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This looks like a great idea. Nice hunt. A device that can convert an existing petrol diesel car, to one that runs on water. Reliance on fossill fuel needs to stop, and this is surely one way. 5* for the innovation but i wonder if depleting one resource for another is great.

Thank you very much

Is this really functioning and safe? @omkardivya

If this really works, I'm sure this is one of the best products today. However, I think for the current price it's very "expensive", right?

I hope this kind of technology can be bought at a cheaper price so that the adoption will be faster.

Yes I agree with you

Great idea, @omkardivya. Using water instead of fuel is for sure an innovation and futuristic idea.

This is a product that can prevent wars. Was it extreme thought? Every country is in a fight for oil so if we just use water for cars it could be great and the price of oil will decrease a lot. I am really interested in this product so i will search a bit more. Thanks for sharing it.

Yes, this alternative source

this is absolutely revolution. this is really will help us to save our environment with this. also with this we also no need to use expensive fuel for your vehicle. this is absolutely great hunt

If H2-Flex succeeds (I hope it does) perfect news for all of us, bad news for Fuel Productors hahahaa. Great hunt.

Thank you very much

Even though the price is rough, i think it is worth it because time will fly, the money you wasted on gasoline/oil will be the same amount of money you've bought on the product but one good thing upon buying is you helped the nature.

Thanks for your great review

Really? This is a wonder product! With oil crisis ever imminent and the numerous environmental and health problem caused by hydrocarbon fuel, this is one of those innovations the world needs. I pray it catch on. It will save money on fuel and the maintenance needed from using them. I read it can run on any sort of water, even pee. Damn!

You Killed This, Now Recoil!

Thank you very much for your great review

superb hunt!!! this is what the world needs, more sustainable, more cheaper , more cleaner usage rather than gas, if this comes to my country i would consider buy it, do please tell the inventor to make it into the car now !!! cheerss

Thanks for your great review

I think there will be great evolution about energy and fuel very soon and H2-Flex is one of them. Price is affordable for it. Great hunt.

Great hunt my friend!It is very useful because gas at our days is very expensive so this product will reduce the cost of our lives.Keep good hunting!

Yes thank you very much

When I first read, I couldn't believe in my eyes. Finally we will be able to use water as a fuel at our cars. Great hunt.

Yes thank you

If this works I'll definitely get one, sell them locally etc but they don't explain it very well. The one video I found on youtube was pretty short and ended abruptly. I'm all for more eco-friendly transportation options though.

Contact them you get good information

Thanks, I will

Great hunt


  • it's eco-friendly
  • uses renewable energy
  • provides great speed
  • it is expensive

best of luck for your next hunt

When I was in college, my research focuses on renewable energy and it was about how to use water as an alternative energy source to drive a motorbike or car, cool hunt.

Thanks for your great review

Hi @ omkardivya, fantastic hunt.
Gaining gaseous hydrogen in such a simple way.
We can add hydrogen to any type of fuel !!!
That's part of the hydrogen and the residual fuel of your car.
Increases engine power,
prolongs engine life, as it purifies the engine during driving
reduces the need for petrol and diesel fuels and
reduces the emission of harmful gases.
Investment returns within 1 year.

This is a really useful product.

Thank you very much for your great review

Wow!!! Running a car with water? Awesome!!!!!!!
We can all save so~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ much $$$$$$$

Wow as in wow! This is truly a next level hunt indeed! How I wish we can convert everything with this as a fuel source for our vehicles, though its too pricey but it is very worthy. Best hunt for today, and I will give this a perfect score of 5 out of 5💯🍻

This is really a good innovation for vehicles.
Many vehicles should use this to reduce pollution.
When this product become mainstream in the future, I guess this can replace oil for many type of vehicles.

Yes thank you very much for your support

Great hunt indeed, if this is the future, welcome.
This is going to be really cost friendly if it ever reaches a good level of implementation.
The only con is i wonder it's general usage if it ever will replace these old ways, it can may so expensive to maintain as well.

Great hunt.

Unfortunately, we are still running our cars on petrol and yet to use gas, but if this actually works, then it will have a massive impact on the entire world. Because, everyone will start using this and international crude price will hit a massive low , which would change the entire game. And with a one year guarantee, its already going to pay back the entire amount in a year, so its profitable to use this after that.
I wonder, if its already started being used at some places and there are evidences ?

Thanks for your great review

Using water as a fuel was in first cars so its really old thing. But with todays technology they built the better way to use it as a fuel and replace it on any cars. Its surely a good idea and if you calculate the fuel cost the price of this product is not much. Only it depends on how long km can drive one tank.

It depends on weight of vehicle so they don't mention that. For normal car you may go nearly 200 miles, I think

Definitely looks like a neat project thanks for the share

This product is quite expensive but it is eco-friendly and economical. And it looks cool because it gives more speed than normal fuel. Thanks for sharing cool hunt.

When I was in college, my research focuses on renewable energy and it was about how to use water as an alternative energy source to drive a motorbike or car, cool hunt.

Wow this is innovation .. !!
It seems to be a good product and I think 999 usd is a good price.
Nice hunt, very interesting product

Old tech reintroduced. Thanks, good one.

Oh really I don't know about it in before

im going to buy a lake. awesome hunt.

No need to bye a lake it run even sewage water also, and also support human wastage also. So no need Lake yaar.

thank you, you saved my money. Not going to buy lake. Instead, I will save my waste. The recycling made extreme economic. you are brilliant, that's why you have such suggestions. I'm going to redefine my toilet. thank you @omkardivya

With a lot of ever increasing population caused by the smoke and chemicals used in vehicle, this seems a great economical and cost-efficient solution. This is really a future generation product and that is what makes it great. The makers of this product are fully aware of environment pollution and that's why they came up with an eco-friendly product. 5 STARS @omkardivya.


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