in #steemchurch6 years ago


IN MANY religious circles, the Devil has come to be regarded largely as a superstitious relic—an invention of humans. So Dionigi Tettamanzi, archbishop of Genoa—one of Italy’s leading cardinals—caused quite a stir with his 40-page pastoral letter on how to fight the Devil. It listed “10 commandments.”

First: “Don’t forget that the devil exists,” because his “first falsehood” is to “make us believe that he doesn’t exist.”

Second: “Don’t forget that the devil is a tempter. . . . Don’t consider yourself either immune or invulnerable.”

Third: “Don’t forget that the devil is most intelligent and astute. He continues to be insidious by being fascinating, as he did with the first man.”

Fourth: “Be vigilant: in eyes and heart. And be strong: in spirit and virtue.”

Fifth: “Believe firmly in the victory of Christ over the tempter” because this “will make you secure and imperturbable before even the most violent assault that can be unleashed against you.”

Sixth: “Remember that Christ makes you a sharer in his victory.”

Seventh: “Continue to listen to the Word of God.”

Eighth: “Be humble and love mortification.”

Ninth: “Pray always, without tiring,” in order to overcome temptation.

Tenth: “Adore the Lord your God and to him alone render worship.”

What effect did this pastoral letter have?
Its advice was not well received by Milan’s Center of Theological Studies. The Center contended that such a “theological formation smacked of medievalness in character.” According to a spokesman, “to put the ultimate blame on the devil could help to deprive people of their [own] responsibility.”

Although the Bible does not absolve humans of responsibility for their actions, it clearly identifies Satan the Devil as “the god of this system of things,” the one who tempted Jesus. It also reveals the power of Satan and his intention to ‘blind the minds of unbelievers.’—2 Corinthians 4:4; Matthew 4:1-11.

Indeed, as the apostle Peter wrote, Satan is “like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone.” (1 Peter 5:8) Little wonder that the apostle John reminded believers: “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19) We are wise not to ignore these Scriptural warnings.

Is Satan perhaps only the evil within people?

Job 1:6-12 and 2:1-7 tell about conversations between God and Satan. If Satan were the evil in a person, the evil in this case would have to be in GOD. But that is in complete disagreement with what the Bible tells us about GOD as being One “in whom there is no unrighteousness.” (Ps. 92:15; Rev. 4:8) It is noteworthy that the Hebrew text uses the expression has·Sa·tanʹ (the Satan) in the accounts in Job, showing that reference is being made to the one who is outstandingly the resister of God.—See also Zechariah 3:1, 2,
Luke 4:1-13 reports that the Devil endeavored to tempt Jesus to do his bidding. The account relates statements made by the Devil and answers given by Jesus. Was Jesus there being tempted by evil within himself? Such a view does not harmonize with the Bible’s description of Jesus as being sinless. (Heb. 7:26; 1 Pet. 2:22) Although at John 6:70 the Greek word di·aʹbo·losʹ is used to describe a bad quality that had developed in Judas Iscariot, in Luke 4:3 the expression ho di·aʹbo·los (the Devil) is used, thus designating a particular person.
Is blaming the Devil just a device used in an effort to escape from responsibility for bad conditions?

Some people blame the Devil for what they themselves do. In contrast, the Bible shows that humans often bear much of the blame for the badness they experience, whether at the hands of other humans or as a result of their own conduct. (Eccl. 8:9; Gal. 6:7) Yet, the Bible does not leave us ignorant of the existence and devices of the superhuman foe who has brought so much grief to mankind. It shows how we can get out from under his control.

From where did Satan come?

All of GOD’s works are perfect; he is not the author of unrighteousness; so he did not create anyone wicked. (Deut. 32:4; Ps. 5:4) The one who became Satan was originally a perfect spirit son of God. When saying that the Devil “did not stand fast in the truth,” Jesus indicated that at one time that one was “in the truth.” (John 8:44) But, as is true of all of God’s intelligent creatures, this spirit son was endowed with free will. He abused his freedom of choice, allowed feelings of self-importance to develop in his heart, began to crave worship that belonged only to God, and so enticed Adam and Eve to listen to him rather than obey God. Thus by his course of action he made himself Satan, which means “adversary.”—Jas. 1:14, 15;

Why did not God destroy Satan promptly after he rebelled?

Serious issues were raised by Satan: (1) The righteousness and rightfulness of GOD’s sovereignty. Was GOD withholding from mankind freedom that would contribute to their happiness? Were mankind’s ability to govern their affairs successfully and their continued life truly dependent on their obedience to God? Had GOD been dishonest in giving a law that stated that disobedience would lead to their death? (Gen. 2:16, 17; 3:3-5) So, did GOD really have the right to rule? (2) The integrity of intelligent creatures toward GOD. By the deflection of Adam and Eve the question was raised: Did GOD’s servants really obey him out of love or might all of them abandon God and follow the lead being given by Satan? This latter issue was further developed by Satan in the days of Job. (Gen. 3:6; Job 1:8-11; 2:3-5; see also Luke 22:31.) These issues could not be settled by merely executing the rebels.

Not that God needed to prove anything to himself. But so that these issues would never again disrupt the peace and well-being of the universe, GOD has allowed ample time for them to be settled beyond all doubt. That Adam and Eve died following disobedience to God became evident in due time. (Gen. 5:5) But more was at issue. So, God has permitted both Satan and humans to try every form of government of their own making. None have brought lasting happiness. God has let mankind go to the limit in pursuing ways of life that ignore His righteous standards. The fruitage speaks for itself. As the Bible truthfully says: “It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.” (Jer. 10:23) At the same time God has given his servants opportunity to prove their loyalty to him by their acts of loving obedience, and this in the face of enticements and persecution instigated by Satan. GOD exhorts his servants, saying: “Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me.” (Prov. 27:11) Those proving faithful reap great benefits now and have the prospect of eternal life in perfection. They will use such life in doing the will of GOD, whose personality and ways they truly love.