i didnt even think about it but youre right, not a single period in the entire post, it's like I use commas instead! someone just said it's james joyce style, but wouldn't he go on for multiple pages in the same sentence? i think stream of consiouenss in rapid fire is only acurate way to express your mind, becvause the thoughst cant be expresed with english but iuf u speak enough and get it all out fast and keep expressing how you feel opver and over woith differemnt descriptions of your feelinsg and idea then you wil eventau;;y uncover the idea like you have ...like evebtually we will get enough data to piece togethr your thoughts ......anyway, when you constrtict yourself to multiple sentencs and use periods, maybe your cutting off the thoughts u may be better off leaving in a string!
most perfect gif ever.
You mean GIF't, don't you?
i didnt even think about it but youre right, not a single period in the entire post, it's like I use commas instead! someone just said it's james joyce style, but wouldn't he go on for multiple pages in the same sentence? i think stream of consiouenss in rapid fire is only acurate way to express your mind, becvause the thoughst cant be expresed with english but iuf u speak enough and get it all out fast and keep expressing how you feel opver and over woith differemnt descriptions of your feelinsg and idea then you wil eventau;;y uncover the idea like you have ...like evebtually we will get enough data to piece togethr your thoughts ......anyway, when you constrtict yourself to multiple sentencs and use periods, maybe your cutting off the thoughts u may be better off leaving in a string!
you have been followed