cents apiece and are used to increase a poster's apparent popularity. The article examines one company (one of many) that offers this service, Devumi.
These bots misrepresent themselves as flesh and blood followers, many designed to cough up phony comments and likes on a timed basis. Furthermore, they often pirate the identities and accounts of real people, use their icon and background and then go on to follow the person who paid Devumi for bots: personalities the real person would never follow of their own accord.
This isn't small change, either.
Drawing on an estimated stock of at least 3.5 million automated accounts, each sold many times over, the company has provided customers with more than 200 million Twitter followers, a New York Times investigation found.
And that's just Twitter!
These fake accounts, known as bots, can help sway advertising audiences and reshape political debates. They can defraud businesses and ruin reputations. Yet their creation and sale fall into a legal gray zone.
Meanwhile, Twitter claims that this practice is not allowed.
According to the article there are three main types of bots:
- Scheduling bots that tweet in a timely manner
- Watcher bots that tweet when something changes in an account it follows
- Amplification bots that tweet about and retweet those they follow to spread their tweets far and wide.
Because of the commercial nature of the behemoths of social media, the vast majority of Devumi's customers are people with something to sell: companies, celebrities, politicians and entrepreneurs. Though sleazy and something I would consider to be misrepresentation if not outright fraud, it does not appear to be illegal.
Steemit claims to be different, but the monetary aspect of Steem cannot be ignored and the desire to use bots to enhance monetary gain is alive and well on Steemit, in fact, built right into its structure.
Steemit uses bots, a lot of bots. Our bots automatically upvote and curate for their controllers. Whales typically use bots and consortiums of Steemians also pool their resources and then use bots to increase their revenues. You can even buy upvotes from some of these curation consortiums, which is rationalized as good financial sensibility because it indeed works.
I know the creators of this blogging platform want it to be a success. They stand to make billions of it does.
Posts constantly appear claiming that Steemit is far different from the other platforms and indeed it is. We can say pretty much anything we want here without fear of being censored and trolling is kept to a minimum. We can earn cryptocurrency directly without resorting to selling a good or service. We have a captive audience of Steemians who are anxious to connect, curate, post and personally benefit from their activities on this platform. These features are what makes this platform valuable to me and is why I'm here instead of elsewhere.
Of course, the game is rigged in favor of the investors. They will gain most of the Steem that we artists, photographers and writers create with our efforts. Perhaps this is as it should be. Those early adapters and investors need a good return on their investments. But I would hate to see Steemit fall to the lure of short-term profits over long-term social media dominance.
I certainly am not sophisticated when it comes to this new age of information connectivity. I'm merely trying to tread water in this turbulent Steemian Sea. I need the more technically sophisticated of you to help me understand what we're doing here. I need some questions answered.
I've already decided that popularity trumps quality on Steemit, no matter what they claim. I also know that those who have the most influential friends make the most Steem. It's who you know not what you know. Just like life in the world outside of the blogosphere.
Mainstream social media members are already sick and tired of memes like "fake news." Now it is revealed that there are "fake followers" and that their favorite rock star isn't really all that popular after all, that much of what they read on social media is also fake. Dissatisfaction is brewing.
Can Steemit really offer them the safe harbor we all want, a place where real people encounter real people and exchange real ideas? If it can, we will continue to grow gain members. If not we'll collapse with all the other social platforms.
Is Steemit vulnerable to the type of tactics employed by Devumi?
Can we guard against such tactics?
Do we want to, or should we just take the low road and try to get as much as we can as fast as we can before the whole thing goes under? It appears there are some here that might get very wealthy following this path.
What do you think? What can we do about it? Do we really have any power here as individuals or do we need to play this game to win and conquer new territory with an army of bots?
Well, I'm fairly new to that site, but I already noticed that bots are really prominent here. Easiest solution would be to ban using them, but I don't know if this is even possible - since steemit don't have any central administration...some people here seem to proud themselves about not using them - maybe that trend will become more fashionable? Someone will invent a name for that (organic blogging? Human network?), make banners for blogs...everythings depends on behaviour of users, after all.
You might be on to something here. Banning bots would make Steemit more organic, but, being new here you have to realize that for most Steemians, Steemit is about amassing tokens, no matter what other rhetoric you may read here. It's a game. The one with the most points wins. The devs are not about to ban bots.
I personally don't have a problem with bots, but I think a bot that misrepresents itself as a human is committing fraud. Steemit does use a lot of bots, but many of them are known and declare their bot-ness. That's good because I won't waste a lot of time answering some algorithm-generated, generic comment. When AI gets to the point of reasoning, then I'll be happy to monkey wrench its CPU via the written word.
Perhaps Steemit should consider some form of bot tag, some symbol next to the avatar that differentiates a machine from an organism, or perhaps a bot registry that we posters could access like the drop-down vote window that lets us see who upvoted our posts and comments. That would create a bit more transparency on this blogging platform and may be a way to entice other bloggers to abandon their fraudulent, commercial blogging platforms and join the Steem Teem.
Playing the game is a choice.
I believe it’s more about putting a human touch into your work than worrying about what others are doing.
There are enough “real” appreciators out there that we are a community of non-bot users who make it a point to be “real”.
I myself don’t upvote posts that use bid bots and if my comments are
Gonna get lost under the bid bots too - then I don’t bother to leave a comment.
I appreciate this and I always do my best when posting, hoping to get lots of those little eyeballs next to the comment count. I just want everyone to realize what a problem bots are becoming. It makes the platform inauthentic and life is confusing enough already without trying to figure out if you're reaching a real audience or simply being stalked by bots.
Lol. I used a bit today. I think I liked it 😂😂
Not a fan of the bots, and that is not a popular position making the topic all but "taboo" it seems. Thanks for trying to start a much needed discussion. IMO, vote = curation and bots do not read, they should not be able to vote. That won't solve all the issues, but it would be a good start. Tiny vote cuz VP is low, but tip!
I agree with you and don’t use bots BUT I did sign up for @steembasicincome and wonder, is it different?
I am not sure where the line is. I joined the alliance, which is sort of a voting block but at least it is real people. But they put you on autovote... I understand, big accounts would be hard to personally manage. But they are launching a vote bot soon, and I anted up. I try to live by my own standards, but there is a certain "Mad Max" element to this place, and so a little bit of "git whatcha can" is needed. I think. I dunno. Swimming in circles... LOL!
Steemit seems to be all about cashing in and it's getting more and more like that every day. It's shortsighted but it is how people today think.
I don't think that bots are a bad thing. What I think is bad is pretending they're real people with real opinions because that makes blogging rather pointless and on a blogging platform that generates its value via artistic input, that's like poisoning the golden goose. Probably why the quality isn't there and so many Steemians stop posting after awhile.
Hi @citizenzero! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.05 SBD @tipU
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Tipuvote! - upvote any post with with 2.5 x profit :)
Good points.
I don't think "we" can do a thing about it other than following what my own ethics is telling me.
While others may be affected by the illusional rush to get the most out of it, before it all goes down the drain, I would like to continue the way I am on.
There is no need for me to rush but I have a sense of being an ambassador and I have a message. This can be found in almost every article I publish here on the blockchain. The message is neither "ignorance" nor "fight" abusers or bots. Whenever I myself encounter personally a user who seems to abuse I can make a choice how I will react. It always is on a personal level, I would say. So if spammers come along, I greet them as they were real persons, that is what I decided to do. It may seem ridiculous and I may not do it every time but just leave them.
From my point of view, there is no safety and no guarantee that it will turn out to be good. But in the meantime, I can act if it were.
Those, who become wealthy through shady tactics and unethical behavior will always be part of the game. In the end, I don't think that is very much satisfying in the long run.
I prefer to concentrate on cooperation and support within the communities I so far discovered here. They may seem to praise themselves sometimes through exaggeration but that is what we've learned all our lives. No need to feel grim about it.
Every one of us is a role model. No matter how small I am and no matter how many people are seeing me. I have an impact every time a person encounters me. I can decide whether it should leave an encouraging impact or a discouraging one. In the grand scheme of life that is what counts for me. I decide not to feel desperate or doubtful about the mistakes of others. I must though renew this every day, even every hour.
Let's say you are a dissatisfied whale and the only thing you are aware of are all the minnows resp. a huge crowd which is shouting or doubting or cursing. What would be your perspective on the "masses"? Wouldn't you need people who stay sane and calm in order to become role models for you? Whoever is building the bots still is a human which might be affected more by a wise crowd than by a raging or hating one.
I understand what you are saying. You walk the middle path, follow "right employment" and attempt to be non-judgemental. I truly admire that. I have a hard time being that passive, though I try to be. Let me paint you a picture. It is only a slight elaboration of the truth.
Let's suppose you discover a tropical beach. The waves washing the shore are warm and perfect for surfing. The ocean is full of fish and the nearby estuary full of clams. Behind the beach is a grove of coconut palms filled with ripening coconuts; a shady place to hang your hammock. Off shore is an amazing coral reef full of multi-colored fish, eels, sponges and other invertebrates. It's like swimming in an aquarium. Shelter is as simple as tying a few palm leaves together. This is paradise. Everything is here that you could possibly need to live a happy and fulfilling life. Then someone else also discovers this hidden cove.
They think everybody should be able to come in here and enjoy it, so they plow in a road. Because access is now easy and soon lots of people arrive. They come, stay for a few hours and leave their trash behind. Another fellow starts to collect the coconuts and sell them to the tourists. Another fellow takes over the coconut grove and starts charging people to camp there. More people arrive. A rich entrepreneur comes in, buys up as much as he can and starts building small units to rent to the tourists. They are at first simple, but the demand is high and pretty soon they become more elaborate with electricity, plumbing, concrete walkways and all the trappings of civilization. Raw sewage flows out into the bay. They build a sewage treatment plant. A corporation sees potential here. They buy up all the small dwellings, raze them and put in a 2000 room resort hotel. People fly in, stay in the hotel, soak in the jacuzzi, lay by the pool and never leave the hotel grounds for the 3 day escape from their mundane lives that they pay a small fortune to enjoy.
The coconut grove is gone, buried under a parking lot. The estuary is dead, the clams are gone. Even their shells have been taken and made into souvenirs sold to the tourists. The coral reef is gone, killed by the runoff from the development and ground into sand by the waves. Without the reef the waves can no longer be surfed. The fish have moved elsewhere. No longer can you simply unroll your sleeping bag on the beach for the night. Cops will roust you and force you to leave, sometimes at gun point. Paradise is lost yet our culture calls this development.
I spent a month on this beach 47 years ago. I cannot go back. It is dead to me as the reef is to the world.
This is how life has transpired for me in almost every aspect. The same mistakes are being made that were made 47 years ago. It's happening everywhere at once, not attenuating but accelerating. Wisdom is dissipating. People are less connected to reality than ever before. Nowhere is as nice today as it was yesterday and it will be even worse tomorrow. How do I reconcile this when it is needless? If this was an inevitability like personal death I could accept it. It isn't. It needn't happen. It is damaging and pointless. I do what I can but it is not enough and will never be enough and that is not okay with me, no matter how much I try to let it go.
I realize this is the Kali Yuga and that evil is in ascendance and in the bigger picture none of it matters at all. But this life I'm living is a small, focused picture. I can go inward and escape or try to make a difference and continue to suffer. For some of us that outward path is the imperative, the path we must follow. Life is but a gauntlet you can never finish.
Thanks again for your insight.
Oh, I don't want to talk you into my outlook on life. I find it useful also for others, who visit your blog, read different perspectives and might take something out of mine. The two of us are good, aren't we :-)
Maybe you find a certain pleasure in pain? I mean that seriously.
But anyway, your path shall remain yours. In case you want sometimes an annoying voice, I am your "woman" :-)
The paradise example: I can't say anything about it and you are right, that many beautiful areas are destroyed. It is more than sad that that happens.
Thanks. I'm grateful for your input. People do need perspective and I'm glad you are willing to give them yours.
Pain does not please me but I don't avoid it either. Long ago I decided that I must still have a lot of karma to work out, probably more than I can do in one lifetime. I've often wondered why I was put on a planet that is so diametrically opposed to what I feel is appropriate and from that I decided that my purpose must be to mitigate it to the best of my abilities. Sadly, it's like trying to eat consomme with a fork. Frustrating.
I guess people's ideas of paradise differ widely. It's too bad for us nature lovers that most people favor the lifeless detritus of the city to the fecundity of the wilderness because their efforts destroy what to me is precious. Far from being humane, humanism will ultimately destroy humanity.
Keep in touch! :)
I wonder if you're really aware of your importance?
The pain (suffering) that you bring into the world has a strong effect on your fellow human beings (the same applies to your confidence and wisdom). They are infected by your grief, they become discouraged or angry or sad if you remain consistent in it. Your sorrow at the destruction of nature causes others to absorb this sorrow. It is difficult to resist this because many people infect each other with their suffering. Since I cannot judge where in your life a balance takes place and who and where you are the one who encourages and supports, my question is where this happens at the moment (outside the Internet).
I would like to contradict you with regard to the concept of people's lives and that they prefer the rubbish. I myself serve as an example. The living conditions and habits from childhood on are very strong. People need an income and that's what they get from their work in the city.
Living in the countryside or further out, without being connected to a job or a community, is for people who see isolation as something good and get along with very little. Not many people have that courage. I can't blame them.
Staying in the city and doing everything possible there is also a way of encountering life. I concentrate on the exemplary activities of those who serve as my role models and I am a role model myself. The families, women and young adults I have helped so far are many. Some people accept it, others only a little and others don't accept it at all. It's beyond my control.
Do you deal with good examples and projects in the world that give you peace? Do you find these things deliberately?
Here is a project you might like:
and another one:
My answer to you is also partly written because your pain touches me and I recognize myself in it. If I were quite relaxed and would not be impressed by this, my answer would be much shorter. I know, this is a bit weird:) - but I also know that you understand.
I cannot accept responsibility for the pain of others. I'm like the dentist. I can sympathize with your pain, but I'm going to drill the rot out of your tooth anyway.
The first noble truth is that life is suffering. The other three are about dealing with that fact. We're not here to cater to the whims of the ego, to up our self-esteem at the expense for examining what's really going on. Dealing with pain is an individual's responsibility as is dealing with happiness. They are the poles of equanimity and you already seem to understand and have a handle on regaining equilibrium.
I'm a writer, not a dentist. People don't want to hear that their house, our house is on fire. I causes them grief. I tell them they need to sweep the cobwebs from their eyes, wake up and do something about it, become pro-active. They say the fire department will come and put out the fire. I tell them that the fire department is a meme, a blatant lie, that there is no fire department that is going to take care of it. I tell them to at least get rid of all the trash they've accumulated, that it will make the fire burn faster and they tell me they'll sweep the kitchen floor and put away the dishes. It wouldn't bother me so much except it's my house too and I can't put out the fire by myself. I really can't throw up my hands in frustration and decide to go back to bed.
I've written before about being raised in captivity. It's hard to relearn how to live within the boundaries of the natural world, but it is possible.
All resources flow to the cities, to the people who cannot sustain themselves without infrastructure, to the detriment of the countryside. I've watched the forests disappear, and the chaparral covered hillsides needlessly sink under the weight of concrete, glass and tarpaper.
When the trucks stop rolling, its 3 days until the food is gone. If the electricity goes out in the winter and you have no wood stove people will soon be in the streets burning their furniture and fighting off the cold and the hungry, those folk who only care about their own survival. Civilization is a thin veneer and not my idea of security.
This is the sort of article that gives me hope. I especially like the idea that everyone needs at least $1.90/day to live a good life. Would that provide a "good life" for you?
Of course, it also states that everyone needs electricity, which is nonsense. My German grandmother thought that electricity was an extravagance, that electric lights would eventually drive people insane and when indoor plumbing came into vogue, she refused to have a toilet installed because she didn't want people doing that inside her house. My mother thought that luxury was having hot water on tap. I tend to agree.
The article at least emphasizes that the Western lifestyle is unsustainable, that we all will have to do with much, much less if the environment is to remain viable.
Thank you for the video links. I'm deaf and so cannot hear them. I'm sure these people are doing their best to make the world a better place. I'm sure most people believe they are doing the same. Keep up your good work.
People hear their house is on fire every day. Through reports like the one you linked me here. You and me and no one in the world will ever save it by reporting like that. Such articles come from people who don't consider that these reports spread their own fear and pain, making the recipients depressed and hopeless. You're not in the world to exacerbate the suffering. You're here to see that you're overcome with suffering. You can do this when you realize that your hopelessness and anger about the stupidity of others just falls back on you and that the ego you are talking about is merely accustomed to indulging in pain.
If you think that your lifestyle is the one that everyone else should cultivate, then you are living in the illusion that people can do the same. They can't - for many good reasons I cannot list - otherwise this is going to be a book. Such changes in the concept of life are not radical changes. Radical is what deters.
Don't you have empathy for those who haven't realized how things really are? And don't you have appreciation for those who strive every day to do their part to be of service and help where they can? It is not only direct environmental efforts that bring about a change for the better. It is the psycho-social efforts by means of an ethical basis that do this.
Where do you experience in your personal encounters the fulfillment that can give you the satisfaction that you nurture someone to encourage them despite their blindness in this or that area, so that you have the certainty of having helped yourself and this person afterward?
If I imagine that I work with my young adults and I would pass on the burden of my resignation to them, what would I have achieved? That at one point in their lives they would have absorbed so much suffering from their surroundings that the Flood could also come after them. This has already happened, with you, with me, with everyone. If I let myself be impressed by the fact that my last hour was almost over and nature is about to collapse, what motive should I have for wanting to change anything?
I told you, if you insist on looking at your suffering and that of others, I will not keep you from it. It's your choice. I am a very practical woman and for my part, I have decided not to want to feed on it.
The paid for follower bots thing is not a new phenomena. It was already going on on cryptocurrency twitter and facebook pages 3-4 years ago when I first started to get involved.
I'm new to this, obviously. I didn't even know bots existed until I joined Steemit in September. Lol. I'm essentially a recluse, not a socialite. The dream of being able to make a living with my writing, is what has brought me here. I'm truly a fish out of water. Thanks for the reality check, @canadianrenegade.
Hey @citizenzero. Found ya, followed ya, upvoted! Help us build and support the Southern California community!
I'm with you. Southern California is a huge territory. If we could organize a community here, it would be great.