in #steemchurch6 years ago

Our Leader @Sirknight The Founding Father Of Steemchurch Blockchain. He is A Vessel Unto Honour.

       What Is A Vessel?

Vessel is A Container Such as cup, bowl and bottle for holding Something,
A Vessel Can also be A Person Into Whom Some Quality such as grace is Infused.

      What is Honour? 

Honour means Great Respect, Value or Esteem.
To Honour Someone is to Value him highly or Bestow Value Upon Him.

     What Is A Vessel Unto Honour?

Vessels unto honour are the sanctified lives or those who are separated unto the process of becoming like Jesus.

The God we serve is very result-oriented. He Never does anything just for the fun of it, and so He created every one of us with a purpose in mind. Not one person on this earth exist without a special assignment. He expects our lives to yield pleasant results for him. Unfortunately, many people live life on their own terms. They just Gilde through life without a specific divine goal; the wind directs them to the south and they go to the south, and the next minute, the wind carries them to the north and they follow. They do not live their lives with a purpose in mind, because they don't value their Existence.

There is nothing as rewarding as being used of the Lord;
He is the best boss that anyone can ever have. It is only in his organisation that every act of service is generously rewarded. However, our God is also driven by His Principles. There are things you have to do in order to be used by him.

  1. You have to be Clean. God will use any type of Vessel-broken Vessels, Young Vessels, Old vessels and poor Vessels- But he will never use a dirty Vessel, except, of course for dirty or irritable things.
    The Holy Spirit makes this clear in 2Timothy 2:21, Saying "If a man therefore purge s himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work."

  2. You have to seek to know what specifix assignment God has for you. Your Assignment in life is specific to you, for example, even though there were many apostles in the early Church, God still Chose Paul and sent him to the Gentiles. Even if it seems like you have similar assignments with your neighbour or Friend, you dont have the same purpose with them.

    To Know your Specific Purpose.

  • Your Spiritual Eyes Must Be Open.

  • Passion + Daily Action = Purposeful Life.

  • Prayerful.

When your Relationship with God is Solid and Strong, you will no problem with Keeping your purpose firm and focusing on Jesus. It is also in Maintaining a strong relationship with God that you will find strength to do all that he asks of You.

Thanks for Reading


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