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RE: The Number One Fix to Improve Steem's Chances for Mainstream Adoption

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

There are lots of types of behaviour on Steemit and people will come up with more as it grows. I doubt there's any single algorithm that's ideal. I'm just wondering if it's possible to have one that adapts automatically. So if too much rewards were going to a few accounts it would adjust the reward curve and/or the curation percentage to swing it back to a more even distribution. I've no idea how this would work, but if vote buying was less attractive then less people would do it and then it could change again. I guess it's a little like a central bank trying to control inflation with the tools they have. I'm no economist.

People will always be looking for ways to play the system to their advantage.


Agree on last sentence, but we can’t have an economy that leaves the best behaviours in the dust. For curation services to be favoured more than bid bots, it has to be more or less equally profitable. Even just 50% less than bidbots might trigger a new behavioural equilibrium. 600%-800% difference just wont cut it no matter how good curation services are in making the platform work as intended..

Sounds like communism

In a good way or a bad way?

Bad... Hahaha

Well I'm not a fan of rampant capitalism. No system is perfect. Steemit has a form of democracy with the witnesses, but the whales have the most influence. I use my small stake to push things where I think they should go. I see so much potential to do good, but some will just take.

Nature already solved this for us. Building up relationships and big networks is more powerful than the influence of a few successful. That will say it's fine with them being big and powerful. The middle class needs to focus on growing their group. The Minnows needs to focus on building their group. 100 Minnows that support eachother daily is more powerful than 1 whale. If they are in a constant selfless mode they will not have time to focus on other things going on. 1 person is still just 1 person. Humans are way more powerful than any other thing on the planet.

The balance of power on Steemit is slowly shifting, but a whale with 100k SP can do more than 1000 minnows with 15.

Humans consider themselves all powerful, but we still struggle to deal with what nature can throw at us and we're our own worst enemy.

But the Tokens are not real power. It's that it's being used to stream value in the network. That will say 1 transaction it doesn't matter if it's 0.01 or 50. 1000 minnows have the power to stream more value by doing more transactions which actually is generating more value than 1 whale can ever do.