Christian principles and values are born from home, that is why in the Bible we found a number of men and women who had in their hearts to be a pillar in their home, although in the midst of struggles and battles that made them make very strong decisions that they hurt in the soul, later it was a great blessing for all who lived in that house.
One of the Oasis men in the bible was the patriarch Abraham, although two sons who were of different women were created under his father's statutes. That is why when Joshua expressed: "My house and I will serve Jehovah" it was because he already brought examples of his parents who were raised in the doctrine of God.
Being an Oasis in the home, it consists of a lot of work and a lot of dedication, I want to tell you that you are the right person for you to flow in your relationship, your children, your work and your finances. That is what Abraham demonstrated to his two sons, I love them both equally although in a few years he had to make a decision that hurt him deep inside, he had to get rid of his son Ishmael.

Genesis 21: 14-16
The next day, very early, Abraham gave Agar bread and a leather with water; She put it all on her back, handed it to the boy Ismael and dismissed her. She left, and was walking aimlessly through the desert of Beersheba.
When the water in the leather was finished, he left the child under a bush
And he went to sit some distance away, because he did not want to see him die. When she sat down, the boy started crying.
Abraham was convinced that he had prepared the child well, in the ways of the Lord, but we see that the slave had not kept any teaching, while she was in the house of her masters. That is why the child began to cry out to the God that his father had spoken to him, if we go deep the bible says; "Train the child in his ways, and even when he was old he would not turn away from him" this is what Ishmael immediately did, he cried out to God in that hard moment he was going through, just as his father used to do when he lived in his house.

Genesis 21: 17-18
God heard the boy cry; and from heaven the angel of God called Hagar and said, "What's the matter with you, Hagar? Do not be afraid, because God has heard the boy's cry where he is. Go, fetch the child, and do not let go of his hand, for I will make a great nation out of him."
I am convinced that not only the child was praying, but also our brother Abraham was at home interceding so that nothing bad would happen to him in the desert. How good is the intercession for our children, it is part of that oasis that has to characterize us in our home, if we want to be an Oasis in the home we should pray for our relatives and our brothers of the Faith, and I am sure that your son is unconverted see your attitude, that will call your attention and there will come a time when he will tell you I need the God to whom you serve him.
When you intercede in prayer, you make Heaven move in your favor, and you will see how the problems, the adversities and the illnesses will flow, that perhaps you have a little desperate, never tire of bending your knees the best battles are won there , your prayers allow God's covering to cover your loved ones and always live a life of fulfillment.

Genesis 21:19
Then God made Hagar see a well of water. She went and filled the leather with water, and gave Ishmael a drink.
Only God can turn the deserts into springs, and perhaps you are going through a drought in your life and you think that you, as Oasis are about to dry up and no longer flow, I advise you not to abandon the battle line, you are the instrument necessary for your family to have a better life, do not give up that your promise is near, remember Agar thought that his son was going to die, but God will not place a burden on you that you can not carry, encourage if God is with we who against us.

Hi julieta sister welcome @steemchurch and @sc-v, we hope to continue enjoying your messages, we call attention to the theme of the oasis, which means that we must be a spring in the middle of the desert in our homes, when there is dryness in home, we must rise up like that cool place where there is water and we give drink to the thirsty.
Amen blessings be poured out on all this beautiful team of @sc-v and this is how we were called to be a channel of blessing to the thirsty, God has given us that ability.
The Lord has always prepared an oasis in the middle of the desert. Abraham proved to be an Elim where his home can rest. God is talking about the remnant of the last times that is growing and rising. In other words, it is blooming, it is greening for a time like this, to bear fruit in this world and make a difference. Each of the promises that God has given us through His word, prophetic words, dreams, will be fulfilled. You may think that God has delayed, however God never arrives late, always arrives at the perfect time. The pastures are greening, and everything is blooming so we can bear much fruit.
love my sister, it is like this that in God God made the rod of Aron rebellious, something that humanly speaking is impossible, only God in the middle of the deserts can produce springs in our lives and make everything that is dry go back to flow. "Throughout our being, we run rivers of living waters" because it is from there that comes the power to be us that Oasis to the family. blessings ..
Welcome to SteemChurch Sister! as you say: At home we learn values and principles! God always opens roads where there is not, Ishmael cried out, God heard. SteemChurch is also a house where we learn from parishioners like you. God bless you
love my brother, blessings in these last times for everything that is happening in our nation, we just have to cry and that God does.
The challenges teach us to hide new levels of faith, they are good proofs that the Christian is not for destruction but for edification, we take advantage of the values we have learned since childhood or from adults, it is never too late to correct. God bless you and thank you for the teaching of the Father of faith (Abraham)
It was a great example for your home, in the same way that we as parents should be, so that our children can have the capacity to cry out to God in the processes that they will go through.
Excellent message and learning @julieta1989
God bless you the Glory and Honor is from God. greetings sister