People do judge a book by its cover, and how many of us bought a book just because that particular cover looked much better than the another one beside to it?!... I think, maybe the majority of us had that experience, once or twice!
I've been working as a professional "book cover designer" for a long time, performing by now the art for hundreds of author books.
The experience I accumulated all this time made me understand more deeply what the author needs and what if is possible to achieve it inside the author's budget, without making it look too cheesy.
Intercommunication between the author and the designer is highly important and needed to all the process and positive feedback from both sides.
What do I, the designer, provide to you, the author?
- Three different covers (in low resolution) for you to choose your final cover.
- You have the right to ask for updates in a specific design, after you choose your favorite.
- Mock-up of your book that you can use to marketing it over the social networks.
- A PDF file in high resolution, with the final product, ready to print out.
- A JPEG file in high resolution.
- The original PSD file (Photoshop) completely organized, so you can use in your future prints or changes.
- A folder with the font files and images used in the final document.
- Provide help in case of troubles during the printing process.
The price range will be always discussed with the author.
I'm willing of providing revisions to the final document.
- One revision/change to the document is completely free of charge.
- Any extra ones have a charge of 10 SBD.
I can shorten up the time of delivery accordingly with the extra payment of 20 SBD.
Price: Starting at 50 SBD
Delivery: 2 day(s) 0 hour(s)
What do I, the designer, need from you, the author?!
- Good quality images, with at least 200 to 300 dpis. (if is for high quality printing, for eBooks can be 150dpis) (I can provide images if you do not have any, you specifically wish to use.)
- This includes any logos that should be provided, if possible in PNG (with transparent background)
- Is most important that, you the author, have clear idea of what you wish for your cover, so that we can narrow misinterpretations.
- A short written description of what the book is about. (it can be only the book Synopsis)
- All the texts you wish to put on the cover, such as:
- Title, and the subtitle, (if there is one),
- A catchy sentence, (if there is one),
- The author's name,
- The author's biography,
- Synopsis,
- All other texts, and even links to websites/social networks that you may find important to place on the cover.
- A bar-code with the ISBN number. (this is only needed if you are going to make a professional printing and future sale of the copies)
(Please keep in mind you should not write too long texts in the the cover, it should be the most harmonious possible, a perfect equilibrium between the images and texts).
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