Teaching the faith to children

in #steemchurch7 years ago


Hello community today I want to comment on FAITH, many of us use the keys every day, but today we are going to talk about something so we have never thought about it. It is the key called FAITH, Faith is not a key of sea made of metal like these keys that are in my key chain, but it can have the most important key that we have, because it is the key that releases the power of God. I want this topic to be of your liking and usefulness One day Jesus was in a town called Capernaum. There was a centurion, an officer of the Roman army, who had a servant who was very sick and about to die. The centurion heard about Jesus and they sent some men to ask Jesus to come and heal his servant. The men came to where Jesus was and they begged him to heal in the service of the centurion, so Jesus went with them to the house. Before Jesus came to the house, the officer sent other men to Jesus: "No I do not soy worthy of such honor, just say the word and my servant will be healed. " When Jesus heard this, he was amazed. He looked at the crowd that followed and said: "He has not seen a faith like this in all of Israel!" The officer's friends returned to the centurion's house. When you reach the stations completely completely healthy.


What is the definition and meaning of faith? It is in the Bible, Hebrews 11: 1, "Faith, then, is the certainty of what is expected, the conviction of those who are not seen."

Have faith
To have faith is to "ACCEPT" what God allows in our life even if we do not understand it, even if we do not like it. If we had the ability to see the end from the beginning as He sees it, then we could know why sometimes leads our life by strange paths and contrary to our reason and our desires.

Having faith is "GIVING" when we do not have, when we need ourselves. Faith always brings out something valuable from what is apparently non-existent; it can make the treasure of generosity shine in the midst of poverty and helplessness, filling the recipient and the giver with gratitude.

Having faith is "BELIEVE" instead of resorting to doubt, which is the easiest thing to do. If the flame of trust is extinguished, then there is no other choice but to give in to discouragement. For many to believe in our kindness, possibilities and talents, as well as those of our fellow human beings, is the energy that moves life towards great paths. But there is still a higher way of believing. Know that our life is in the hands of God and that He is the one who takes care of us.

Having faith is "GUIDING, DIRECTING" our life, but not with our eyes, but with our hearts. Reason needs a lot of evidence to take risks, the heart needs only a ray of hope. The most beautiful and great things that life gives us can not be seen, not even palpated, they can only be caressed with the spirit.


To have faith is to "RISE" when it has fallen. The setbacks and failures in any area of ​​life sadden us, but it is more sad to stay lamenting in the cold ground of self-pity, trapped by frustration and bitterness.

To have faith is to "RAISE" everything in exchange for a dream, a love, an ideal. Nothing that is worthwhile in this life can be achieved without that dose of sacrifice that implies giving up something or someone, in order to acquire that which improves our own world and that of others.

To have faith is to "SEE"positively forward, no matter how uncertain the future may seem or how painful the past may be. The one who has faith makes today a foundation of tomorrow and tries to live it in such a way that when it is part of his past, he can see it as a pleasant memory.

To have faith is to "TRUST" but to trust not only in things and in people, but in the God who works, acts and speaks through people. Many trust the material, but live in hollow relationships with their peers. Certainly there will always be people who hurt and betray your trust, so what you have to do is keep trusting and just be more careful with the one you trust twice.

To have faith is to "SEARCH" for the impossible: to smile when your days are cloudy and your eyes have dried up from so much crying. To have faith is never to stop undressing your lips with a smile, not even when you are sad, because you never know when your smile can give light and hope to the life of someone who is in a worse situation than yours.

To have faith is to "WALK" along the paths of life in the same way that a child does. Hold by the hand of our father. To have faith is to leave our problems in the hands of GOD and throw ourselves into his arms rather than into the abyss of despair. Faith is resting in Him to charge us, instead of carrying our own collection of problems.


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In practice, to believe in God means for man to adhere to God himself, trusting fully in him and giving full assent to the truths revealed by him.
It is also "a human act, that is, an act of the intelligence of man, which, under the impulse of the will moved by God, faith is certain because it is based on the Word of God;" acts through charity "(Ga 5,6), and is constantly growing by listening to the Word of God and prayer.


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God bless you and your family