in #steemchurch6 years ago

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Our Hope is in the Lord

It is of the Lords kindnesses that we are not expended, in light of the fact that his empathies come up short not. They are new every morning: awesome is thy unwaveringness. The Lord is my segment, saith my spirit; in this manner will I hope in him. The Lord is great unto them that sit tight for him, to the spirit that seeketh him.(Lamentations 3:22-25).

What empowering words from God's Word! While everything around us appears to be hopeless, we can even now have hope in the Lord. His unwaveringness is incredible to His kin and we can confide in him.

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When you are forlorn, you can discover peace in the words found in Lamentations 3:22-25 and you can discover hope to confront each new day in the Lord.

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Hold tight to the Promises of God

In God's Word we read that God will "never leave thee, nor spurn thee" (Hebrews 13:5). We additionally read that God "knows the contemplations that I think toward you, saith the Lord, considerations of peace, and not of abhorrence, to give you a normal end" (Jeremiah 29:11). Take fearlessness and quality for now in realizing that God stays faithful to His obligations to us. God can convey us from hopelessness in our lives.

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Comply with the Lord

God's Word says, "If ye keep my charges, ye might reside in my affection; even as I have kept my Father's instructions, and live in his adoration. These things have I talked unto you, that my satisfaction may stay in you, and that your euphoria may be full" (John 15:10,11). Acquiescence yields euphoria. In the event that you will take after the laws of the Lord, as given to us in sacred writing, God will fill your existence with bliss. Furthermore, in life loaded with happiness, there is no space for hopelessness.

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Continue on to the End

In sacred text we read, "And thus, as well as we magnificence in tribulations likewise: realizing that tribulation worketh tolerance; and persistence, experience; and experience, hope; and hope maketh not embarrassed; in light of the fact that the adoration for God is shed abroad in our souls by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us"(Romans 5:3-5). On the off chance that you look to the Lord, and trust in Him, he will utilize those tough circumstances of hopelessness in your life to improve you a man and to give you hope for what's to come. At the point when difficult circumstances come, don't show signs of improvement. Furthermore, don't surrender. See your hardships all the way to the finish, confiding in your Lord and Savior to do compelling things for you.

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Anticipate that God will Work Things Out

In Romans 8:28, we read that "Everything cooperate for good to them that adoration God, to them who are called by his motivation." What superb hope can be discovered when you realize that God will work everything out for your great. In some cases it's difficult to see, however trust it's valid. God cherishes you. He needs the best for you. When you want to live for Him, He will bring you through circumstances of hopelessness and give you new happiness in Him.


Hi there!!!

Thanks for teaching us about hope today

It was nice reading through



IRRESPECTIVE of whatever we are passing through, our hope is in Christ Jesus

Thanks for the exposition

Warm regards


We would have been the most miserable among men If Christ died and never rose again, but we have HOPE because he rose and now seated at the right hand side of God interceding for us. This is why we serve God... for we have hope. Not only in this life do we have HOPE, for when we die we will also ressurect and have evrlasting life.

If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most to be pitied. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 1Cor. 15:19-22

This is the reason we are enourage and inspired to serve God, we are not ashamed and will never be ashamed. Thanks for sharing the message of HOPE with us @nutbussy247

Our hope is built on nothing else but the love of Christ and His righteousness. We should not fret in times of difficulty, because He will always be there.

a believer knows that their hope is solid, concrete evidence because it is grounded in the Word of God and we know that God cannot lie (Heb 6:18; Num 23:19).
More than just wishful thinking, Hope is the expectant of something bond to happen.
Thanks for sharing with us.

Are you in the midst of difficult times? Are you afraid you won’t get through them? We all struggle with these feelings from time to time. We fear the depression will never leave, and the pain will never stop. Here in the pits, we wonder: Will this gray sky ever brighten? This load ever lighten? We might even be asking, “Does God really care, is He good?” We may feel stuck, locked in, trapped. Predestined for failure. Will we ever exit this pit? Yes! Author Max Lucado’s “Survivor’s Creed” will give you hope in difficult times!

God promises are indeed a genuine source of hope that doesn't disappoint, it is in his promises you will fine everlasting life and confident hope.

Discovering hope in difficult time is like breaking a spiritual chain, it's like being free from a prison. When you discover hope it erase doubt and sins. That's why we have to always pray for breakthrough where ever we found our selves.

God bless you.

. We fear the depression will never leave, and the pain will never stop. Here in the pits, we wonder: Will this gray sky ever brighten? This load ever lighten? We might even be asking, “Does God really care, is He good?” We may feel stuck, locked in, trapped. Predestined for failure. Will we ever exit this pit? Yes! Author Max Lucado’s “Survivor’s Creed” will give you hope in difficult times.

His death has brought us joy and hope and his resurrection has give peace.
You may have been in a bad situation and you would want to change from it but all you need is just Christ.
In the beginning God made you and gave you and gave you purpose to serve him.
Serve him in truth and in spirit and keep his word intact never lie to him because he knows everything and all you feel he doesn't see .
Obedience is very important in our live if we really need to gain from God but first of al we need to appreciate him always .
Always pray for your self and put your trust in him with all your trust and all your believe.
Also pray for the progress of your enemies so that when they realise their mistake they will turn to God.
Do we really need to have Christ in us or do we really need to bring his joy in our mind always, the spirit of God has always be there for us and he has always been direction us according to his will and glory through he who made the earth.
There are millions of questions we need to ask our selves but what is important is that how is our faith and trust strong in the lord.
He our leader and everything we need he has made everything according to his powers and his glory h has perfected our life with his perfect life as a leader.
You must he ready to loose some earthly things and be ready to carry the cross with him.
Those who have given their lives to him will always be there to stand for him always .
Many don't know what it means to be with Christ and stand in his ways and do his ways will , the love of God is only bound to those who put their whole heart in the lord and do what God expect them to do through him who made heaven and earth.

Our desire depends on nothing else aside from the adoration for Christ and His honorability. We should not stress stuck in an unfortunate situation, since He will reliably be there.

It is of the Lords kindnesses that we are not expended, in light of the fact that his empathies come up short not. They are new every morning: awesome is thy unwaveringness. The Lord is my segment, saith my spirit; in this manner will I hope in him. The Lord is great unto them that sit tight for him, to the spirit that seek him. When you are forlorn, you can discover peace and you can discover hope to confront each new day in the Lord. Take fearlessness and quality for now in realizing that God stays faithful to His obligations to us. God can convey us from hopelessness in our lives. In the event that you will take after the laws of the Lord, as given to us in sacred writing, God will fill your existence with bliss. Furthermore, in life loaded with happiness, there is no space for hopelessness. On the off chance that you look to the Lord, and trust in Him, he will utilize those tough circumstances of hopelessness in your life to improve you a man and to give you hope for what's to come. At the point when difficult circumstances come, don't show signs of improvement. Furthermore, don't surrender. See your hardships all the way to the finish, confiding in your Lord and Savior to do compelling things for you. Obedience is very important in our live if we really need to gain from God but first of al we need to appreciate him always .
Always pray for your self and put your trust in him with all your trust and all your believe.
Also pray for the progress of your enemies so that when they realise their mistake they will turn to God.
Do we really need to have Christ in us or do we really need to bring his joy in our mind always, the spirit of God has always be there for us and he has always been direction us according to his will and glory through he who made the earth. lets always learn to know that God will finally work things out for for in his own way and will. We give glory to God almighty through Christ our Lord. Amen


Finding trust in troublesome time resembles breaking a profound chain, it resembles being free from a jail. When you find trust it delete uncertainty and sins. That is the reason we need to dependably appeal to God for achievement any place we discovered our selves.

Paul wrote that when you place your trust in God, He will fill you with peace, joy, and assurance, (Rom 15:13).

Throughout the Bible, God proves His faithfulness to His people by leading them safely through or delivering them from all their predicaments and troubles. He will never leave or forsake His people; His plans are to prosper, not to harm them (Jer 29:11).

People and things will always let us down. In Psa 33:17, the horse, often used as a symbol of power, is declared a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength, it cannot save. In Jer 17:5 God sternly warns against placing our dependency on man and calls it a curse.

God wants us to trust in Him. Psa 147:11 tells us that He is delighted when we put our trust in Him, and in Heb 10:23 we are told to rely on Him for He who promised it is faithful.

Yea,thats so true,our hope and confidence is in God and his word.our confidence should be on Christ and his finish works and not on ourselves,Christ is our hope,Colossians 2:2 That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; 2:3 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Tough times happen to all of us. No matter how strong or powerful or confident we are, tough times will come: viciously forcing their might on us, causing us to crumble. As mighty as we can feel one day, we can feel just as lost and scared the next. I don’t say this to cause fear, I say it because it’s the truth. The hardest part of tough times is not to lose hope.

A lot of people when faced with trials or trying times, fall back on unreliable entities or things that can fail, like people, alcohol, fun times or family and some even decide to wrong places for solution and comfort. Trusting and hoping in Jesus is the best option to secure our physical and spiritual future. Nice post.

Hope means, "to desire something with confident expectation of its fulfillment." The state of Hopelessness has been aptly described as a type of "Hell on Earth,” filled with endless despondency and despair.

Today, more and more people are finding themselves alone and depressed, and few of us have not at one time, or another felt the sting of despondency and despair.

But Good news! Help is available, not the kind the world has, wherein it wishes for the best. It is one thing to wish, and quite another to have faith based on the
promises of God.

Our expectation is based on nothing else except for the love of Christ and His nobility. We ought not worry in the midst of trouble, since He will dependably be there.

“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.”

Thanks for teaching us about hope today.

IRRESPECTIVE of whatever we are passing through, our hope is in Christ Jesus
Thanks for the exposition

Our expectation is based on nothing else except for the love of Christ and His nobility. We ought not worry in the midst of trouble, since He will dependably be there.

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