in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)


my pictorial illustration of the beauty in giving!,using the great mice sniff n scurry

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This is a topic that goes a long way to talk on the deeds of the great SIR KNIGHT.
From his initiative to create the steemchurch, he has been able to touch numerous amounts of lives.
With the inception of
Sir knight has been blessed by God, and he is being a blessing to the world around him
I must say he deserves some accolades!.


my design

Also, Jesus alone can turn our frustration to fulfilment.
This much is clear from the story of peter as told in luke 5.
One night peter and his colleagues went fishing. After staying the whole night they
Had nothing to show for their efforts. All they could do in the morning was to wash their nets in frustration.
That was when Jesus stepped in!
He first employed peters boat as a makeshift preaching tool. Then he went on not only to reward peter for the lease of hjs boat but to reverse his loss of the previous night

"launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught"
,the master commanded. After an initial reluctance peter obeyed. He got the catch of his life. It is interesting to know that Jesus is still healing people's frustrations today and restoring wasted years. Of crucial consideration here is the attitude of peter when he had a great catch. He sent for their other colleagues in a different boat, and filled their boats as well. I have heard of people talking of boat-sinking blessing. Well, if the blessing is about to make you sink you need to do what peter did - pass some to others. One of the reasons why God will bless anyone is for them to bless others in return.


I'll also be showing us why giving back to the society is important.

1.It creates a deep feeling of gratitude

Feelings of compassion, humanity and a sense of appreciation awakens whenever we give to people. There is nothing greater to centre our focus in this large world than beginning to understand just how much we have to be grateful for things . This comes from being in direct contact always with the act of giving to people who are less fortunate than ourselves.

2. Strengthens communities and nations
This is a feat sirknight is achieving.
Giving encourages alot of dialogue between people, communities and nations in ways that people would not ordinarily have experienced before. Whenever people choose to give, they unite from different sectors and communities in the name of a common cause and mission. This is a key contributing factor in strengthening communities and nation-building. God loves this.

3. You will grow as a person
When you are engaged in philanthropic and humanitarian activities you somehow can’t help but be touched as a human being that you are.
Your emotional awareness increases drastically, your care and consideration for others is awakened and you are exposed to new and different people. You will grow as a person definitely.
Thanks all for reading this post!!.


Thanks for thinking of us mice Jude - we like being able to deliver cheese to the folk of Steemit, but only to those who work hard and deserve it.


Yes great mice.
Only those who work hard enough deserve rewards.

All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work."
– Calvin Coolidge

SK definitely deserves some accolades. It's not easy to be the backbone of this awesome project. We all have to develop the habit of helping others too.

truely said apostle.
SK is a great personality

We are glad Sirknight started this project, we wonder what would have brought us together. We want to be a blessing in disguise to people around us. Thanks for your contribution.

Upvoted & Resteemed

Im grateful the steeemchurch recognizes.
Thanks alot

Amazing write up, thanks for sharing and to always see you around.

Im always happy to be around.
Thanks @abiye

Well this is certainly the best post I've read today it's amazing how steemchurch initiative started, and I must tell you, sometimes I wonder if @sirknight is human, because it's very difficult and herculean to be the founder of this initiative with many brilliant apostle and a relentless supporter in @sniffnscurry who has been totally cheerful and giving.
The best thing I have ever found here is @steemchurch and I'm proud of it

Great review about the great knight.

Good publication, and definitely honrra that honrra deserves, I think our leader @ Sirknight is a very noble person!

Very noble!
He is a noble knight of honour

Awesome post @juderoyal . SK has been a gift to a considerable lot of us in steemchurch and he doesn't gloat about it. An exceptionally straightforward individual with a major heart!

'Doesn't gloat about it'????

All us mice ever hear is 'I am SirKnight, legend!'. 'I am... the legendary SirKnight!' I am SirKnight... beyond legendary... founder of all that is legendary!'

It drives us mice nutty moize.

We are....

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lol.. You mice should just chill a sec.
Because he may have said those things doesn't mean he's a braggart or whatever.
Sirknight has created a lovely lasting image in the minds of we parishioners.
So,if he commends himself, just take it that he is trying to give himself some accolades.


@sirknight really deserve some accolades, we have all feel his impact in our lives, He wants everybody to be happy, we must follow his steps, he is a blessing to all nations

very huge blessing to us all.

Great post @juderoyal . SK has been a blessing to many of us in steemchurch and he doesn't even brag about it. A very simple person with a big heart!

A big heart he does have.

It is more honored to offer than to receive,and the Bible additionally instructs us to love our neighbor as ourselves, these have unmistakably been exhibited by the kind @sirknight, may God keep on blessing you, as you have tried obligation to favor others

Thank you for acknowledging sirknight.

God bless @sirknight and bless you for this wonderful article

thanks alot
God bless!!!

It is more blessed to give than to receive,and the Bible also tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves, these have clearly been demonstrated by the benevolent @sirknight, may God continue to bless you, as you have made a point of duty to bless others

Great review and prayer!

We are happy Sirknight begun this task, we ponder what might have united us. We need to be a surprisingly beneficial development to individuals around us. A debt of gratitude is in order for your commitment.

i am happy that you appreciate my commitment
thanks alot
God bless

Ok thanks!

He The lord before he created the sun, Mon ,plants,waters , earth and man has already been away of everything that he was about to created ,
He was a perfect God he never makes mistakes and nrve was he afraid of what will happen tomorrow , he knew that the earth and heaven will be crated by him and his reasons.
Therefore as Christians we shaoulf always remember that God knows everything in our heart and the reason he created us.
His word is all we need to survive in life and all we need to inherit the kingdom of God.
It contains all the secret to success .
For everything we do or hear should be reflected by Gods word, our life should be of God.
The purpose of Christ coming was fulfilled and was noticed by people who took all they have and all their time to work with the Lord through his word
Paul through his ministry was able to accomplish various task and he made himself a good example if a right fellow .
Do not allow your heart to control how you reason about God and do not allow the work of the devil to manipulate the plans God have for you.
The evidence as establish by the lord passed to his evangelist and his desciples was whatvwe have been believing .

Great review

The Bible teaches that we should use our blessings to bless others
Our blessings should flow to others.

The Bible teaches us that we are blessed not just so that we can feel good, not just so we can be happy and comfortable, but so that we will bless others. God told Abraham, "I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others" (Genesis 12:2 NLT). This is the first law of blessing: it must flow outwardly.

When we bless others, God takes care of our needs God promises that if we will concentrate on blessing others, he’ll take care of our needs.

There’s almost nothing that God won’t do for the person who really wants to help other people. In fact, God guarantees this blessing. Jesus said, "I tell you the truth. . .

Wondeful review sire.
thanks for taking time to comment

Thanks for this message. This is a great feeling of gratitude. Feelings of compassion, humanity and a sense of appreciation awakens whenever we give to people. There is nothing greater to centre our focus in this large world than beginning to understand just how much we have to be grateful for things . This comes from being in direct contact always with the act of giving to people who are less fortunate than ourselves. Giving encourages alot of dialogue between people, communities and nations in ways that people would not ordinarily have experienced before. Whenever people choose to give, they unite from different sectors and communities in the name of a common cause and mission. This is a key contributing factor in strengthening communities and nation-building. God loves this. When you are engaged in philanthropic and humanitarian activities you somehow can’t help but be touched as a human being that you are.
Your emotional awareness increases drastically, your care and consideration for others is awakened and you are exposed to new and different people. You will grow as a person definitely..this is the reason we should depend on the Lead of the Lord

this comes from being in direct contact always with the act of giving to people who are less fortunate than ourselves.
this was great thing to say.

i agree with you

Great information. thanks for sharing

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Great information right here. I picked the information very well. We are supposed to give give and give. Thanks steemchurch . Great work done

True true..
we are meant to give give Nd give

The action of donating to us allows the gratification of the Lord since his blessings are given through our good works. An affectionate hug. @juderoyal

God makes everything perfect, that's why he chose @ Sirknight

Excellent Post. God Bless you