in #steemchurch7 years ago



A Goal is basically any result that one is attempting to achieve.setting goals give directions for your future,it is a strong process of thinking about your future at its best, and for encouraging yourself to turn your vision of your future into reality.

Jesus said in Luke 9:62

And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God

Hearing the story of caro wozniacki will re align your mindset on few questions that have troubled your mind on dreams coming to reality.
Caro played professional tennis for 12years and over these years she played an approximate of 811 matches, doing the maths of this she played 65 games pee year. She didn't stop until she lifted up the trophy at an Australian Open, She was awarded with a major title. When she won this major it was clear caro could not hide her emotions. This one victory wiped away all the frustrations she might have had or know in her career in tennis

This teaches a lesson, imagine caro had given in to the frustrations when maybe things were not going the way she expected, just imagine if she has quit from playing tennis at the 11th year based on the fact that she had won nothing at all yet at that time.

Now here are the answers to the questions that might have been bothering you



How long can I wait to see a dream come to pass?
What is the price to get your most cherished goals?
Are you at a point of giving up?

Even here on the steemit we have dreams and aspirations everyone of us,sometimes we try so hard to create content yet no yield and we aspire to become whales someday here is what caro teaches us.
No one can tell what the next effort will bring, never stop trying bring even harder and better efforts.As far as the chasing of a dream or life goal is concerned we need to follow the advice of the saying of a wise man in

Ecclesiastes 11:6

In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good



sometimes the road might get rough but I took in research, here are some scriptures to keep you focused,

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me -Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart -Psalm 118:8 t is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man Proverbs 16:3 Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established -Proverbs 19:21 There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand

Always bring out your best efforts and someday your efforts will be good and complement for all you have lost.




  1. Set personal goals that inspire you
    Set goals that are self made,personal and will inspire you to get to new heights. Do not follow the crowd and copy the ambitions of your friends.pursue something that you are passionate about and something that genuinely interests you.
  2. Be Anticipatory
    Always believe you will achieve something, do not be negative
  3. Be relaxed
    Having drive is good, but remember that you are a human and need rest and time to recover like everybody else.
  4. outline what you want to achieve when and by what means you wish to achieve them,this will make your goals feel much more reachable
  5. Keep records of how far you have come
    Throughout your goal journey take pictures, keep records on your experiences.Keeping track of good times and also bad ones will help you to address your weaknesses and then overcome them.
  6. one of the best ways to stay motivated is by seeing visions of the change you want to see.

Very interesting topic! We, the members of SteemChurch, would definitely want to achieve our dreams. Thanks for the well structured writeup.

Upvoted & Resteemed

Truely, thinking about the future and encouraging oneself to turn the vision into reality is what every great man does, it's a good step to take. This is what we all should do as it will help us achieve alot of goals in life. Thanks for sharing.

Yes I totally agree, vision starts the engine to fulfilling goals and our greatest dreams.

The word of God tells us time and chance happens to everyone.
This is something that I believe we should always have in mind and know that whatever goal or dream we have will surely come to pass, ones its time is due and we shouldn't forget that God's time is always the best.
I was inspired by the story of Caro and moreover the steps you highlighted on how to achieve your goals.
This is indeed a great work, thanks for motivating us. Bless you

Thanks for this educative post, indeed setting goals give directions for your future,it is a strong process of thinking about your future at its best, and for encouraging yourself to turn your vision of your future into reality

The future is really a fantastic platform and thats why we must utilize the opportunities of dreaming and also a chance In making it possible to achieve a lot of goals.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me, when we believe in God and trust in him, he will bless us more than imagination, don't give up on God

Having drive is good, but remember that you are a human and need rest and time to recover like everybody else"

The thing that will determine your success is not the dream itself, but how you chase and pursue it.
In sure time, you will be able to achieve your goals.Keeping track of good times and also bad ones will help you to address your weaknesses and then overcome them.

To make it in life you have to concentrate your life into the hands if the lord .
Live your life to always please God and not men.
When you have gone the other way they would all leave you buy only the lord will be by your side in all you do .
We Christians knowing who christ is, is not a problem but what form the basis of issues is the fact some do not do what christ want them to do due to lack of courage and morale .
Christ us so powerful that he is always there to provide for those who can stand for him in truth and in spirit.
Never put your trust in any man because they will always leave you when you are faced with the evil one but Christ will always be with you in time of bad situation and trial.
You cannot make it when you don't work

As Christians we are supposed to dominate because he has given us the right to. The more we become sure of dominance, then no problem

"Be relaxed
Having drive is good, but remember that you are a human and need rest and time to recover like everybody else"
Very true Ephraim.

Good motivational post, winners never quit.
Writ your goals down for the year or month, keep on working towards it and cross check those you have achieve and works towards those you havent

Sure, no cross.. No crown..
No pain... No gain
Success is sweet, but the secret is sweat
One should just stay focus and remain positive and optimistic

very true, thanks for reading

Chasing your dreams will develop your courage.
Courage is your ability to achieve amazing success in life.
Follow your dreams and exercise much courage.
Once someone decide to chase their dreams
and exercise courage.
The thing that will determine your success is not the dream itself, but how you chase and pursue it.
In sure time, you will be able to achieve your goals.

Keep records of how far you have come
Throughout your goal journey take pictures, keep records on your experiences.Keeping track of good times and also bad ones will help you to address your weaknesses and then overcome them.

Success is sweet, but the secret is sweat

God is an expert in making dreams come true in his perfect time. God is good

Absolutely interesting and educative, i read this post with rapt attention,thanks a million for sharing,God's ways are not man's ways,his time is always the best,and guess what? he is too faithful to fail,hold on to God,your victory isn't far away. upvoted and resteemed

It doesn't matter How long it takes to For your dream to come through..
WHat matters Most is Never stop #striving.
An always Put God first..

Its also Important to have a Goal.. So as to be in a positive direction..

Inspirational Post.. Nice one👌👍

best 6 lines i appreciate your hardwork keep it up bro