This is great @dzy7. The history of humanity has shown us that the world is full of violence,conflict and war. Even when there is a litle time of relative peace,it ends up being just another build up to a stronger conflict. Just as the bible stated in the book of romans 3 verse 17 , individuals may want to have peace and even work tirelessly to earn it, but it ends up being in vain as they never can have it because the world does not know the way of peace . This is so because our first parents in Adam and Eve fell out of God's peaceful way after they were deceived by the serpent. Now the capability of violence in us can be exploited by the devil who's way is full of hate. This is so because satan currrently controls the world and makes sure his attitude is installed in those who fall for his tricks through temptations. But we as children of God, we can possess the attitude of peace by learning it from GOD who has reigned in peace for eternity. By learning to practice the word of God we grow in love with our neighbors.The love of God as we all know is the most genuine kind of love we can possess. It is a kind of love that does not separate or have a scale of preference towards anyone. When we practice love to everyone around us, we appeal to their peaceful nature to be reciprocated to us.
Let's learn to expand our knowledge by constantly studying the word of God. The knowledge of Gods word brings about great wisdom. Such wisdom can be applied to our life style and make us handle things of conflicting nature in the most peaceful way. Wisdom automatically gives you the aura of a judge of peace. The willingness of sacrifice by Jesus Christ for humanity to be saved is something we should constantly seek to have in us. If we sacrifice our pleasure to the benefit of others, it promotes peace. God is the only one who can forgive us our sins any time we have gone contrary to his will.
His desire is tinder us successful in life and not to see us fail his love has always guilded those who trust in him and his mercies his been the focus in our lives. We are the representatives of God on earth, we should exhibit His peaceful nature through our life style. Let's learn to get closer to our maker and believe in him.
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