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RE: SirKnight - a rallying cry for Steem!

in #steem6 years ago

Following the fact that steemchurch community is growing and new members are coming in:

  • I think @steemchurch handle can be publishing as much as 3 quality posts per day and members like myself will be glad to contribute to ensure the trend is sustained. We could share knowledge in other areas such as technology, education, etc ( I mean via the @steemchch handle) so more SP could be generated to support the community.

  • @sniffnscurry should be publishing curation updates. I know it's a tedious work, yet, members of the community like myself and others could help prepare the updates then it will be published via the @sniffnscurry handle. This is to help increase the curation SP, followership, and will spice interaction within the community.

  • Members should be encouraged to curate (resteem, comments, upvote) at least 10 other members' posts daily to foster interaction.

  • Steemchurch twitter handle should be made active. Posts made via steemit should be shared there for reach to the outside community.

Thank you for the opportunity to suggest


Will take it on board U.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks Sir for the read

Good points there brother!

@steemchurch and other handles related to thhe community could be making at least 5 quality posts daily.

And if any extra help is needed, just as @uyobong said, people such as I could help. I would be glad to.

Also, I feel a music account could be created for the posting of songs and hymns.

Still on that, I feel competitions/contests should be organized as it would help in boosting interactions and the community as well.

still on the music issue, we could form a #steemchurchchoir.