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RE: Time To Wake Up and Fix Steem's Voting Problem

in #steem7 years ago

isn't this a classic social behavior problem? Steemit has many users who abuse...Some in a huge way, write 15 crappy articles a day and steal all the rewards.. Even if you remove self voting, they could setup a network of users to self vote. Unfortunately this is why any given human society has some centralized rules. In some way witness do some centralized service for steem. May be they should have ability to remove abused accounts and reclaim the funds in an abused account and credit back to the network.


self-voting and bots can never be removed. just plain computing reality. the point is just to nudge the economic incentives so that those who are curating and supporting others to grow the network isn't losing as much as those who are trying to make use of all their voting power only to enrich themselves alone. one the economic equilibrium shifts, the new norm will be a better steem that actually rewards contributors more than it is now.

it's a classic social behaviour that can be solved with something like Steem changing its econs. It'll even affect the real world and make things better with a new kind of econs. Think about it :D