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RE: $1.00 Steem? Swimming in an Ocean of Red Ink... AGAIN! I Just Give up!

in #steem6 years ago

Well capitualtion is really strong word and i cant agree with you on calendar is 9.8. Middle of summer, many people love summer and love go to sea in other countyes etc. Croatia is nice place and when you came here with cryptocurrency you stock because we are about 20 years later then world, then you sell crypto for euros and go on beach :D my point is there is no capitulation just many peoples sell his crypto and go on beach :D now will come new peoples and crypto will be again high until we change our mentalitet that crypto is money and we start accept it for goods
Sorry for bad english and have a nice day :)

Posted using Partiko Android


I see what you're saying @savagelion (your English is actually quite good, I think!), and that certainly may have something to do with it, as well.

Just the other day, I was having a dialogue with @scaredycatguide and we touched on this summer thing sometimes called the "Hippie Dip" in investing circles:

Every heard of something called the "Hippie Dip?" It's usually attributed to Burning Man, but every August and September, millions of Baby Boomers (and younger) go to music and arts festivals. Which typically is big business... and can easily cost you $3K per festival, with prep, tickets, airfare and supplies. Now figure 80,000 people going to Burning man times needing $3K cash each... and multiply by hundreds of festivals... people selling assets to raise cash...

Wow yea and can you image time when you can go on that kind of festival with 0.4 BTC or any other cryptocurrency that will be fenomenal :D i bilive that time will come sooner or later depends only on us :D
Thanks for answering :D
PS. Just don't give up we must belive :D

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh, I'm not giving up... part of the purpose of my writing this was to suggest to people to not panic so much, and realize this is just part of the normal cycles we experience in investment markets.

Yea i noticed too many people losing motivation and fall in depresia when steem is low and thats a main tema when market is red :/

Posted using Partiko Android