Scammer reported - @steemitrobot

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Beware of any suspect “resteem for money” proposal

I already warned you about several scam attempts (see bottom of this post for a list of them). Here is a new one.


Account: @steemitrobot

@steemitrobot is spamming users with 001 SBD micro-payments having the following memo:

Users, @gordonramsay, @lisamason and are actively promoting the same website as mentioned in @steemitrobot's memo via spam comment like this:

Together, these accounts have already sent 3636 spam comments to an equivalent number of users.

Confirmed scam

@steemitrobot has received 605 payments with a link to a post.

Of those 605 payment with link, 453 have been resteemed and 152 have not been resteemed.

All the previously mentioned accounts have negative reputation and not enough Steem Power to provide the promised return value with a vote.

On the mentioned website in the comments or memos (a simple webpage created with blogger), you will find this fallacious assertion:

None of these accounts have such an amount of Steem Power delegation.

All these accounts are on @cheetah and @steemcleaners blacklist.

Preventive action activated

The account @steemitrobot has been put on the black list of my Warning-Bot and it will issue warnings with a link to this post, notifying users of the malicious activity of @steemitrobot.

Previous threat alerts

If you missed them, please find here the previous alerts I published:

Potential scammer reported - @russiann
Potential scammer reported - @minnowpond
Potential scammer reported - @jones420
SCAM ALERT - Phishing attack to steal your active key
SCAM ALERT - Fake Steemit website try to steal your password!

Thanks for reading!

If you notice any new suspect activity like the one described above, drop a comment on this post, contact me on or via Telegram (@The_Arcange)

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Support me and my work as a witness by voting for me here!

You Like this post, do not forget to upvote or follow me or resteem


Thank you. I add them to @mack-bot but the pre-flag there doesn't have enough weight to hide it with everything I'm flagging. I'm trying to round up some more SP. Unfortunately blocktrades has run dry. I'm still happy to add new accounts as they get flagged again prior to payout if they have one with @spaminator or another account that has the power to knock their rep down.

Thank you for jumping into the fight. I hope that, with our mutual effort, we will get rid of this nuisance.

Thanks alot for informed me

Thank you for sharing this

This is really bad. But is there any better thing we can do than to warn people concerning such activities?, i don't think so because the uncultured(dubious) ones are always among the cultured(undubious) ones...
But one major reason for success is in such activity, is lack of patience among some steemians.
Note: Patience is necessary in the steemian's community.
Thanks for sharing Mr arcange.

I want santa @arcange to give me an upvote this Christmas that I need a lot, visit my blog please, i follow you

resteem this... and thank you @arcange !!!

Good effort, i also receive same spam messages. I hope many will watch out for the safety of their acct

Warning bot will now notify each targeted user.

Thanks for the information, really helps a lot.

@arcange thanks for this post. At least we are warned. Most grateful here

That "gordonramsay" also runs a site called Whale Boost Up that he is ripping people off with. He got me, thankfully for only 2 SBD, but still.
I have just about given up on all the bots that ask for pay.

Resteem ROI promises are never met and this is always a waste of money.

I put out a post about a couple of these accounts last week. When you see memo's in your wallet go check them out. You can check their pages and wallets if they do not have enough SP to give you promised vote or enough followers do not use them.

How about @make-a-whale and that Steemvoter account? Are those good? I'm doubting them all these days.

kill that scam bots!

Thanks for the heads up

I sent @steemitrobot a total of 23 Steem and got nothing back. How are these scammers allowed to get this big? And how do you get rid of them.

How are these scammers allowed to get this big?

They will only earn as much as naive users send to them

And how do you get rid of them.

You are on the blockchain and (actually) the code does not allow to ban people.
Best thing we can do is to inform/warn and educate people.

sorry I missed your post, they caught me
you probably know about their website

thanks for the warning @arcange and this is very useful information

Thanks a lot for this. I am new to steemit and I don't need to be led up the garden path by spammers promising the earth. The old adage holds true here: if it looks too good to be true, it probably is! Furthermore, it goes totally against the grain of what steemit is all about.

Thank you very much for your warning information...
Success is always for you @arcange...

Is there anyway that steemit can make a way to block scammers? Thanks for warning us....

Oh I see. So I received a micro transfer from this bot? I will have to review my transfer history when I can get to the computer, I cannot see memo details on my phone.

can i translite this information into indonesia and i make a new post in indonesia using my account

Thank you for your kind generousness of warning people of such attacks! I will vote you as a witness to say thank you! :D

I do not understand what I have to do.@titanik

thanks for helping me by this post..thank you so much @arcang

i'm so thankful that I'm so meticulous when it comes to sharing my sbd :D

thank you thank you for sharing

"F" gordonramsay
he is unvote my dtbue video

Thanks for the warning

Nice post really helpful

Muchas gracias por la advertencia!