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RE: The Number One Fix to Improve Steem's Chances for Mainstream Adoption

in #steem6 years ago

I dont think this would do us good since you shift the maximum economic gain from bots and selfvoting to whale to whale upvoting.
There really is no economic model that users wont find a way to exploit.
Its really not the economic system imo. People will act like this in any system.
Those that act in detriment to society have always had higher gains then people that work to improve it.

What we lack is a rule set, some kind of consensus on what is and what is not tolerated.

But sure. At this point what do you have to lose?
Once all the whale SP is locked up in bots there will be no one to upvote us minnows anyways.

Maybe it would be a good idea... Not for the idea itself but because this would be some kind of reboot of the system. While users are getting aclimated and a new get rich scheme gets hold we might have a fairer system for a while.


There really is no economic model that users wont find a way to exploit.

errr... as far as this world goes, evil is here to stay. steemians are only looking for the option with the lesser evil.

Evil only exist in your mind not in the real world

great. in a mind that lives and shits on Earth-blockchain. you should start a Jesus-movement.

You have a dualistic mindset of split things up in good and bad. That is a mind trap!