in #steemchurch6 years ago

Tolerance is one of the most respected human values and is related to the acceptance of those people, situations or things that are far from what each person has or considers within their beliefs. It is a term that comes from the Latin word "tolerare", which is translated into Spanish as "hold", or "endure".


We could define tolerance as the acceptance of diversity of opinion, social, ethnic, cultural and religious. It is the ability to know how to listen and accept others, valuing different ways of understanding and positioning in life, as long as they do not violate the fundamental rights of the person ...

  Tolerance if understood as respect and consideration for difference, as a willingness to admit in others a way of being and acting different from one's own, or as an attitude of acceptance of legitimate pluralism, is clearly a virtue of enormous importance.

In the bible, God indicates his desire, because we learn to understand and love each other, that is also part of tolerance.

In this opportunity we will be, reflecting, in some of the verses that the Bible leaves us, which invites us through its word, not only to know tolerance as a concept, but to the continuous practice in the environment where each human being is unfolding.

Being tolerant has a lot to do with the ability to accept different options, be they social, cultural, ethnic or religious. Tolerance always has a beginning, mainly in the foundation, in which nobody owns the absolute truth. There are four principles, which we can put into practice to strengthen tolerance between people.

Steps to be tolerant - According to the bible.

These steps are the following:


1-Do not respond or react to the different aggressions of a person, when we are insulted, accused unjustly or provoked. The best way to respond to such insults or aggressions is to always make silence.

Even the fool, when he is silent, is considered wise, when he closes his lips, for wise Proverbs 17: 28

2-Second, we must put into practice, calm in the face of various unpleasant circumstances or misfortunes, which comes from people, who come in some way to our lives wanting to cause discomfort, and oppression to our lives, to try to collapse, the best thing is to face them calmly and with love, thus avoiding any inconvenience or confrontation.

"Because God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and self-control" 2 Timothy 1: 7

Thirdly, we should practice compassion, when we can, we have to face the sent and the hatred of other people. The best solution will be not to answer or answer in the same way, in which others speak to us. If not, on the contrary, offer and demonstrate our friendship, thus demonstrating an intention of our heart, that is peaceful and honest. Where our education and intellectual superiority shine.

Rather, be kind and compassionate to one another, and forgive each other, just as God forgave you in Christ Ephesians 4: 32

Fourth and last, we must strengthen gratitude, in the midst of defamations towards our person. Without the moment, some other person, insults us, we should not fall into the error of doing the same with that other person. But on the contrary, we must remember the benefits, it facilitated us at some point.

Be joyful always, pray without ceasing, give thanks to God in every situation, for this is your will for you in Christ Jesus 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Tolerance as Value - In the family.

Tolerance is part of the most important values in the family and human beings. And it has a very close relationship with the sense of acceptance of some people. The word acceptance is a fundamental part of this concept, in its variety of respecting opinions and social differences.

Tolerance is part of a virtue that characterizes a person. Tolerance is a value which must be treated with great suspicion, in things and which must be instilled from small in children.

Accept him who is weak in faith, {but} not to judge {his} opinions Romans 14: 1

Importance of tolerance.

The importance of tolerance lies in its special bond with society, in relation to different cultures and education. Its fundamental importance, of tolerance, is that it allows human beings to live all in harmony and in communion in the same space, with people who share different cultures and religions.

Tolerance must also be applied in families, so that in this way there can be a happier and more harmonious coexistence. It is difficult, to live in a space, where different people are obtained, which have different thoughts, cultures, fashions, religions, education and totally different policies.

Types of tolerance

Among the best known types of tolerance we can mention, of the following:


Cultural tolerance: that is where you, as an individual, are able to respect the potion of cultures, different from yours.
Religious tolerance: here the person is able to have respect for the potion of another religion, different from the one he has as an individual.

Tolerance before ideals: the person is able to respect, the ways of thinking, ideas, principles different from his.

Tolerance before society: the person is able to respect other people who have a different social or economic status from him.

Tolerance before sexuality: the person is able to have respect towards, the individuals that have another sexual preference.

If at this time you have not yet met Jesus, today I want to present you, he is the great I am, the greatest and most powerful of all the heroes that have been able to exist within humanity, has the capacity to change lives, and to do it forever. And today he wants you to be one of those lives that can change you and fill you with a lot of tolerance. If you accept to receive Jesus in your heart, repeat this beautiful and beautiful prayer of salvation:

"Lord Jesus, today I ask you to forgive all my sins, and to inscribe my name in the book of life, I ask you to transform me and all my family, that your precious blood, today begin to cover me and make me a tolerant person and wise in your love Amen "


The tolerance
To get along with people, you have to know how to accept, forgive and tolerate others. But should tolerance have limits?

What is the key to being more tolerant?
Throughout the world, racial prejudice and nationalist, tribal and religious fanaticisms have stoked the winds of intolerance.

In the time of Jesus, intolerance and prejudice abounded. For example, Jews and Samaritans hated each other (John 4: 9). It was also considered that women were inferior to men. And, to make matters worse, Jewish religious leaders despised ordinary people (John 7:49). However, Jesus Christ was a completely different man. In fact, his enemies criticized him saying: "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them" (Luke 15: 2). Jesus was kind, patient and tolerant; She did not judge people but wanted to help her to know God. Everything he did, he did because he loved people (John 3:17, 13:34).


Jesus was the best example of someone tolerant, because he did not judge people but helped them get closer to God

Love is the key to be more tolerant, because it opens our mind and heart to accept others despite their imperfections and differences. That is why the Bible advises: "Continue to bear each other and freely forgiving one another if anyone has cause to complain against another" (Colossians 3:13).

"Above all, have intense love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins." (1 Peter 4: 8)

Do not respond or react to the different aggressions of a person, when we are insulted, accused unjustly or provoked. The best way to respond to such insults or aggressions is to always make silence.

This is what many of us finds it so difficult to do, it's not easy to be insulted and not react or to be accused and not say a word. I'm glad you ended with a how to deal with such situations when we find ourselves in one and that is to remain SILENT just like Jesus did when he was falsely accused and insulted. We should always look unto Jesus the author and finisher our faith to be able to tolerate many things:

Therefore seeing we also are surrounded with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily ensnare us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such hostility of sinners against himself, lest you be wearied and faint in your minds. Hebrews 12:1-3

Being able to know how to listen and accept others, value their opinion and respect the way and manner they choose to do things, is a key trait that everyone needs to develop. If everyone actually had this invaluable characteristic, then most of the troubles we see today will be non existent, because they all stem out of the inability of at least one person to tolerate and curtail the excesses of another person.

There seems to be no truer way to love another person than to fully accept everything about them.
Christians have often joined the tidal wave of this mainstream and often long to be known for their acceptance of others opinions and lifestyles.
On the surface ,it seems to be a positive virtue.
One that exemplifies the life of the Christian.
We have to be tolerant .

the bible verses you've quoted have shown that the bible emphasises tolerance, in our Christian life we must know that tolerance is essentials in our Christian journey for us to be able to ci-exist in a society where there may be a lot of unbelievers, it's essentials that we imbibe tolerance, it may even be a key in winning souls for Christ.

We tend to tolerate more when there is love.
We grow more when we tolerate ourselves. As a Christian, we should not give room for discrimination to set in but rather we should build a healthy relationship by help to rub each other's back and believe that though no one is perfect, we are all created in the image of God.
We need ourselves to run the heavenly race

Kindness, gentleness and love are attributes of tolerance.

In our journey of life, we would interact with different people form different backgrounds and orientations as us, even in the Church.
We have to grow to the stage of ignoring certain things people do and tolerating them.

Thanks for sharing Sis.

Tolerance is very good virtue anyone can have.
It give room for accommodation in any situation at all. It makes you lose the ability to judge people. rather it makes you live by the believe that people and things of this world are not perfect.

God has also told Christians what our response should be when we are faced with intolerance. Matthew 5:43-48 says we are to love our enemies and pray for them. Romans 12:20 says we are to provide for them. We do not play by the world's rules. We do not respond to intolerance with fear and hate. Instead, we express the love of Christ in us.

Resilience is great prudence anybody can have.

It give space for convenience in any circumstance whatsoever. It influences you to lose the capacity to judge individuals. Or maybe it makes you live by the trust that individuals and things of this world are not great.

Jesus Christ despite His wealth and glory chose to live within us and He never see himself as a King but rather He tolerated all and He never discriminated.

In our services to God we cannot do things alone,that is why we need to tolerate our fellows in order to keep the work of the father growing

Tolerance is the ability to bear something painful or unpleasant, to tolerate something it requires the grace of God.

Thanks for sharing, God bless you.

Should a Christian be tolerant of others' religious beliefs? Yes, in the classical sense. The Bible teaches that many will reject God. We should be prepared to accept that, as well as the fact that those who reject God will reject His followers. Christians should not be tolerant in the modern sense. We should not endorse the belief that all religions lead to God, that truth is a personal construct, or that everyone's beliefs are valid. Jesus is the truth. Christians are called to tolerate and even to love people without accepting their false beliefs.

the book of scriptures verses you've cited have demonstrated that the book of scriptures underscores resilience, in our Christian life we should realize that resistance is fundamentals in our Christian adventure for us to have the capacity to ci-exist in a general public where there might be a ton of unbelievers, it's basics that we assimilate resilience, it might even be a key in winning souls for Christ.

Your hope your patience and your trust should always be into the lord.
His presence in the word has brought us joy and grace, he is the light of the world for every one who believe in him shall see the light and the darkness shall always quench.
The fruit of the holy spirit has always be with us in we have be doing.
Making right decision is by doing what the lord wants from you and taking your life towards the part of holiness towards doing the right thing at the right time with the love of Christ leading you.
Changing the world and making right descion can be done in fuseing the things you listed with the word of God and making a clear descision of the different between the good and the bad.
With the little you have help those who don't have and God will always be happy with you.
Your life will always be filled with his joy and His mercies when your decisions are clear and your life is focused towards the right part of God.
Believe what the spirit tells you

we should learn to be tolerative with the brethren, and show compassion and show love to one another even as the saviour has loved us.

2 Timothy 4:1-2 I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.

tolerance is explained as the acceptance of diversity of opinion, social, ethnic, cultural and religious. It is the ability to know how to listen and accept others, valuing different ways of understanding and positioning in life, as long as they do not violate the fundamental rights of the person. God indicates his desire, because we learn to understand and love each other, that is also part of tolerance. Being tolerant has a lot to do with the ability to accept different options, be they social, cultural, ethnic or religious. Tolerance always has a beginning, mainly in the foundation, in which nobody owns the absolute truth. There are four principles, which we can put into practice to strengthen tolerance between people. The relevance of tolerance lies in its special bond with society, in relation to different cultures and education. Its fundamental importance, of tolerance, is that it allows human beings to live all in harmony and in communion in the same space, with people who share different cultures and religions. Tolerance must also be applied in families, so that in this way there can be a happier and more harmonious coexistence. It is difficult, to live in a space, where different people are obtained, which have different thoughts, cultures, fashions, religions, education and beliefs. Do not respond or react to the different aggressions of a person, when we are insulted, accused unjustly or provoked. The best way to respond to such insults or aggressions is to always make silence. we must put into practice, calm in the face of various unpleasant circumstances or misfortunes, which comes from people, who come in some way to our lives wanting to cause discomfort, and oppression to our lives, to try to collapse, the best thing is to face them calmly and with love, thus avoiding any inconvenience or confrontation. we must strengthen gratitude, in the midst of defamations towards our person. Without the moment, some other person, insults us, we should not fall into the error of doing the same with that other person. we should practice compassion, when we can, we have to face the sent and the hatred of other people. The best solution will be not to answer or answer in the same way, in which others speak to us. If not, on the contrary, offer and demonstrate our friendship, thus demonstrating an intention of our heart, that is peaceful and honest. Tolerance is so very important for we Christians to practice daily so as to be Christ like. It's never easy to accept and concur to do peoples behavior but the ability to endure makes for us ways and paths in life and understanding. Thanks for sharing

As Christians, this nature of tolerance should exist between us so as to enable a peaceful growth and developmemt in our community today.
"The importance of tolerance lies in its special bond with society, in relation to different cultures and education"
Amazing write up @marialara

That has been my key foundation in my christian life tolerance, sometimes a man may seem to do something you may see it strange, unpleasant but it needs just a matter of time. Tolerance is the beat way to bring out the beat in someone.

There is by all accounts no more genuine approach to love someone else than to completely acknowledge every little thing about them.

Christians have regularly joined the tsunami of this standard and frequently long to be known for their acknowledgment of others conclusions and ways of life.

At first glance ,it is by all accounts a positive ethicalness.

One that represents the life of the Christian.

We must be tolerant .

Romans 12:18
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

Hebrew 12:14
Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

The scriptures above further strengthen what you've taught about tolerance-- being at peace with others. However, accepting or tolerating others does not in anyway mean compromising one's faith. Tolerance is a side effect of love.
Thanks for sharing @marialara.
Kind regards.

Thank you for your analysis @ degreadmyke, As Christians, we are called to have a higher standard than "tolerance" we are called to love our neighbor. Simply, we should love the sinner, but continue to be intolerant of sin.

Precisely @marialara. Well said.

The resistance

To coexist with individuals, you need to know how to acknowledge, pardon and endure others. Be that as it may, should resistance have limits?

What is the way to being more tolerant?


All through the world, racial preference and patriot, innate and religious devotions have stirred the breezes of narrow mindedness.

The sacred texts above further reinforce what you've instructed about resilience - finding a sense of contentment with others. Nonetheless, tolerating or enduring others doesn't in at any rate mean trading off one's confidence. Resistance is a symptom of affection.

A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing @marialara.

To tolerate means to accept, to respect, to accept what you still do not like, it is empathy as such, it is the root of all forgiveness and acceptance of human error.

Self control, which is to an extent that same as tolerance is a tricky business, it takes someone who is wise and rooted in God not to loose it or give in to the pressures of this sinful world, very insightful post really helpful me alot, thanks for sharing.

Resilience is great prudence anybody can have.

It give space for convenience in any circumstance whatsoever. It influences you to lose the capacity to judge individuals. Or maybe it makes you live by the trust that individuals and things of this world are not great.

wow very amazing post thanks for sharing with us all.

wow exceptionally stunning post a debt of gratitude is in order for imparting to every one of us.

Tolerance before ideals: the person is able to respect, the ways of thinking, ideas, principles different from his.
Tolerance before society: the person is able to respect other people who have a different social or economic status from him.

The ability to tolerate people will make this world a better place having the understanding that we are all different and cannot be the same.