That's me and my dad. We were extremely poor, living off of charity. Welfare coupled with mental illness and alcoholism was the household theme of my pre-adult life. Not a fantastic combination. Living in inner city Detroit, coming from rural Appalachian coal fields' dying, secluded, depressed economy, trying to figure life out. It didn't work out well, and I'd like to change that sort of timeline for as many people as I can. This is another reason that I believe that we're doing work for the greater good of humanity by participating and growing projects such as this. This is the future. This is a revolution. This is going to help people.
This is just a one off post to announce that I just powered up my 81k liquid Steem.
Love y'all!
I'm sure soon you will be very happy you did, so many things coming up for steem this year. There is no way we end 2017 under $1.
$1 will be laughable in the future, IMHO.
There is so much conviction in this comment. I beleive you.
Nice, made some $imoleons.
Furr-real :D
is SP still 10% APR?
Nope. I think that you may be thinking about the savings, which was recently reduced to 0% actually. That's likely to change in the future, but who knows. The witnesses have to discuss and agree upon it.
Steem Power used to be 10% APR, that's not connected to steem dollar interest
If you look at your wallet, you'll see a SBD section and a savings section. You can throw Steem or SBD into your savings and accrue interest, but unfortunately at the moment that rate is 0% :-(.
yes, but Steem Power used to be 10%. SP, not talking about SBD
From what I'm seeing, it doesn't have any APR currently.
I don't believe it ever had interest, only the savings did?
Na.. until a few months ago, SP had a very high "interest" rate.. basically your SP was earning more SP every second. Made the inflation rate way too high with no downside, hence the precipitous drop-off in token value.
checked github, SP is 10% APR but decreasing over time
Congratulations mate. So good to see people doing well and you obviously deserve it.
Thanks, dude! Much appreciated. Enjoy the $1.24 haha, spread it around!
well done mate for your power up! I am sorry about your pre-adult life... we can choose our future life but not our family or where to born. If you could afford to pay 81k steemit I suppose your life changed in a good way as I cannot either think to reach all that money working from now till 10 years
Thanks, man! And no worries, we're all dealt a hand and I dealt with mine, it's the same for anyone else.
I've just been a die-hard computer nerd my entire life, starting with old IBM one-piecers and Tandy's my dad got out of dumpsters. They always fascinated the absolute shit out of me and I couldn't ever get enough. Then the internet comes into play a bit after I figured out how to dial into BBS' and then it was straight up game over, I was hooked. All of that led to "I WANT TO HACK THE WORLD THIS IS AWESOME," to reading endlessly, to participating in communities in IRC and forums, to starting several. That led to distributed computing in the late 90s to early 00's and onward, then that let to decentralization, and then that led to discovering the idea of Bitcoin, then that came into existence and I stuck with that as it was fascinating, never left that space and here I am with a decent crypto stake, but living as if it doesn't exist. The future is insane. I love it.
of course mate feel free to follow me and occasionally up vote my posts if you want! Will help me growing up too without knowing anything about IT stuff LOL
Certainly :-). That's the beauty of this platform, it obfuscates a lot of the need to be very technical and allows laymen to interact with the blockchain!
heheheh true :D
very nice explanation! I love internet but I am not good enough to understand how to hack or to understand something more than the normal open browser and search stuff.
for example I would like to find the wpa password of my neighbour as I don't have yet internet so for few days I am using my phone as router and it sucks.
Any good advice is welcome hahaha
Well, if you're trying to bust WPA of any variant, I don't think that you're going to have much luck. You need linux (preferably), a WLAN card that can be switched to monitor mode, a massive rainbow table, some experience with the linux command line, and a lot of luck that comes in the form of your neighbor having a weak passphrase. Now if it was WEP, which you will very rarely encounter in the wild these days, then that's an entirely other story since WEP is completely broken.
Have you thought about asking your neighbor for access while offering to toss a few bucks a month?
I was thinking to do it. But being moved in this house since few days I feel a bit shy asking him. By the way I had the engineer coming last week to set up my internet access but he didn't turn up.
I had to book another appointment that will be next Friday.
Talking about the WEP and WPA yes I read several posts and how "easier" could be access by aircrack-ng but I have a mac and it is hard to get linux etc etc.. so never mind :) I wanted to know if you were aware of any shortcut.
Thank you for your prompt message :) and I hope to see you between my followers... as you should know how someone could feel not being a whale as we registered in Steemit in the same time last year
Mac OS = Unix pretty much. Did you know that?! Pretty cool haha.
Well, I'm here to stay so you'll certainly be seeing more of me!
Ehhehe i wrote to you as well in steemit chat! Have a look mate
One of the best decisions I ever heard...You made yourself a fortune buddy... Followed and Upvoted!!!
Thank you very much! One thing money will never do is change me for the worse, however. I like the thought of people able to stash what I've gained away while being able to spread it around as I see fit. This platform is ingenious.
Yeah, this is the best platform I've ever known. I've resteemed your post buddy. Keep posting. The community is benefiting with you. Good job!
Thanks a lot for that, I really appreciate it!
that's cool you're cool :d
I heard that you were cool too :-O.
You are the coolest :D Mr Power Up
Who is da coolest then?
Well it certainly isn't the US Government, the cops, or any of those people. It might be you?
it's @steemitqa and
Lucky you, im surviving with my 100 steem.
Well in a minute when I upvote you, you might have yourself 102 Steem! Hang in there, good things come with patience and effort.
Keep doing what your doing. And do even better next year! I will follow and keep up on your adventures. Best of luck.
Thanks! I have no intention of stopping and hopefully you don't either. SPREAD THE WORD.
So much love <3 Bright Blessings & Reiki Hugs!!
And it is reciprocated! Thank you very much!
Thanks :-).
I'm pretty sure that'll throw you into whale territory.
Who knows? Not sure what the sea-mammal structure looks like in Steem world haha.
GOOD news!
Hope so! I think it is as well, however.
wow, nice!
I'm hoping to be able to trade me to some profits soon so I can keep buying Steem. ^^
By the looks of it and following you for a bit, you should be right on me heels haha.
Haha it would just be awesome of being able to buy back some and contribute back to the platform when it has been there for me. :)
Its the one currency I am the most sure of and have been for a year. Let's just hope it will be in time before the rocket is fueled up again. :P
It's a blessing that you were able to find this platform at the time you did! Congrats on your recent power up and thank you for investing so much into this great community!
Quick question! Does one steem coin = 1 steem power?
1 Steem = 1 Steem Power = 1 Steem. They're on a level playing field, however Steem doesn't influence your voting power while Steem Power does. Your Steem Power is a vested interest and is locked up for 13 weeks, which you can power down and 1/13 of your stake will be converted to Steem weekly.
Did it change from 104 weeks?
Yup, it's now 13.
Oh shit! Thats a huge change that slipped by me. Its more incentive to do what you just did.
Yup, exactly. You aren't tied down super long if you need a little liquidity.
It really was! I've been into distributed computer and decentralized networking since the early 2000's and in the cryptocurrency space since the inception of Bitcoin, so I guess being a nerd all my life has finally paid off in some way. Although spending 12+ hours a day or as many as I can stay awake, probably isn't the healthiest decision, it has definitely made me a wiser person I feel.
Thanks for the kind words!!! You're most welcome. Hopefully I can use my newly gained influence for the greater good.
You're not kidding around.
You got yourself a follower.
In it to win it, man! Thanks for the follow! I powered up my liquid stake because in my mind, it was truly justified. It really is a wise move to keep your stake powered up. It protects it with the 13 week window, nobody can steal it easily, plus you can use your stake to spread wealth around as you see fit. I'm going to be using it to vote primarily on smaller stake holders. I'd like to see more people become ingrained in this community and spread the word, getting more people involved. This platform is only as powerful as the userbase. Without is it's all 1's and 0's.
yeah. Still a lot to grow. Great potential
You know i gotta resteem this, i followed you too man, nice story ;)
Killer! Thanks so much!!! I will follow you as well.
great stuff man , everyone who struggles with poverty know the meaning of suffering , I hope you all the best @matt-a !
Yeah, you can't really understand its implications if you haven't survived it personally. I got extremely lucky in terms of my motivations, interests, and brain, I can tell you that. I do not take any of it for granted.
My story is like yours. Having been watching all my loved ones suffer all my life as first son. Now I am away from family still watching them but can go back to them till I can whisper goodnews into their ears. Now I drain my entire bone structure from too much work to make great things happen this year or the start of it. Just good news alone can sustain them for a few years. I am on my fifth year away from family and this is it. This year has so many special things. Again thank you for your support
It's completely stupid and depressing that people have to worry about "money." It feels inhuman and inhumane. It robs people of self-worth and deprives them of being with other people on the terms that they'd like to be. It's sad, but hopefully projects such as this will be a lot of alleviating.
Yes, steemit does help us learn to put money aside. It is a gradually process but we are doing well to teach with our own deeds!
That's exactly what I am going to do when I get some extra money. Good for you, mate! Steem to the m00n.
I hope you buy on the lowest dip Steem ever has and it subsequently soars to new highs! Best of luck, keep the big picture in mind and care about folks. Otherwise you're a turd! haha
Yeah, I don't think it will ever go down to 7 cents again haha
And yeah, we should all care for each other and only then we can expect good things to happen.
Yeeeeeah, me either. I think the 7 cent days are long gone!
And so it started pumping again. You made 25 percent profit already by investing in Steem :D How easy is life, right?
I pretend that I don't even have it :-). Hopefully I can put it to use, however. Wanna spread the wealth around like Richard Cory.
Plan is very simple: become rich while making others rich. I guess I support your ideas.
LOL #Turd
Wow! That's cool! Congrats @matt-a!
I'm glad to see you're better off these days. I try to keep in my all the hardship all humans are going through as much as possible but it's impossible.
When we are well off imaging hardship is just imagining. Sure it's the start of caring but at the same time thinking of going through hardship is very different than going through it for real.
We definitely need to care for everyone!
Nice picture by the way!
Thank you very much!
Yeah, me too haha. I feel ya, but from some negative experiences/hardships, some invaluable lessons are learned such as how to appreciate people, what you have, how to express true compassion, what you can do, how to be tough, how to be healthily frugal, erase greed from your perspective, etc.
Thanks! I always try to toss in a personal picture with my posts to make it more personal/interesting. I didn't take this photo (I didn't know I was a human being yet!), but the ones I typically post are from something I've done/seen.
Thanks for chiming in!!!
It's true that lessons can be gain from hardships.
We love you man, you have been a breath of fresh air for all of us struggling in life and online and for those who are not.
I notice when your comments and votes go missing too. I hope everything is OK.
I hope you have a nice week and this short story of your life in part will touch a lot of people.
And the part too, about you wanting to help people, is nice.
Blessings to you man
And I love y'all as well! Thanks a lot for the kind words, I always look forward to your posts and positivity in general! The bot is just turned off right now, it will be kicked back on today ;-). Was just letting my VP come back to life after extinguishing it.
Great job! Life is a journey. It's not where we start, but where the journey ends that counts.
Exactly. Sadly, the environment that many people come up in creates what kind of person that they are. Luckily, some do not follow suit.
That's impressive! Congrats. Post like this is what keeps us all Steeming!

Thank you!
It's a pleasure to know steemit could be really helpful for someone, Indeed, it is.
I agree you, and also the fact that it's a revolution and is going to help people. We have got a lot of opportunities here, and many people will be please to know that something like this exist.
Yup, it's only a matter of time. Once EOS also launches, this space will see another influx in my opinion. Lots of stuff going on on the West coast after the Consensus conference.
I am sure it will
Thanks for sharing man! Humans got this amazing ability to come up like flowers through the busted concrete.
For real. We're some pretty damn resilient and amazing breathing bags of meat, blood, and bones.
Well-done, very impressive!
Now that is how you make an announcement!
I really think steem and this platform can change the world for a huge number of people.
There are places in the world where the average monthly income is less than $200 a month. Can a talented and creative person make 2 or 3 times that (or more) on steemit? You better believe it! Not only can they change their lives, but the lives of the family.
I am so excited to see what steemit can do for people in the future. The possibilities are endless.
SERIOUSLY. I share this sentiment. Hopefully one day, once Steem valuation goes insane, maybe we could feed people across the world? Or hell, maybe we wont need to because they're already a part of this platform? The future is bright and exciting.
You da man!

Wy' thank ya.
You know I am a fan. Look at my last post or last set of posts and what you have been up voting. I am grateful
Thanks for following me around! I like what you're doing/posting, keeping it super positive and motivational! Just be sure to drag the people in your face-to-face life onto the platform! The more, the merrier, most definitely.
Yes, i am so doing so. Working on bring communities and brands. And i am helping many steemians grow too. Check @steemgigs or #steemgigs/#steemgig, alot is happening there!
Way to go! Steem on
WILL DO! But only if you do as well.
Indeed! Steem On r2!
Good for you! So much opportunity and promise Steemit is providing for better lives!
That's what myself and everyone else (I hope) is shooting for!
wow super motivated, thats good to hear! let see maybe I get motivated too!
Awesome to hear! Glad this could spread some good vibes around and get people motivated, that was the purpose :-). MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! For now . . .
We all gotta keep it up, and we all gotta get people involved in our personal communities.
I, for one, welcome our new whale overlord - Fingers crossed this turns out to be one of the best financial decisions you ever made :)
Hahaha, thanks man. I will do my best to distribute my say as fairly as I possibly can. I hope that your finger crossing bears an orchard's worth of fruit.
Yes! That! All Steemians have there fingers cross. Well most of the time our fingers are typing and trying to advance Steem as best as we can!
That's called "fighting the good fight," haha. Keep it up!
Hahaha, Whale Overlord lol
Have a good week man.
I am going to continue to share that resource you built us, regularly, for the reminders and new people.
Congrats buddy. There is light at the end of tunnel. Keep on rocking.
Thanks a lot! There surely is, keep on trucking yourself! Spread the word! We're in this EARLY into the game, take advantage of that.
It really is the future man! Congrats to you
It seriously is. Automation is going to really shake things up in the future, things like this are going to become more and more NECESSARY. Thank you!
That is just the very reson I'm here @matt-a, keep on steemin. Your neighbor Macstyly from Windsor, Ont. Canada. Peace, Love and Unity.
Woah, I can probably see you across the river! Me and @robrigo went to Windsor last year around June to try to convince people to join Steemit and we ended up getting stuck in a weird bar that serves coffee in beer bottles haha. The was a tornado WARNING, had to take cover!
Maybe I was in that bar many years ago lol
Lol too funny. Maybe we will meet one day?
Definitely in the cards, hell, start a Windsor meetup and I'll come as I'm sure @robrigo and @kotturinn would as well.
I am 4 hrs east of you.
That's very inspiring post by you. Thanks for sharing it with us.
You're welcome, glad it could be of some inspiration. Hard work, effort, and kindness will take you far. Gotta keep your eyes on the bigger picture. Best of luck!
Good for you, I wish you all the best. It is a revolution.
Thanks! It isn't a revolution if everyone isn't involved. Help make it happen!
Matt-a, that's a brave move! I also share your view about Steem shaping the very fundamental structures of our society and day by day we get to see more people join this mindset which is great as sometimes one can doubt itself! Followed.
I had to justify it to myself certainly, but luckily this platform had a good enough vision, foundation, and userbase to convince me that it was a wise financial move not only for myself, but for others as well. You can't beat that, you know? Also with the onset of automation, things like this are going to be a MAJOR player in the future. I think we're all very fortunate to have discovered this place as early as we have. Best of luck!
I had similar feeling of Ethereum before it got big and it did well enough
I have a feeling that #eos is going to be taking quiiiite the chunk from Ethereum if my feelers aren't betraying me.
Excellent , Always good to hear success stories, Well Done. Followed
Thank you very much for both the congratulations and the follow! Stick around here and spread the word!
Woah! Nice!
Gearing up for the moon?
I think we're still building out the thrusters, but once that's done, I think we're all set :-).
Hahaha, thrusters are looking good. Aren't they, @matt-a?
Yessir! Can't wait for blast off and the subsequent orbit and movement toward new planets and planetary systems!
Well damn! That escalated to a whole new dimension :P
I see your passion :P
Hahaha, I have a tendency to nerd out.
Hahaha, now I've to follow the mandatory ritual and do the mandatory: Nerd or Geek? :P
Congratulations....go bigger and higher then you ever imagined!
Doing my best! You do the same, please!
Been on Steemit for 4 days and it is already my favorite place to hang out....let's make millions and change the world.. 1 steem at a time
All a matter of time :-D. Stick with it!
I wish you all the best for you and your family mate !
Thanks, man! Much appreciated! The well wishes are certainly reciprocated.
As a kid I remember times when I asked my mom why we didn't have the luxuries other families had. At the time we were living in my grandparents house from the petroleum boom and we were struggling to live there (even though we payed little rent in comparison to the real price) . So I really get your story man , Steem on!
Yeah, people don't really realize what it's like unless they live through it and luckily survive it. The feeling of taking clothes from charities because they're clothes and you need them, eating free commodity food and it being good because it's feeding you, not having to shit outside due to not having plumbing, not having to fill bleach jugs up at other people's houses because you don't have water, not having to hear plastic flap all night because it's what you've got for windows, feeling lucky to shower once every two weeks or so, etc. It's bizarre as hell looking back. I'm just straight up thankful that I have the ability to reflect on it all and to not repeat the choices that bred those circumstances. I straight up lucked out.
I just read a post about providing tools for people to leave poverty, and this is what is all about, stopping the misery circle .
And it really is odd looking back, I tend to forget how lucky I was just because I am young and made it through. I am taking this chance for thanking you for the reminder of being thankful.
And to also admit that I am thankful for being alive and being able to writing this today.
What! Steem baller! Dedicated!
Proud of you, go change your legacy!
Thank you :-D. I'm trying my best!!!
That's cool. You're cool. Wishing you all the best from the "King of Undervalued Posts!" May you rise like a phoenix and always know the riches of family.
Haha, thanks a lot, mant! Positivity! I like that, keep it trucking, dude!
Congrats man. wishing you more luck to keep climbing the ladder!
Doing my best! You do the same! Thanks!
Wow, Balls deep!
Hahaha, I dunno, I think I got the balls in there too.