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RE: Attention STEEMIT Minnows: You Have Been Given A Opportunity And Trusted With Great Power - Start Using It Or You Will LOSE It

in #steemit7 years ago

I have been experimenting. I can vote more if I reduce the percentage, but I like to give more to the newer members to encourage them. This, in turn, reduces voting power faster with subsequent longer recovery times. I have been trying to keep my power higher so I can give more.
I will try now to reduce the percentage and give to more posts. This will "spread the love". Of course, I will still give 100 percent to some.
On commenting, I never give 100 percent to myself in comments. That defeats the purpose of the comment, to me. I will sometimes give myself a small percentage to move my comment up the list to give it a chance to be seen.
I like HF 19. I hope it won't change back.