Steem-Powered Song ~ Studio Session ~ Part 1

in #steem7 years ago

See This Smile On My Face?


This is how happy I was yesterday to finally start recording my song "A Perfect World", a Steem-Powered project that began almost 4 weeks ago. @Hendrix22 (Brendan) and I set out yesterday morning to Steve McCall's studio to lay down what I thought would just be my guitar and vocals. During the last weeks of rehearsal Brendan couldn't really come up with anything solid to play for leads so I was planning on going it alone. But if your a musician you know that sometimes ideas just come out of nowhere, and Brendan jumped in with his.


I met Steve through homesteading and activism type stuff a couple years ago, and we've worked with him twice before. He's a great engineer who produces very high quality sounds at a fair price, and it was super comfortable being there as always. He's totally chill and sets a good mood with lots of coffee and 'smoke' breaks :) Hehheeeee...


Steve McCall

His Beautiful Garden To Relax In During Breaks



How could I not be in Heaven?


And as we were getting through the song, we just kept getting more ideas, and decided that Drums and Bass were essential additions to the song. It kind of threw a kink into things though because now we needed to write drums, and Steve had them on his other hard drive. Turns out that this may be a synchronicity because @DavidFar AKA: Davood Faramarzi (a really talented musician and producer from Iran) and I have been wanting to work together, so this may be it! Davood is working on some drums right now as we speak! Talk about keepin' it in the Steem community, Worldwide! United in Sound.





Messing around on a beat box drum to try and figure what kind of beats we would want.



It was an awesome day all in all. I cannot wait to show you the song, but as a good friend said to me yesterday "patience is a virtue"...

A HUGE shout-out to everyone in this beautiful Steem community for making this session possible! Thank you, as always, for witnessing our journey.


I COULD NOT possibly be more EXCITED about your song...So happy for you and such a beautiful post...I adore these photos! You're the best, Lyndsay. :-)

Thank you for always being so supportive and happy for me @apollosun! I love you!! oxoxoxoxoxoxox :) xooxoxoxoxoxox :)


Great Lyndsay!,. looking forward to listen to the finished song!, congrats! :D

That's so sweet, thank you very much for the good vibes @dreamrafa :)

That's a great job you guys did ! \m/ <3

And a GREAT Job you are doing so far, we LOVE all that you have added to the song!!! So many thanks and so much Gratitude for you Davood!

Wow !!! This is so good to hear. You are into the recording. All the best and can't wait to hear the production finally.

Peace and love !!!

Thank you for the great support @atulmittal :) I can't wait for you to hear it! xoxo

I came right away this morning to see how it went and you are smiling on the photo so I assume it went well! Brendan look like an angel laying down some celestial music...

I hope it is music to your ears VacheMort!! Yes, it went amazingly well....

I knew you would rock it... never had a doubt. I am ready to be impress!!!

You set the bar high my friend, we will try our best!

Sweet! A productive day by the looks of it :) can't wait to hear the end result.

Rock on @lyndsaybowes!

Aw, thanks so much for being happy for us Mark :) xo

That is truly spectacular. It is always wonderful to see someone going out and doing things that they love. I presume this was one of the things on your bucket list.

It does appear synchronicity was in operation (lol there is a surprise isnt it). I am glad that even though it was expanded, the day went well.

Some wonderful photos.

Thanks for always having our 6 TaskMaster! :) :)

I'm glad the studio went well! It is so crazy seeing how much knowledge these studio guys can have, and the collaborations that go into it! I am excited to hear the entire outcome!

Thank you Dillon, it's getting SO AMAZING!!!!! I heard a rough version yesterday with the bass and drums in it, and WOW!! Totally awesome I'm so stoked to show you!!!

That's awesome!!! I will be fully read when the full version gets posted:) I'm happy it went well, and you both even got to put thoughts and ideas into it!!

Aww, Lyndsay I'm so happy for you and your hubby. You do indeed look very happy which is a great thing to see. I really hope the song brings you success, you deserve it babe. ❤️😉

Thank you my Tremendos Friend! It's already a success if you ask me because music is the most important thing in my life, it's always been there for ever steady friend, so work being done in that area, just makes my LIFE so worth LIVING <3 xooxoxoxoxoxxoxo!!!

Babe, that is so cool,. I'm very happy for you, you have a great life. 😉

The real question here is: did you take something from that great garden? :D
Can't wait to hear the song!

You know what? Steve offered us to take some lettuces and then we were in such a rush to leave we forgot :( :( I'll have to go back for it!

I can't wait for you to hear the song too!

great topic in steem.
excellent another photos.
thanks for sharing .

Thanks again for liking my photos Robert :)

thanks to (lyndsaybowes).
please ,you visit my profile.

Ya you really do look very happy! Great smile @lyndsaybowes !

Thank you very much Braxton!

I can't believe I missed this post. Good luck, looking forward to hearing your finished song.

Thank you @brimax! :) Things are progressing well, shouldn't be too much longer now until the video comes out!! :) :) :) High Fives!!!!

Waiting with patience!

Looks good. I remember recording in an 8 track studio back in early 1980's. It was fun. I imagine you had a lot of fun.

Ooh yes, we had so much fun. Nothing better in the world if you ask me!

your smile is just awesome....
Fabulous one!!!

Looks like a fun recording sesh! Looking forward to hearing the product

I hope you will like it Jeff :)

does your dream become a famous singer ... ?? if that's my goal I pray for your goals can be achieved .. !!

Thank you so much for your prayers, I would be happy to play music for a living, yes :) <3 xo

yes just like my friend. have seen my new post ... ??

Sounds like a great project. Hope to "hear" more.

You will definitely hear more hahaha :) Thanks JamJam :)

This is fantastic! I can't wait to hear the final song!

Thank you so much for caring Ceci :) xo

so cool!!! im waiting for your song to be posted here... it will happen sooon-ish, right? ^_^

Yes, it will be soon, we are just working on getting a video made for it now, then we are done!

wow, it will be with video as well... nice!!! \o/

I wanna hear the song dammit. Quit teasing 😁

So excited for you! Can't wait to hear it!

Oooh man, I really can't wait for you to hear it either!

Amazing post madam .....Thanks for share

great post

Nice steem song

Good post