I Am Going To Start Promoting Steemit, But not in the way others would...

in #steemit7 years ago


Well after seeing the limited success of other peoples promotion efforts of steemit I have decided to take my 15 years of online marketing experience to steemit and see how it goes.

While others promote steemit on other social networks such as Youtube, Facebook and other paid ads they are very ineffective as you are not really targeting an audience that understands what steemit is. If anything you need a marketing funnel in front of it that teaches and walks them through steemit to give them an understand of what it is. This is one of the most major loop holes I have been seeing from these steemit promotion efforts that are literally thousands of dollars a month.

My plan to start out you ask?

It's honestly more simple then you can imagine and actually starts and ends right here on steemit itself.

What currently fuels steemits growth at the moment?

Glad you asked ;) Via the chart below we can clearly see what the current powerhouse of steemit is that is driving it's growth and popularity. It's... SEARCH so why not tap into that instead of spending thousands on social which brings in less then 10% of the traffic. Marketing lesson 101

How will I tap into search ?

Old school SEO is still very much in effect if you can write high quality articles and hit the right keywords that drive traffic you can literally open steemit up to thousands of more visitors per day per article. I feel like SEO and keyword research has fallen off the map for most marketers but it is honestly the most responsive and highly sought after areas for traffic.

Think about it when you go online and search for something when you click on a result you are much more keen to look around the site, learn from it and interact with it instead of an ad you see on facebook. This is because you are engaging and searching instead of the ad searching for you and trying to get you to engage when you don't want to.

This is the strongest point steemit currently has going for it and with a solid history and ranked pages so far steemit is what I consider in the older days an article marketers dream!

Want To Help ?

An upvote is all I need I will be spending a good few hours on each article I create picking out keywords and researching about the topic. I also plan on having a weekly keyword contest at some point where we pinpoint the top 10 keywords of the week and everyone picks one or two and writes about it. The top 10 will win steem! (This is just an idea at the moment however one I feel will really kick into gear the amount of traffic steemit starts to get.)

Not only will these keywords and articles be for highly searched keywords but I am going to end them with a spin or some method to get those visitors to learn more about steemit and join/ understand what steemit is and how they can participate themselves.

This part of it will most likely lead to a building of an email list, social network and SMS as a means to build a new fully devoted team to steemit.

What makes me qualified for this?

I have been working online since my teenage years and built a number of successful businesses in the process all online and with a digital product.

I currently work for one of the biggest up and coming sas companies called ClickFunnels which enables small business to sell more through the use of funnels. Just check it out above and you'll understand a bit better what a funnel is ;) lol

I use to run a blog at seansupplee.com However thats gone on the back burner once I started writing for steemit instead.

Thank you all for your support and lets make steemit really shine above the new competition this year in 2018!



The SEO is the a good way to go about it, imagine searching and all you see first is steemit. Leaving that aside, we ask how selves how many people google about different things everyday? And it's likely that what they search about was blogged on steemit already.
Great idea. Good work you are doing out there.

Thank you, When I started to dig into the traffic that currently comes to steemit the other day it was like night and day why SEO should be my main focus when promoting steemit.

Great idea, do just that.

Excellent initiative, the more people know about steemit, the better the network will be. Successes.

Not many suplees around, I know a cook named Paul suplee former Marine. Any relation? Also great to see you throw your skill set behind marketing steem! I'm working on projects to figure out how we can get steem to do things beside blogs. Overtime we will all end up figuring out how to get this token noticed.

Don't believe so most of the fam is up in PA, NJ etc I just moved here to FL last month. Thank you for the support :)

One upvote for you sir!

Take the initiative. Steemit will grow as long as everyone in the community is on the same page. Let's make 2018 the year of Steemit!

Big ups from me,

2018 is the year for steemit! :D There is going to be a decent amount of competition coming out this year sites like Steemit but I have a strong feeling that Ed and others who help build this community and improve it will be here to stay.

I think you've got an insightful contribution here. Promoting steemit has to take a new turn. Good job.

This sounds like a great idea! I always was of the belief that even just showing a steemit article would be enough to pique one's interest.

I would be curious to see analytics of some of my posts too, I should go explore that.

But yeah I support this idea. Sounds like it would be tough to do though, there's a lot of competition. But the best part is it we aren't restricted to a set of keywords. We can write about anything.

One of the things that opened me up to this was I have been doing Facebook posts of my articles I write on here and while it gains some traction it is nothing compared to the few articles I wrote so far where I picked out a keyword or two and went for it. Those posts have now ended up with thousands of visitors. Might be a good way to get some more followers who knows :D

That would be really interesting if we all focused in on a few keyword articles to target with SEO.

I had no idea we got that much traffic in from searches like that, but I will mention the other day when I was googling something (damn don't remember what) a Steemit article was the fifth choice on Google for a simple question I had!

Right! Steemit has a lot going for it many articles rank right up there in search results so with a little effort we should be able to get articles for steem on just about every popular keyword that is searched.

I totally agree with you that SEO optimisation is the way to go. I am totally new to steemit, but I can already see tons of posts of very little value, because some (read many) would just like to earn money. In the long run that's not going to work.
I have found very nice post yesterday, that "visually" supports your idea: https://steemit.com/dmania/@donnaincancun/steemit-success-tip-of-the-iceberg-baby-zg1hbmlh-jx8er

This is true however search engines do a pretty good job at filtering that junk out anymore. The very informative, fun, interactive pages are the ones that will rank. One big factor they now look at is time spent on site so if you can create a highly valued and interesting article to read your going to be in the winners spot if you do the rest of your SEO correctly

O super, I didn't know that time spent on site also matters, thanks. So, engaging, fun, interesting matterial is way to go and of course SEO optimised contents...

Quite interesting @bitcoinflood, always appreciate going beyond retrofitting SEO. How do you view this best utilized by new communities that are being built on Steem/Steemit platform?

Will have to wait and see how the communities look when they are launched. Ill be curious if it turns into just a massive spam fest or actually be used for good.

Exactly, communities will not flourish with massive spam fest and must have aggregated quality content. Such is one of many challenges.

Thanks for this article but what will be the outcome if we do soo ?.

Hi, I understand very little English, I make my effort, but good idea, I will follow you!

Great post man very informative and interesting.....

Amazing °!!upvote you!!

Thank you so much for posting this article! The thought had not occurred to me to apply SEO to steemit. I still believe I need to drastically improve on my writing skills, but it's most important to reach the community, and SEO is a wonderful way to achieve reach with the right keywords. I'll be following you @bitcoinflood