
Me personally i find it hard to flagg people no matter their wrong but i think it is important that people get punished for things like spamming and scamming but i just find it hard to flag people for it. so this why i said if you see the need to flag somebody, fine. I support.

I think what @sherlockholmes is
'I don't have the SP or voting power to do this myself. If this bothers you because you see how it is harming the steemit community, THEN it IS on your shoulders to bare and help flag this abuse.'

Ok. I understand now.

Thanks for clarifying you inhibition to flag, it's more than understandable.

@em3 already said it best:

If this bothers you because you see how it is harming the steemit community, THEN it IS on your shoulders to bare and help flag this abuse.

Yap. Have a good day. Peace.