Cryptos are Stampeding...

in #steem7 years ago (edited)


What spooked em this time?
I checked the price of Steem

It's down.
I checked CoinBase

it's a blood bath
(lotsa red)
so what the hell is going on


Top 100 Coins...
all RED
except for FOUR.
I've never seen so much Red.


FUD from S.Korea and Warren Buttfuck! me thinks. (It is almost certain Warren Buffet is hedging his position by buying Bitcoin)

Clif High predicts a Bitcoin breakout late February.

think of it as a clearance sale.
do your christmas shopping early.

Bitcoin is way overpriced.

Not when you consider it may be 100k this time next year.

I would agree the current fees are kinda wonky

I'd bet on near 0 before I'd bet 100,000 although I would not bet much so I will give you that. lol

If ya think the world's most powerful globally distributed decentralized computing network can be worth near zero...clearly you have failed to grasp what Bitcoin represents.
I suppose if they turned off the electricity worldwide it would be zero.
But then you we would be having other more pressing issues to cope with than Bitcoin.

It's worth a lot and should be put to good use.

MLK day, lots of people are off work today. Don't sweat the day to day, Warren Buffet say:
Buy and HODL

Warren Buffet might be selling FUD, but you can easily bet he is secretly buying Bitcoin..

Very nic post

It will increase soon..... don't worry

Nice photo

Corporate steemit account >>>Start power down of 71,453,545.309 STEEM

It’s because a lot of exchanges are down or locked their registrations, soon they will reopen and then boom, perfect time to buy now

Looks like huge whales are dumping across the crypto ocean. Concerning.

Oh my god. This was so scary. 😨

Not really, if you've been paying attention the past 6-7 months you know these swings happen.
Welcome to pre-adopter crypto.

Government and banksters would like to kill it, but they can't .
And seeing how the entire fiat currency system is totally fucked, there is nowhere else to go but crypto!

Just the right time to buy