Health benefits of garlic

in #steem7 years ago

Here are some wonders of garlic
15 health benefits of garlic, according to Science (+5 delicious garlic recipes)
By The Rainbow
Garlic belongs to the Allium genus, making it a close relative to chives, onions, scallions, leeks, and shallots. Scientifically referred to as Allium sativum, garlic has been used for human consumption for thousands of years. Archaeological research shows that major ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Chinese, Babylonians, the Romans and the Greeks used garlic as medicine, as well as for food flavoring ( 1 ).
One of the most beneficial nutrients found in garlic is allicin, a sulfur compound responsible for the smell of garlic . Scientific research shows that the compound has several health benefits including prevention of cardiovascular diseases, antioxidant properties, and prevention of fatigue among many other benefits.
Garlic contains a host of other nutrients that include vitamin C, diallyl sulfide, selenium, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, copper, manganese, calcium and phosphorous.
The following are some of the health benefits of garlic that scientific evidence backs up. Also included in this article are five delicious garlic recipes that you can make at home. 1. Garlic can help prevent fatigue
Ancient civilizations used garlic to prevent fatigue among laborers, as well as improve their strength and work performance (1). In the early Greek states, Olympians were given garlic to ingest in order to boost their performance.
Several animal studies have shown that garlic can help enhance endurance during exercise ( 2 ). In human studies, garlic is effective in improving conditions of people suffering from physical fatigue, or fatigue due to cold weather conditions.
One study showed that garlic oil helped reduce the heart rates in coronary artery disease patients when they were subjected to moderate exercise ( 3 ). The study also showed that the patients exhibited higher tolerance for exercise after the garlic oil was administered.
Garlic contains thiamine (vitamin B1) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and studies show that when combined with other nutrients, thiamine and pyridoxine can help reduce fatigue in patients with end stage renal disease ( 4 ).
Another study demonstrated that thiamine was an effective anti-fatigue agent during endurance training ( 5 ).
Studies also show that a deficiency in phosphorus and copper, major constituents of garlic, is a risk factor in the development of chronic fatigue syndrome ( 6 , 7 ).
Bottom Line : Garlic has been used as an anti-fatigue agent since the times of the first Greek Olympians. It also contains thiamine, pyridoxine, copper, and phosphorous, which help prevent fatigue even in critically ill patients. 2. Garlic is effective in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases
Studies show that allicin, one of the main compounds found in garlic, prevents cardiovascular diseases by encouraging vasorelaxation ( 8 ).
In addition, studies also show that allicin has the potential of eradicating symptoms and conditions related to cardiovascular disease (8). These conditions include hyperglycemia, cardiac hypertrophy, and platelet aggregation.
The antioxidant properties of allicin also help it in preventing and treating CVD by scavenging of free radicals in the body and encouraging the release of glutathione (8).
Animal studies have shown that garlic extracts help to reduce diastolic and systolic pressures, thereby reducing the chances of hypertension development, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases ( 9 ).
A study conducted on hypertensive individuals show that garlic is capable of reducing blood pressure in individuals already suffering from hypertension ( 10 ). The same study also shows that garlic has the ability to decrease slightly elevated cholesterol levels in human beings.
In addition, researchers have also found that garlic supplementation can help reduce blood pressure in individuals with essential hypertension ( 11 ). The same study illustrated that the garlic compounds helped alleviate oxidative stress, further offering cardio protection to these individuals.
Furthermore, one study showed that extracts from aged garlic helped to lower the blood pressure of individuals suffering from treated but uncontrolled high blood pressure ( 12 ).
Garlic is also highly effective when it comes to decreasing serum concentration of total and LDL (bad) cholesterol in subjects suffering from hypercholesterolemia ( 13 ). It does this without affecting the levels of good cholesterol, HDL.
Another way that garlic prevents cardiovascular diseases is by increasing the HDL levels, and inhibiting the oxidation of LDL ( 14 ).
Furthermore, the active compounds in garlic, such as allicin and S-allyl cysteine, possess anti-atherosclerosis properties, thereby preventing the progression of atherosclerosis ( 15 ).
Other studies have shown that garlic, owing to its high content of potent sulfuric products, is effective in protecting against thrombosis (14, 15). Garlic does this by preventing thrombocyte aggregation (14, 15).
Other than preventing thrombocyte aggregation, garlic also helps to curb other risk factors by increasing microcirculation, decreasing plasma viscosity, and by reducing diastolic blood pressure ( 16 , 17 ).
Studies also indicate that garlic is effective in reducing the levels of homocysteine, an amino acid which when in excess leads to strokes, heart disease, and heart attacks (16).
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Moreover, one study showed that long-term garlic consumption was effective in protecting against aortic stiffness, a risk factor for cardiovascular complications, in the elderly ( 18 ).
The phosphorous contained in the garlic is also effective in reducing blood pressure in communities and people that are at a high risk of developing atherosclerosis ( 19 ).
Garlic also contains copper, which studies show can help in the regulation of blood pressure, thereby preventing hypertension and other CVD risk factors ( 20 ).
One animal study showed that a deficiency in copper results in hypercholesterolemia, which is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis ( 21 ).
Ascorbic acid is also found in garlic and several studies have intimated that the acid can help prevent atherosclerosis by preventing oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation ( 22 ).
Bottom Line : Garlic, owing to its several nutrients, has the capability of lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, both of which are high risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. 3. Garlic can help enhance the immune function
One study effectively proved that garlic helps stimulate and strengthen the immune system by encouraging the activation of macrophages, killer cells, T and B cells (10). The same study also demonstrated that garlic was effective in protecting the body against infections of the upper respiratory tract.
One large volunteer study showed that garlic helped in reducing common cold occurrences, as well as a reduced duration suffering from a common cold episode ( 23 ).
Another study demonstrated that supplementation of the diet with garlic could help improve the function of the immune cells by reducing the severity of the cold and the flu ( 24 ).
Studies also show that germanium, a constituent of garlic, is effective in stimulating the immune system ( 25 ).
One study also showed that selenium, another compound found in garlic, was useful in improving immune function in healthy patients ( 26 ). The same study showed that subjects who took dietary selenium had a lower susceptibility to viral diseases.
Studies indicate that deficiency in the trace element, selenium, can result in impaired immune functions ( 27 ).
Garlic contains thiamine, and scientists now know that a deficiency in the vitamin is the leading cause of sepsis in patients who are critically ill ( 28 ).
Researchers also concur that thiamine is essential in the activation of the immune system (28, 29 ).
One study showed that vitamin B1 and B6, when combined with other essential nutrients, could help improve the immune function of individuals suffering from end stage renal disease (4).
Garlic also contains vitamin C (ascorbic acid), and it has long been suggested that the vitamin is able to prevent and cure the common cold (22).
Some studies also indicate that ascorbic acid is capable of activating the immune system by promoting the spread of T-cells during an infection (22).
Bottom Line : Garlic, through its sulphuric, fatty acid, and metal nutrients, can help improve the immune functions in humans. 4. Garlic contains anti-cancer properties
Animal and human studies have conclusively shown that garlic has the ability to suppress the development of tumors in the liver, breasts, stomach, lungs, esophagus, skin, prostate, colon, and bladder ( 30 , 31 , 33 , 34 , 35 )
One study conducted in China showed that garlic was effective in reducing the risk of prostate cancer in men ( 36 ). The study showed that the effect of garlic on prostate tumors was less potent in men with advanced prostate cancer, compared to those who have a localized type of the cancer.
One animal study conducted on the mammalian glands of the subjects demonstrated that garlic helped inhibit the progression of cancer in these glands by preventing the carcinogens from binding onto the DNA of the glands ( 37 ).
Other studies have found that garlic, through one of its active compounds, diallyl sulfide, is effective in preventing esophageal /gastrointestinal cancer ( 38 , 39 ). The compound inhibits tumor formation, as well as the metabolism of the cancer causing substance.
Another study found that allicin inhibited the spread of human colon, endometrial, and mammary cancer cells by nearly 50% ( 40 ).
Scientists believe that garlic helps in the fight against cancer by scavenging free radicals, repairing damaged DNA, stimulating the activities of essential enzymes such as catalase, increasing the levels of glutathione, and preventing chromosome damage ( 41 , 42 ).
Furthermore, garlic contains selenium, which has demonstrated the ability to destroy the genes that are involved in carcinogenesis ( 43 ).
Another study showed that aged garlic extracts helped in protecting against intestinal damage caused by methotrexate during chemotherapy ( 44 ).
Studies indicate that selenium, also found in garlic, can help reduce the occurrence of cancer as well as cancer death ( 45 ).
Specifically, selenium has shown strong action against the risk of developing colon, lung, prostate, and liver cancers, as well as reducing the mortality from these cancers (45).
Vitamin C is also known to possess anticancer activities by stopping the free radicals before they can form the tumors or cause damage to DNA (22).
Studies also indicate that low intake of vitamin C or a deficiency of the same can lead to an increased risk of cervical cancer (22).
Bottom Line : Garlic has potent anti-cancer properties against the major types of cancers that afflict human beings. 5. Garlic can help in the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus
One animal study found that garlic compounds such as OSC and allicin were effective in lowering blood sugar levels in subjects suffering from chemically induced chronic hyperglycemia ( 46 ).
Studies also indicate that garlic is effective in improvement of microcirculation (16), whose damage results in the more advanced complications witnessed in patients with diabetes ( 47 ).
One promising animal study has shown that garlic ethanol extract can assist in reducing the blood sugar levels in mice suffering from chemically-induced diabetes ( 48 ). The same study showed that the garlic extract was effective in reversing hyperglycemia.
Another study demonstrated that aged garlic extract was effective in preventing stress induced hyperglycemia, a high risk factor for the development of diabetes mellitus ( 49 ).
One human study showed that garlic powder reduced blood glucose concentration as well as increased microcirculation in the skin, thereby helping in bringing diabetes under control ( 50 ).
A group of scientists also found that a combination of garlic and standard anti-diabetic treatments helped enhance glycemic control in patients with type II diabetes ( 51 ).
Research indicates that calcium, found in significant amounts in garlic, can help prevent and manage the insulin resistance syndrome, which often precedes the development of diabetes mellitus ( 52 ).
Thiamine, another constituent of garlic, can help prevent the progression of diabetes mellitus by blocking the harmful pathways created by hyperglycemia ( 53 ).
Bottom Line : Garlic has been shown to be effective in the prevention and the management of diabetes mellitus owing to its hypoglycemic action. 6. Garlic contains anti-microbial properties
Several studies indicate that garlic extracts are effective against a number of protozoa including E. histolytica, Leishmania, B. entozoon, O. ranarum, Crithidia, Candida albicans, Crithidia and Leptomonas (15, 54 ).
Researchers have also found that diluted crude garlic demonstrated anti-parasitic effects against Hymenolepis nana as well as giardiasis (15, 54).
Scientists have also found that garlic extracts are useful in the treatment of Cryptosporidiosis, a disease caused by a protozoan parasite known as
Cryptosporidium ( 55 ). This is believed to be the parasite that causes diarrhea in individuals with HIV.
Other studies have shown that garlic was an effective antibacterial agent against common bacteria such as
S.aureus, Salmonella, E.coli, Micrococcus, Proteus, B. subtilis , and mycobacterium (15, 54).
One study also demonstrated that different garlic compounds were effective in preventing and reducing
H. pylori , a bacterial infection that causes duodenal and gastric ulcers ( 56 ).
Another study showed that garlic oil and powder were effective in protecting against human
enteric bacteria ( 57 ).
A group of scientists also discovered that allicin, an active compound in garlic, showed antibacterial activity against antibiotic resistant bacteria (15, 58 ).
Researchers have also shown that garlic extract is effective in the treatment of S. aureus and E.coli , making it a potent antibiotic ( 59 ).
One study found that garlic extract showed antiviral activity against the human cytomegalovirus (15, 60 ).
Another study showed that garlic was also effective in the treatment and eradication of influenza B, Coxsackie virus and herpes simplex virus (15, 54, 61 ).
Studies have also indicated that garlic compounds possess antiviral activity against human rhinovirus type 2, vaccinia virus, and the vesicular stomatitis virus (15, 62 ).
When it comes to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), studies have conclusively shown that garlic compounds such as ajoene, allyl alcohol, and the diallyl disulfide, are effective in combating HIV infections in cells(15, 54, 63 , 64 ).
Selenium, a key constituent of garlic, has been shown to stop the progression of HIV to AIDS, as well as inhibiting the spread of other viral infections ( 65 ).
Research also indicates that garlic extracts are effective in combating common fungal infections (15) that include Candida albicans, Aspergillus, Botrytis cinerea, Trichoderma harzianum, and denture stomatitis among others (54, 66 , 67 , 68 , 69 ).
Bottom Line : Scientists have shown that garlic is an effective anti-microbial owing to its anti-protozoal, anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. 7. Garlic can help protect against hepatotoxicity and is an effective detoxifier
Studies show that garlic is effective in protecting the liver cells from chemically induced hepatotoxicity (15). For instance, research shows that garlic can help prevent acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity (15).
Studies also show that garlic is effective in protecting against gentamicin induced hepatotoxicity (15, 16, 70 ).
Furthermore, research has shown that garlic is also useful in the prevention of nitrate induced hepatotoxicity (15, 71 ).
Animal studies have also shown that garlic can help reverse the oxidation damage caused by nicotine toxicity (16).
Researchers have found that garlic is more effective in treating non-severe occupational lead poisoning than penicillamine, a chemical treatment given to individuals suffering from lead poisoning ( 72 ).
One study also discovered that garlic extract was efficient in treating carbon tetrachloride induced liver fibrosis ( 73 ).
Another study also showed that extracts from garlic protected the liver from NDEA-induced hepatotoxicity ( 74 ).
In addition, scientists have found that garlic was effective in protecting the liver against ethanol-induced injuries ( 75 ).
Garlic also contains phosphorous, one of the key electrolytes that the kidney needs in order to balance the levels of fat, sodium, water, and uric acid ( 76 ). Any amounts found in excess are removed through urine.
Bottom Line : Garlic is an efficient anti-hepatotoxic as well as detoxifying agent. It can help prevent and treat hepatotoxicity caused by carbon tetrachloride, nitrates, lead, nicotine, gentamicin, and acetaminophen. 8. Garlic can help improve the health of bones
A group of researchers conducted animal studies on female rats and found that garlic oil extract promoted the transference of calcium from the intestines to the bones, thereby helping to strengthen the skeletal muscles of the rats ( 77 ).
In addition, the same study showed that the garlic oil was effective in improving bone mineral content as well as the tensile strength of the bones (77).
The researchers also demonstrated that garlic oil could help inhibit bone mineral loss caused by ovarian hormone deficiency (77).
A group of scientists found that eating garlic could help prevent hip osteoarthritis because of the action of diallyl sulphide ( 78 ).
Another animal study showed that the germanium contained in garlic was effective in restoring bone strength and bone mass in subjects suffering from osteoporosis ( 79 ).
Garlic also contains a significant amount of calcium, whose deficiency can result in significant loss in bone mass, as well as rickets in children ( 80 ).
Calcium supplementation has also resulted in lower bone mass loss in postmenopausal women (80).
Phosphorous is also a part of garlic, and the element is essential in improving bone mineral content, bone mineral density, and a reduced risk of osteoporosis in female teenagers and adults over the age of twenty ( 81 ).
Scientists have also noticed that an increase in phosphorous intake is associated with an increase in calcium intake, which helps to further strengthen and protect bones (81).
Copper, also found in garlic is important for healthy bones. Scientists have found that a copper deficiency is closely linked with the mineralization of bones, and osteoporosis (20).
Studies also show that a deficiency in vitamin C, another nutrient found in garlic, can lead to loss of bone mass and the development of osteoporosis ( 82 , 83, 84).
Bottom Line : Garlic contains nutrients that are essential for optimum bone health, and their deficiencies can result in bone diseases such as osteoporosis. 9. Garlic is rich in antioxidants
One study demonstrated that the bioactive compounds in garlic helped inhibit the production of free radicals in the brain and the rest of the body ( 85 ).
Another study found that different compounds in the garlic have different antioxidant properties (86). Alliin and allicin are capable of scavenging superoxide, while the allyl disulfide, alliin, and allyl cysteine, were capable of scavenging the free hydroxyl radicals.
Studies have shown that allyl disulfide is capable of reducing the oxidative stress that testosterone can cause, as well as accelerate the breakdown of testosterone (42).
Another study demonstrated that germanium, one of the trace elements found in garlic, is an active antioxidant (87).
Studies also indicate that a deficiency in thiamine, one of the vitamins found in garlics, results in an increase in oxidative stress (28, 88).
Selenium, a trace element found in garlic, is another antioxidant, and it helps to fight against oxidative stress and DNA damage and mutation (27, 89).
Copper, a widely known and respected antioxidant, is also found in abundant amounts in garlic, helping in the prevention of oxidative damage (20).
Bottom Line : Garlic contains a host of nutrients that possess anti-oxidant capabilities, which help prevent, reduce, and reverse oxidative damage in the body. 10. Garlic can help improve cognitive function
An animal study showed that the active compounds in garlic such as allicin were responsible for improving brain function and short-term memory in subjects suffering from chronic hyperglycemia (46).
Another animal study showed that fresh garlic helped improve memory retention and cognitive performance in rats ( 90 ). The researchers opined that this was because garlic had the ability to improve the levels of serotonin in the brain.
Studies have also shown that by reducing oxidative damage, and high levels of cholesterol and homocysteine, garlic can help in the prevention of dementia ( 91 ).
In addition, research has shown that garlic is helpful in preventing cognitive decline by protecting brain neurons from toxicity and death (16).
Another study demonstrated that garlic could help in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease by scavenging free radicals and preventing neuronal death ( 92 ).
A study also found that vitamin B1, also found in garlic, was effective in improving brain function, especially short term memory in young children ( 93 ).
Studies have also shown that a vitamin B1 deficiency can lead to the development and progression brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (88).
Garlic also contains phosphorous and calcium, both of which are essential in maintaining healthy cognitive function in elderly individuals ( 94 ).
Bottom Line : Scientists have demonstrated that garlic and its compounds are essential in the maintenance of healthy cognitive function, and the prevention of age related cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia. 11. Garlic can help improve skin health
One study showed that water extracts from garlic were effective in healing warts and corns when applied topically (16, 95 ).
Calcium, a significant constituent of garlic, also has an essential role to play when it comes to skin health. It is responsible for the differentiation and reproduction of the skin ( 96 ).
Another study theorized that calcium, in the form of nanoparticles, could actually help hasten the process of wound healing on the skin ( 97 ).
Furthermore, studies show that calcium is essential in promoting the function of the skin barrier, as well as regulating the structure of the upper layer of the skin ( 98 ).
Studies also show that selenium, vitamin C, and copper, all of which are found in favorable amounts in garlic, are important in maintaining healthy skin owing to their antioxidant status (99).
Research has shown that vitamin C is essential in the process of wound healing because it is responsible for the fusion of collagen, which is especially important in individuals who have undergone surgery (22).
Bottom Line : Garlic contains vitamin C, copper, selenium, and calcium, which are essential in promoting healthy skin. 12. Garlic can be used in fighting obesity
Garlic contains calcium, and research shows that calcium is effective in enhancing weight regulation, thereby preventing obesity/weight gain ( 100 ).
Researchers have also discovered that a high dietary calcium intake is related to a lower risk for obesity and weight gain (52).
Studies also show that majority of obese people suffer from a thiamine deficiency, and that dietary intake of the vitamin from foods such as garlic can help effectively manage obesity ( 101 ).
Bottom Line : Garlic contains thiamine, and calcium, which studies show are effective in promoting weight loss especially in obese individuals. 13. Garlic can help protect against premenstrual syndrome
Due to its significantly high content of calcium, garlic can help in fighting the symptoms of premenstrual depression such as mood swings, and dizziness as well as the psychological symptoms ( 102 , 103, 104).
Another study found that an increase in calcium intake helps reduce fatigue, depression, and appetite changes in women suffering from PMS (103, 105 ).
Garlic also contains relative amounts of vitamin B1, which scientists concur is effective in reducing the physical symptoms of PMS (104).
Studies also show that a deficiency in selenium, a trace element in garlic, can lead to adverse mood swings especially in women who suffer from PMS (89).
Scientists have also long theorized that a deficiency in vitamin B6, one of the vitamins in garlic, promotes severe PMS (106, 107).
Research has shown that women with PMS that are treated with vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) show a significant improvement especially when it comes to emotional symptoms (108).
Studies also indicate that ascorbic acid (vitamin C), another constituent of garlic, can help women manage the PMS symptoms owing to its ability to metabolize essential fatty acids (108).
Bottom Line : Garlic has been known to be effective in reducing the physical and emotional disturbances that occur during PMS in women. 14. Garlic can help promote a healthy alkaline pH Level
Calcium, a mineral found in abundance in garlic, helps promote an alkaline environment, which in turn helps reduce back pain, improve growth, as well as enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy treatments ( 109 ).
Phosphorous, in the form of phospholipids, helps balance the pH levels of the body by preventing excess levels of either alkaline or acidic compounds (109).
Bottom Line : The calcium and phosphorous contained in garlic can help the body achieve a healthy pH level, which is crucial in the prevention of diseases. 15. Garlic can help promote eye health
Due to its significant amount of thiamine, garlic is a good candidate for promoting eye health. One study showed that thiamine treatment can help reverse vision loss especially in alcoholism cases ( 110 ).
Studies also show that an increase in thiamine intake in individuals suffering from alcoholism can help heal the alcohol-damaged nerves responsible for eye movement ( 111 ).
Scientific research also shows that thiamine is associated with a lower risk of developing open-angle glaucoma, which is one of the leading causes of permanent blindness (112).
Scientists have also theorized that thiamine, along with other vitamin B compounds, can help deter the development of cataracts (113).
Bottom Line : Garlic, owing to its significant levels of vitamin B1, is essential in promoting proper eye health. Tasty and Healthy Garlic Recipes
The following are some delicious garlic recipes that you can make for you, your family, and guests. 1. Garlic Shrimp Salad
This nutritious salad can be served alone or as a side dish. It takes 25 minutes to prepare and cook, and the salad is fit for four individuals ( 114 ).
The salad will taste better if you purchase raw shrimp and cook it yourself, rather than using already cooked shrimp. Ensure that the shrimp is patted dry before you cook it, otherwise it will make the rest of the salad taste bland.
Another tip to ensure that this salad comes out perfectly is to allow the shrimp to marinate for a few hours. Ingredients
4 pressed garlic cloves
1 pound of shrimp
Salt and pepper to taste (enough for both the shrimp and dressing)
3 tablespoons of fresh parsley (chopped)
4 tablespoons of goat cheese
1 teaspoon of honey
Chopped head of romaine lettuce
½ oz of vegetable broth
1 diced tomato
3 tablespoons of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of mustard
2 tablespoons for extra virgin oil
2 tablespoons of butter Preparation
Thaw the shrimp and ensure that it is completely unfrozen. Once thawed, pat it dry with a paper towel.
As the shrimp thaws, press the garlic, and then put it aside. Slice the tomato into ½ inch pieces and the asparagus into 1 inch sized pieces and set aside.
Now it is time to cook the shrimp. Simply melt the tablespoons of butter in a large skillet over high heat. Add the shrimp, and salt and pepper to taste. Cook until the shrimp is slightly pink which should take about three minutes. Set aside.
Pour the vegetable broth in a smaller skillet, and when it is hot, add the bunch of asparagus and Sauté for at least five minutes, and then set aside.
Mix the garlic, tomato, salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil, lemon, honey, and mustard. Insert the asparagus, the shrimp, tomato, and parsley into the dressing, and allow the entire mixture to marinate for at least 30-45 minutes.
Remove the outer layers of the raisin lettuce, wash and chop. Place on a plate, and then serve the shrimp-garlic mixture over the lettuce. Top up with the goat cheese to make it even more savory. 2. Roasted Shallots and garlic
This dish served with dry wine is the best accompaniment to a dry roast chicken, or you can decide to eat it as it is with some grilled bread ( 115 ). The recipe is designed to serve four people. Ingredients
4 fresh garlic cloves
Salt and black pepper to taste
8 shallots
An ounce of grated parmesan
5 sprigs of thyme
180 ml of fino
4 bay leaves
An ounce of unsalted butter
600ml of chicken broth Preparation
Preheat your wall oven to 180 degrees Celsius. As the oven heats up, take the garlic bulbs and slice them horizontally. Halve the shallots as well. Place each piece of garlic on the baking tray, accompanied by the halved shallots, salt, pepper, bay leaves, and thyme.
Boil the chicken broth, and then pour it over the shallots and the garlic. Do the same thing with the fino.
Tightly cover the tray with foil and put in the oven to roast for the next half hour to forty minutes. Remove the tray from the oven and uncover it. Return the tray back into the oven and allow it to roast for a further quarter of an hour. This should allow the garlic and shallots to properly cook, as well as the broth to become thicker.
Remove from the oven and stir in the parmesan and butter. Adjust the pepper and salt if necessary, and then serve. 3. Grilled chicken with Rosemary, garlic and scallions
This is the perfect Sunday evening family meal and it is fit for four individuals ( 116 ). One tip to keep in mind while grilling the chicken is to ensure that the heat is medium and steady. Otherwise, the chicken pieces may get charred without even being cooked well through.
4 pounds of chicken with the backbone removed
2 garlic heads, halved
4 rosemary sprigs
2 bunches of scallions
2 tablespoons of divided olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste Procedure
Preheat the grill, and proceed to season the chicken with the pepper and salt. When the grill is heated, place 1 bunch of the red scallions, the garlic, and the rosemary on a layer inside the grill. These will serve as the aromatics.
Place the chicken on the layer above the gas grill , close the grill, and let the chicken cook for the next 40 minutes.
Remove the charred aromatics from the grill, and turn the chicken over. Ensure that you have brushed the chicken with a tablespoon of the oil before turning it over. Grill the chicken for the next ten minutes or until the skin appears crisp. Once it is cooked through, put it on a cutting board, and let it cool for at least ten minutes before you proceed to cut it into pieces.
Take the remaining scallions and toss with the remaining tablespoon of oil. Place the mixture on a baking sheet, and insert it in the grill. Let the scallions cook for approximately five minutes until they are tender.
Remove the scallions from the grill and serve them alongside the chicken. 4. Garlic-Ginger Tofu
If you are a vegetarian then this savoury meal will become top on your list of favorite meals to make and eat. In addition, it is also delicious for the non-vegetarians, so you do not have to cook separate meals for families or guests ( 117 ). This recipe will produce four servings. It takes a total of 1 ½ hours to make this meal. Ingredients
¼ cup of black rice or balsamic vinegar
2 thinly sliced garlic cloves
1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
Cilantro leaves
2 14-pound blocks of tofu
¼ cup of soy sauce (low sodium)
A piece of ginger cut into thin pieces
3 tablespoons of brown sugar Preparation
Drain the tofu, cut it into four blocks, and place in a baking dish. Mix vinegar, brown sugar, and soy sauce in a saucepan and allow it to boil. Ensure that all the sugar is dissolved before you pour the mixture over the tofu. Leave the tofu in the mixture for the next hour, and if you have the time, marinate it for the next 8 hours.
Once it has marinated to your liking, the cooking process can begin. Put the vegetable oil in a large skillet over high heat. When the oil is hot enough, pour in the garlic and the ginger, ensuring that you stir often until both condiments begin to turn brown. This should take at least a minute.
Remove the tofu from the marinade and pat dry. Reserve the marinade for later use. Put the tofu in the skillet with the garlic and ginger, and cook until it is golden on every side. This should take at most five minutes. Add the marinade to the skillet, and allow to cook until it is reduced. This should go on for two minutes.
Remove the tofu and place on a platter. Sprinkle some cilantro leaves over the tofu and serve. 5. Lobster and steak with garlic Chimichurri butter
This mouth-watering recipe is for all the meat lovers. It is easy to make with only 10 minutes needed for prep and 15 minutes for cooking ( 118 ). The recipe will serve two individuals. Ingredients
2 rib-eye steaks
2 lobster tails
2 garlic cloves
2 teaspoons of paprika
2 teaspoons of salt
2 teaspoons of coriander
2 tablespoons of chopped oregano
2 teaspoons of coriander
¼ cup of chopped parsley
1 teaspoon of brown sugar
½ cup of cilantro
A clove of minced garlic
1 chopped fresno chile seed
¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper
1 finely chopped anchovy fillet
Olive oil
2 cups of unsalted butter
French fries Preparation
The first step is making the garlic butter. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius, and place the un-skinned cloves of garlic on a tin foil. Drizzle a little olive oil over the cloves, and cover using the same foil. Put the covered cloves in the oven for at least 45 minutes, remove, and allow to cool.
Mash the roasted cloves into a paste, and then mix in the butter, followed by the chile seed, anchovy, shallot, oregano, parsley, cilantro, and salt.
Season the steak with the appropriate spices, and place it in a preheated grill for at least 8 minutes each side.
Right before the steak is done, place the halved lobster with the flesh facing down in the grill. Let it cook for five minutes, flip it, and then smear the garlic butter all over it. Let it cook for another five minutes and then remove both it and the steak from the gril
Place the steak on a platter, add sommore nigerias voiceXGltYWdlc1xjb250ZW50XDIxMTIwMTg5NDIxNl9nYXJsaWMuanBnfDQ1MHwzNTB8.jpg5a6a558824d4c.image.jpg


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