My Vision - Steem & Steemit

in #steem7 years ago


Getting to know what a Witness envisions when she/he talks about Steem and Steemit is one of those things that to me is much more important than some app or website that shall be obsolete in less than six months.

Why so?

Well, when we know the vision that a person sees then we know the path of the future, we can understand where that person is heading. However if all we know is what is being done on a micro level at the time of reading the post, then we don’t have a clue about anything to do with the future. This could be why every serious business and members of a policy making body (governance) make sure to state their vision prior to going ahead and putting together timelines after which come all the other processes such as, but not limited to, procuring and ensuring all the necessary services.

Now that I have made this very clear, I shall go ahead and portray my vision as a Steemian and Witness:

world map crypto 1.jpg

“I have a dream”

are the words that come to mind, because what was impossible only a few years ago has now come to be!

Our dreams can come true.

What dreams?
Well, to some their dreams may be to make a quick and easy million dollars, to some it may be to make multi millions of dollars, to some it may be to make billions of dollars and so on.

To many people it is to feed their family, to ensure that their and their neighbours children can go to school in appropriate clothing, to have heating during the winter, to have electricity and clean water etc etc etc.

I think you get my drift, no need to list all the different classes out in this world that are victims of the monetary and financial systems/policies in place.

Here it is, MY VISION:

I see a nation being formed. Our country is The Steem Blockchain.
As Steemit grows, it is like a new suburb being built up in our country, as new 3rd party apps get added to our blockchain it is like new cities being built in our country.

Why do I say “nation” and not “business”.

Well, when I look at the future of our blockchain and the possibilities it becomes clear that no business can encompass so many cultures and individuals. No business can ensure the possibility for every person in the company to have the freedom to achieve what they set out to achieve. Because a “business” has a hierarchy that is “owned” by someone and “run” by those owners, this isn’t freedom, a business is in fact an authoritarian form of society in which finances decide who is the dictator and who is a worker.

In a free and democratic country, where the nation is made up of free individuals, all these things are possible. So long as the elected representatives see this as the future of their nation. If they only see the gain that is there for them now, then we can forget about this dream becoming our reality and it shall be a long hard path towards fixing the wrongs of those who didn’t have a vision of a better world.
Note: Being a realist means that one has to face reality in the eye and not wrap it up in gift wrapping when it isn’t as nice as we want it to be!

Steemit has no borders, Steemit has no boundaries, the Steem Blockchain is becoming a foundation to various applications that offer what many existing and future users prefer. It is becoming practical and multi-functional by offering to individuals choices that suit them. No limiting people to doing what may suit some groups. But rather offering everything and anything which is much more than any other social networks out on the market.
Hence, we are well on our way to becoming everything that others are only talking about and “promising”.

Resistance to the future and the changes that the future holds shall cause some obstacles, greed shall as in any nation be an issue that needs to be overcome and managed, there is nothing unusual with this. After all, Steemians are human beings! Politicians seem to think that they can get away with anything. Once they get into a position of power it is then and only then that we have the ability to see how their decisions/policies are affecting the overall stability and quality of life of the nation.


How can I better depict my vision, without going into the micro management of it all?
I’m not sure, but I’ll give it a shot.

When I look at the future, I see entire continents such as South America being on Steemit. A continent in which for the majority of people a few dollars can make a world of difference to a family.

I can see millions of people blogging, vlogging, photoblogging and whatever other new options get added to our blockchain. I can see peoples lives changing in ways that no words can describe.

I can see the look in a parents eyes when they can give their child what they couldn’t give them prior to becoming a part of this great Steemian nation.

Imagine the amount of adrenaline and will power that shall drive these people when they join our great nation!

This is a power, let’s say an energy that cannot be measured using any instruments known to mankind, as the driving force shall be love.

All the emotions of knowing that their efforts today are producing a better world for them and their loved ones.

Making home as they know it a real home, something that most had never experienced because of corrupt and greedy representatives/policy makers who have ruined the overall quality of life in their part of the world.

Imagine the potential that we have here, right at our fingertips as we read this post!

Some may think that I have gone too far, however, I beg to differ! (I disagree)

steemit world button.png

We already have everything in place. No “promises” of what could be, but in fact we have it all here and now!

Our Blockchain is up and running, with practically countless options. We already have our first city of our great Steemian nation built, it is called Steemit.

We have new cities being built, such as Dtube, Dlive, Steepshot and various other apps that are ensuring all individuals the ability to become a part of our diverse Steemian nation.

We have a democracy that is in place with the Witness voting system, sure it is going through some teething issues. Remember, we are all only humans and some processes take time to be put into place.

Sure some other lands/blockchains out there may be “promising” the world right now, but they too seem to forget that human nature is unique in that when it comes to power/money that often enough, the worst comes out in some people. So they are not immune to the ‘blunders’ and evils that mankind does! In fact all of them shall be just as dependent upon it as everything that mankind does!

But let me get back to South America as the example I mentioned.

Imagine when we have millions of Spanish speaking people on our blockchain!
Imagine the diversity!

Imagine the unique sense of liberty and freedom that these people shall have when they communicate in their native language and are equals to all of those among us.

I can seriously see the Spanish speaking people of this world being the generators of the above described dream. I can see them as setting the path towards the future that I described.

So that many other peoples of this world can follow by their example.

Who knows, maybe some other peoples of this world beat them to it, no matter where it happens first, it shall set the path towards the future described in my vision.

We never know, maybe one day we have something set up along the lines of:
Etc etc etc.

Anything is possible when we think out of the box!

So to sum some of these things up and put them into a nice point by point order:

We have everything any multicultural nation on this planet has.
We have our blockchain, as our country.
We have Steemit, as the place where any Steemian can earn a living!
We have Steem, as our main Crypto.
We have SBD, as I like to refer to it, “as our Fort Knox”
We have a policy making process, that should be based on democratic morals, values and practices.
We have the ability to offer foreign investments, via 3rd party apps.

I see that we have it all to be independent and not have to rely upon those who for whatever reasons can’t see the potential and future offered to us here!

I hope that this post in which I have tried to describe my vision of OUR future can assist in you seeing things through my eyes and understanding me better as a fellow Steemian and Witness.

Hopefully you too can look into the future and see what we have in the makings here, even if our blockchain may be entering into its “naughty twos” as far as age goes, but it has in place everything that others are only “promising”.

Thanks for reading,


Since I read a post where you explained your project as a witness, I realized that it represented what small stemians like me (even more from Venezuela), we want from the leaders in steemit.

And now that I read this publication, I see that I was not wrong to support him as a witness, and to advertise him in each of my publications.

We hope that our vision will come true inside and outside of steemit.

We continue dreaming, we continue persevering, we continue working.

A brotherly hug God bless you. Greetings to your family.

Tremendous vision transmits hope, personally since I joined steemit I believe in this platform and it would be a great thing for something like this to come true in the future, brother @jackmiller. Greetings and blessings!

i am read this posts nices witness-vote and i am witness vote form you.

This is a power, let’s say an energy that cannot be measured using any instruments known to mankind, as the driving force shall be love.

Agree with this. Some people define "freedom" to an extreme such as "freedom to do anything even when hurting others". If majority steemians could have selfless love towards one another, Steemit Nation, as described above by you, could become a reality.

I can see the look in a parents eyes when they can give their child what they couldn’t give them prior to becoming a part of this great Steemian nation.

Also, your statement above made me really happy I've voted you as a witness. ♥

(you hear an engine rev and horn honk)
(the window on the humvee rolls down to reveal a warm smiling face)
"Hello! I'm @shadow3scalpel and with the help of my protege, @chairborne, we are actively assisting veterans, retirees and active servicemen and women here on Steemit. We feel it is our 'duty' to support each other. Any questions or comments you may have, simply respond to this comment, thank you!"
(the window rolls up and the engine roars as it drives to the next person on the list)
Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot.

Hi fellow vet @jackmiller

  • I just ran across you from @guiltyparties' Veterans on Steem daily highlights. Thanks GP!
    • Thanks for sharing your vision.
      That's pretty much what I saw shortly after becoming involved with Steemit. (I'm @ 57 days...)
      • The US became the greatest nation in the world while their government did little to no intervening in the everyday affairs of the people. Everyone had the opportunity to chase the American dream of their own definition of "wealth." Anyone with a bright idea and the fortitude to pursue bringing that idea to market could become wealthy. Unfortunately, the power brokers bought off the politicians and now the divide between the haves and the have nots is growing. The opportunity of creating wealth is also hindered through all the regulation and government hoops you have to jump through to bring an idea to market.
  • I'm kind of seeing the same thing happening here on Steemit. It seems those who created great wealth by being involved the right way at the right time are growing the gap between them and the minnows of the world. They can setup bots which create them money out of thin air, simply by delegating some of their wealth to it. I don't know that a new minnow can ever catch them.
    • A new person can create some income from scratch. And as you mention this income an be life changing for some areas of the world. However, this income might be nothing more than being able to occasionally purchase a nice meal at a nice restaurant here in the states. (definitely not life changing)
      • So, I guess my question is this...
        What improvements do you seek to the Steemit platform?

What improvements do the new users seek to the platform?

If new users are not going to stay and invite more new users, then there is no platform!

Well, your vision are inspiring, you got my voice. However, what do you think about abuse of whale powers? It is the main problem here on steemit.

Well, sooner than later, there shall have to be a decision made as to what is the core of Steem.


Can't keep using one and the other as a foundation when it suits the people with the power.

One or the other, I sometimes feel as if POB is in a losing position, but time will tell.

Why is it a losing position? As I see it, the point of Steemit is (or rather was) its content. Instead we have a circlejerk, which is the direct result of POS. If this goes on, there will be no future for the platform.

Exactly my point, it needs to be decided.

Is POB going to be the core of this blockchain or is it POS?

Who is considered to be a Steemian and who is just using the wallet service?

Basically, there has to come a time when this shall have to be decided or there shall be all sorts of things that shall be causing headaches here.