Steemchurch- GOD's Love exceeds all knowledge❤

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Ephesians 3:19"And know the love of Christ, which exceeds all knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God".

This word of truth that impacts my heart and I want to share with you, I want to talk about that Love that surpasses all understanding, that is, that our mind can not understand it because it goes beyond common love, love between couples, love between brothers , of the love that is compared with the love of GOD that is that of a father for his children, even that does not compare with the love that GOD has for us, it is a love so great and infinite that our capacity to be human to be able Enternderlo falls short, that's why he says his word: his love exceeds all knowledge, in a few words it is a supernatural love.



We learn this love of Christ or we know it through prayer, seeking more of Him, reading the Word and obeying it. Then we will be filled with the fullness of God knowing Christ. To know Christ better, we have to empty ourselves of this world. You can not fill a glass of water when it's full. That is, we must empty ourselves of what you have filled us with sin so that GOD can fill us with his love.

Many people will ask themselves: "If God is love, because he has allowed so much war and so much hunger, because he allows so many injustices daily in this world". God loves me?

Without realizing by the circumstances in our lives, the difficulties we face, we question God's love for us. The truth is that God's love is unconditional; God wants to reach us in his grace through his son, Jesus Christ, and that is why God has not established a condition.



Unfortunately, we usually blame God for the decisions made by man, for the mistakes made. In the Word we find:

"The foolishness of man turns in his way, and then, against the Lord, his heart is troubled" (Proverbs 19: 3

God is the same today, tomorrow and always; and his love for the human being is incomparable, since in his word he tells us: "with everlasting love, I have loved you" (Jeremiah 31: 3).

The apostle Paul questioned himself bravely about this fact:

Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Tribulation, or anguish, or persecution, or hunger, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? (Romans 8:35)

He addressed this question to the believers in Rome, challenging them to think that in the midst of injustices and difficult circumstances; God's love remains unchanged, this question at the same time serves as an indirect affirmation about what we can find daily in this world.

Friends, although the circumstances or actions of third parties can not separate us from the love of Christ; we are ourselves, we can put distance between God and us. However, we return to the original point that, although we ourselves are in a state of estrangement from God, God continues to love us, God is still waiting for us, his love has not changed.

God wants the love relationship to be mutual, in one of the letters to the seven churches in the book of Revelation, the Lord urges one of the churches to return to "first love" (Revelation 2: 1-7); God is waiting for him to act in our life, Jesus is with open arms, because distance is not a problem, his love does not know the dimensions.

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"Neither death, nor life, nor the angels, nor the principalities, nor the powers, nor the present, nor the future, nor the height, nor the depths, nor any other created thing can separate us from the love of God, which it is in Christ Jesus our Lord "(Romans 8: 38,39)

No power is as great as the love of God, it knows no dimensions, it knows no depth, it knows no distance; come closer today and experience the love of God!



Greetings to the parishioners of the #steemchurch and the great founder and leader of the movement @sirknight.