Understanding The Difference Source Of Your Thoughts

in #steemchurch6 years ago

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First of all what is thought?
Thought is the creation, recalling, reviewing, and processing
of images, for meaning, reason, language, and expression.
Thoughts are pictures of the mind with constructive or destructive possibilities, functioning with or within human emotions. In other words, thoughts have the ability to influence your emotions.

Sometimes they are imaginations, but they are more than that. Thoughts are conscious, mental construction of your mind based on imaginations, information, or stimuli. Thoughts, therefore, are a stream of images that create meaning. You can't think without meaning; If you do, it just means you're not thinking. Real thinking is creating or setting one's mind on a stream of images that create or have a meaning, and Thus give a message.
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Different Source of Thoughts

  1. Your Own Reasoning:
    These are thoughts that emanates from you based on the information you've acquired. Such information, many times, is conditioned by the happenings in your environment: what you've studied in school, read in the newspapers, listened to on radio, seen on TV, browsed on the internet, or heard from someone else.

  2. From God:
    Thoughts can also come to you from God. God, sometimes, communicates His Thoughts to you through your mind, which is the doorway to your spirit.

  3. From Satan:
    Evil or negative information, opinions and suggestions, If allowed, can be thrown to your mind by the devil. And all the Thoughts he brings are to pollute your mind, blind you from God's truth, and rob you of the glorious life you ought to be enjoying. This is mostly done through imagination, pictures, and inaudible voices (2 Cor. 4:4).

You may wonder, "how then can I distinguish the thoughts that come to me?" How can I know the Thoughts I should or shouldn't accept? It's very easy and simple.

If you're born again, the Bible says you have the mind of Christ: "For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ."(1 Corinthians 2:16). Though you had a certain way of thinking before, now that you're God's child, your mind has been enabled and empowered to think like Him.

Before the new creation came, God said, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord" (Isaiah 55:8). But now that you're born again, you have His life now; you're now a partaker of His divine nature. (2 Peter 1:4).

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and life" (John 14:6). So every thought that is good for God and for people is from heaven, and God God's heaven is operational in your heart. Every thought that makes you resent or despise someone else, or make you work against the purpose of God, is from the devil, not from you. When you first d your self thinking Thoughts that frustrate or contradict God's plans for you, or for the church, which is His Body, understand that they're not from you or God, but the devil. When such Thoughts come to you, immediately discern and reject them.
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Your Thoughts Affects Things Around You
Did you know that your Thoughts can also affect things around you? That's because Thoughts release signals, and those signal can be received by things around you and people connected to you.

You've probably had this experience where you were thinking about someone and that person suddenly showed up, or called you, or sent you a message. Or maybe you were thinking about a particular thing and even though you hadn't said anything about it to anyone, someone near you started thinking the same thing and actually voiced that thought. Science calls it telepathy: a transference of thought from one mind to another by extrasensory means. But If you understand the spirituality behind the science, you'll become ever more careful about the Thoughts you allow.

We all transmit Thoughts, and sometimes we inadvertently transmit negative Thoughts into our environment that cause it to turn on us and attack us. Did you know, for instance, that your room has Thoughts from you? The walls, furniture, clothing, etc., in your room are made from materials that have memory and can receive and retain information from you, and whatever they've gotten from you can remain in them. That's why you've got to be careful the kinds of Thoughts you let run through your mind, so that you don't make something happen that you don't want.
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Change your thinking; start by saying the right things, uttering words of gratitude, and singing songs of praise to God.
This is how you can use your mind to cause good things to flow in your direction and stop the wrong, negative, or evil things from happening around you. Glory......


Very true indeed Your Thoughts Affects Things Around You Did you know that your Thoughts can also affect things around you? That's because Thoughts release signals, and those signal can be received by things around you and people connected to you.

What you think every day will determine what theblord will think of you do not allow the work of the devil to take over your life because he will always be there to deceive you through your evil thought.
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Our thoughts is the place where all sort of imaginative thinkings happen, that is to say before we humans take an action it's been perceived already inside our thoughts, and as you've categorized it, we must take heed to discern which is God's or the devil's thoughts in our mind, simplifying them in other to know what to follow and what not to, amazing message here

These are thoughts that emanates from you based on the information you've acquired. Such information, many times, is conditioned by the happenings in your environment: what you've studied in school, read in the newspapers, listened to on radio, seen on TV, browsed on the internet, or heard from someone else.

Real thinking is creating or setting one's mind on a stream of images that create or have a meaning, and Thus give a message.
Thoughts release signals, and those signal can be received by things around you and people connected to you.

Your Thoughts Affects Things Around You
Did you know that your Thoughts can also affect things around you? That's because Thoughts release signals, and those signal can be received by things around you and people connected to you.

This is true, our thoughts go long way in what we will be in life, we must always think positive.

Out of the imagination of the heart, the mouth speaketh.

Our thoughts has a huge influence on our actions. What we let in dominates our heart. Which is why it becomes very important go guard our hearts diligently because we receive imaginations from diverse sources according to @timgodsent.

Always fight away unhealthy imagination. They are seeds that are harmful when meditated upon.

Changing your thinking changes your life

Genuine reasoning is making or setting one's brain on a flood of pictures that make or have an importance, and Thus give a message.

Considerations discharge signals, and those flag can be gotten by things around you and individuals associated with you.

Imagination is power.
Good ones can make you enviably successful. Bad ones csn destroy you completely.

I'm happy I came across this.

Your Thoughts Affects Things Around You
Did you realize that your Thoughts can likewise influence things around you? That is on account of Thoughts discharge signals, and those flag can be gotten by things around you and individuals associated with you.
Thanks for sharing with Us.

True to be sure Your Thoughts Affects Things Around You Did you realize that your Thoughts can likewise influence things around you? That is on account of Thoughts discharge signals, and those flag can be gotten by things around you and individuals associated with you.

These are contemplations that exudes from you in light of the data you've procured. Such data, ordinarily, is molded by the happenings in your condition: what you've considered in school, read in the daily papers, tuned in to on radio, seen on TV, perused on the web, or got notification from another person.

Genuine reasoning is making or setting one's psyche on a flood of pictures that make or have a significance, and Thus give a message.

Considerations discharge signals, and those flag can be gotten by things around you and individuals associated with you.