Is Commenting Really Worthwhlie? (TLDR - Yes!)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I was chatting today on Steem Speak and the subject came up of Upvoting comments on ones posts. I chimed in that I upvote all early comments on my posts, and was surprised to hear many others who do the same. It got me thinking, and that got me investigating!

Sacrificing the meager rewards from dedicated curation, I tend to use my votes for comments on my posts. The idea is, rewarding visitors who comment with Upvotes encourages them to come back and comment in the future. I need them and they need me. This symbiotic relationship between publisher and audience is at the heart of Steemits whole paradigm.


A post that appears busy with many comments during the first hour of it's life is more likely to attract further Upvotes, so I'll encourage activity with 50-100% votes on early comments. Turns out, many others are doing something similar, so as it happens, a good commenting strategy is a viable way to gain rewards on Steemit, specifically targeting dolphin accounts that tend to upvote commentors.

It's not spam if it's not spammy!

It might feel "spammy" to take this approach, but comments are an important part of Steemit. Indeed, there is a need for much more commenting and engagement. As long as your comments engage with the subject matter, they are adding value to the platform, and you deserve any rewards you get.

Be Selective

If you're after the highest rewards, you would obviously be wasting your time commenting on minnow accounts. Whale accounts might have more reward potential, but the competition will be fierce. My advice is to target "middle-weight" dolphin accounts, but for time efficiency, only target those who have a habit of upvoting comments on their posts. Take some time to research. Some of these accounts regularly throw out large upvotes to anyone making a reasonable comment.


Dolphins want to be targeted!

Does "tageting" sound cynical? Again - it's not spam if it's not spammy. In fact, dolphins want as many genuine comments as possible on their posts. Set your sights and pull the trigger. But remember, you're not looking for just any dolphin account, only those who tend to Upvote comments on their posts.

Where do I find these generous comment upvoters?

As of today, I'm building a folder full of these Steemians, but I've put hours of work into it and will hardly be sharing it. There are hundreds of generous upvoters out there though. That is for certain. Consider starting with the trending posts, or perhaps find some leads from the Steem Whales website..

Help your browser help you.

If you're anything like me, you'll be following a lot of different people for different reasons. Until Steemits follower system is improved, I suggest using your browsers bookmarks system to help you sort and find different groups of Steemians for different purposes. I have, for example, a folder for local Irish Steemians, another for photographers, etc. And as of today, a folder for generous Upvoters. These pages can be opened all at once and you can efficiently spend some time doing nothing but commenting.


I'll leave you with some screenshots of some juicy comment payouts. These were all very recent and easy to find.





There are hundreds of examples of these very generous comment payouts on any given day here. An efficient, targeted commenting strategy, involving genuine comments and questions is a worthwhile pursuit for anyone, especially if you're just getting started and want some quick cash and some engaging followers of your own.

Best of luck with your commenting, and please let me know how you get on. Any other tips, very welcome in the comments on this page...

Words: @condra All images from Pixabay, except screenshot


Thanks condra, very nice post indeed, i am thinking the same thing the other days. Sometime when a stories will lead a further question and thinking process and thay you will need to reward good comment if they are contributing to the stories. But comments do seem getting too little reward for now. So like you, i also reward early and good comment whenever i feel they are very useful to others.

Looks like you're doing pretty good with your comments ;)

Thanks :)

Thank you very much @condra for putting some of my own thoughts into a post. I often comment often daily. I am not the biggest content creator but still feel that I can bring value to the platform and an individuals post through a thoughtful response. I am going to definitely take your advise and make lists. I currently follow many people for a variety of reasons, but it would be nice to have them further separated for each reason I am following. Thanks for the great content!

Cheers. Looks like good-karma and his merry men agree with you. Kudos!

Namaste Condra,

This is by far the best advice I have read about Steem - I use to upvote other people's posts, but didn't realize that I should upvote people who comment on my own posts as a way of thanking them and giving them a reason to come back.

Wow what an excellent idea.

Thank you so much.

Hope it goes well for you dude.

Stop giving away the secrets! Well written article! I'm just kidding because I have been doing this exact thing for a few months now. I figure the happier someone is the more likely they will come back and nothing makes people happier than free money. Although you do have to watch out for bots, especially if they comment without up voting your post.

I think this is really good advice for building relationships. I like to vote comments up to encourage newer members and others. It is easier for me sometimes to go back through the comments when exploring for the accounts that I have found the most connections with.

I know it feels good knowing someone's read your post and bothered to comment too.

Too often lately I notice many posts with heaps of votes, but only a few views. (At time of written this comment I see this article has 77votes and only 39 views... maybe some of those upvotes will come back later to read it, but I doubt it).

But if you're upvoting comments means people will come back next time, the go for it! It's a reciprocal relationship, like you said, and everyone benefits.

Cheers. And I notice you are a regular on my page, so I really try to show my appreciation by upvoting your comments and visiting your page. Symbiosis!

I'll just say.. i love comments and critique! I also TRY to reply to everyone and maybe upvote their comment if its relevant!!!

Yeah, it's nice to know someone's bothered to read or look at what you're posting.

Totally agree :)

Yes, engagement rocks, and as you say, it has genuine value to the OP

Sorry i guess im still a noob.... OP?

Original poster. The author.

lol also a noob here and i wondered the same haha

My bad, yeah Original Poster, as @mattclarke said.

It is true that commenting reports well. It is enough to come to the aid of the community and we are rewarded. I love that! Have a great day


Of course it is.. You all must upvote this comment to prove my point.


Not sure if I should reply or not ;-) I know that I should follow a better strategy for commenting, but I tend to think of Steemit like Real life, of someone at tea break or in the pub told me something about their life or day I would tend to say something back to them.

I think that Steemit should be no different.

Minnow, dolphin or whale everyone deserves the save treatment and respect.

Sorry @condra for the preachy post, but I do feel strongly that all good posts deserve some kind of a comment.

Upvote if you like this comment ;-). Just joking :-)

I Upvoted you 100% and I appreciate your comment and agree with your sentiments for the most part. I think in an ideal situation, we would all be incentivized to behave completely naturally, but there is much refinement yet to be made. Still, I don't think anyone should be ashamed for strategically commenting, so long as they are genuinely adding value. It's akin to looking for business opportunities. Steemit is a social platform, but the commercial aspect is rarely far from anyones minds.

You are right, it is naive of me to think that people only comment and blog for the same off it, I am including myself in that comment - text can lead to misunderstanding (I once made a joke on a text message and nearly lost a friend)

I'm agreeing with you :-) Everyone has to have the commercial aspect of this platform in their mind.

I suppose all I was saying was that we shouldn't limit your responses to those that make money only.

Don't know if I talked myself into a circle, bit Im sure you know what I mean :-)

Yeah I get you completely. My behavior is a mixture of both really. Often I comment or vote purely sincerely. I like when that happens. There really is some great content and engagement on here. Hoping the new communities feature improves on this when it's introduced later in the year.

Commenting is not just worthwhile; I'd rank it as the MOST worthwhile activity on the site, even above producing your own posts. Great, great dissection of what good comments are, and how to produce them, and most importantly WHY.

Following you now dude. Please by all means comment here any time. I've got mad upvotes for you. :P

Wow! Then we're gonna have a good time. You've got a lot on the ball.

Great advice there. thanks

Some of the highest earning I have made here were through comments. Well at least once. This one time i asked an author for advice on how to participate on the subject they were promoting. they realized they had left that information out of their post and upvoted me to the value of about 5 dollars for 6 words.

Even if it didn't pay, I would comment and get involved (especially with other photographers) because it builds relationships etc. I've had a few comments make huge gains, usually in Steemit related posts.

I dislike the idea of commenting for vote gains, I was pretty surprised when i got that pay tbh xD I feel good when i find a post that i actually want to read.

I would have tended to agree with you in the past, however as condra says in his post if it adds to the coversation then it adds value to the community...from there one might consider the reward, possibly a sweat equity...just a thought :)

I suppose you could say it's the same as deciding to write a blog post yourself, except as a comment. Both purposeful acts intended to provide information.


This is a great post @condra, thank you. I have resteemed because new people like me would find this of interest. Good luck with the strategy and please post an update

Very kind of you @paulag. I'll be sure to post an update soon.

Awesome information thank you! It's really making me see more of how this works. I upvote everyone because they say such kind things but I have not had any upvotes on mine, I'll start looking thanks again

I upvote all early comments on all of my posts. Check back in whenever you like :) Thanks for commenting. Following you back.

Thank you for replying I always appreciate that not everyone answers but I've had pretty good luck🍀

Very helpful! Thank you. Resteemed so I can keep an eye on it !

You have almost 500 followers! Thanks so much Sarah! I'll be following you and resteeming you when the time is just right!

Thank you lovely. Do more posts like this, it's explained really well. Alot of people over complicate posts it and it goes straight over my head, but this was really good :-)

Great post, @condra!

It seems as though engagement is a lot like it is in any other form of blogging. There isn't much point to commenting something vague and short. It's better to take the time to read the entire post, think about it, and respond with a value-driven comment.

Pick something in the post that really stands out for you. Why? Respond to it.

What is something you agree or disagree with?

What can you relate to? What can you add to the conversation?

Creating a community within your audience will lead to better engagement, visibility, and - most likely - upvotes.

Absolutely. And that's why I often comment on Photography/Music posts, because I'm never stuck for anything to say on something in my own niche. Thanks for your comment. Upvoted, of course!

Yup you are right
I am also commenting and target good ID
But shortlist best accounts
Its time consuming
But one time headache
You are 100% right
Keep it up

One time headaches are what I'm all about. It's just part of efficiency.

I've been asking myself this exact question recently. Particularly as the time spent commenting on other people's posts, is time that I need for the making of art pieces to then prepare to share.

Even though it may be more viable, Steem-wise to 'target' posts by the 'Big Trenders and Spenders' I like to engage with people who I feel I'm actually connecting with.

In the short month, that I've been back at Steemit, I'm still feeling my way. However I do see the 'karmic' value in upvoting comments that my own posts receive and responding. And visiting the blog of the person who supported me. In this way I'm gradually finding my genuine connections.

As an artist/photographer ~ With an interest in crypto (but not enough understanding to write about it yet) I've mainly been engaging with Steemians contributing to the #ColorChallenge and recently #useeisee and an idea is forming where I will conduct my own sharing project. Tempted to give you the tag, but need to wait 'till the time is right.' Resteemed. Cheers @condra 🍷

You're awesome! Thanks so much. And yeah, I feel like when I upvote and engage with people who comment on my posts, I'm doing something strategically sensible, but at the same time, something that feels natural and "karmic" as you say. Getting paid to be nice to each other. Can't beat that!

'Being paid to be nice to each other' encourages not only a very 'healthy' social environment but one that potentially can be 'healing' as well.

Recall the feeling when you pay someone a simple compliment. They smile. You smile. YOU have changed a person/situation possibly much more than you know. And YOUR Spirit has lifted a notch or too as well. 🙏

Absolutely. While I don't believe in karma in a spiritual sense, I think the wider knock-on benefits of any individual being "nice" are ostensibly positive. And as you suggest, for the individual themselves too. It's nice to be nice!

Hey I'm commenting.

Make me rich now please.

8 cent? My voting power is down. A lot of engagement on this post for some reason!

I noticed. I was going to write something like this but you nailed it here. Good stuff man.

check out comment of the day contest hosted by @awesomianist now :)

could use some more nominations!

I really like the comments section, I tend to follow people who leave good comments and also check their blog. I up vote all comments on a post I find particularly interesting.

This post received a 35% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @condra! For more information, click here!

wow, this is very useful tip. I think all new comers should read. resteeming, and following for more guides like this. Thanks.

Thanks a million. Following you now.

What would be steem without comments? =)

Is there an official definition of Whale vs Dolphin vs Minnow?

I've seen different figures suggested, as well as different terms to spread things out more, such as "fish", which are bigger than minnows but not quite dolphins. Personally, when I refer to dolphins, I simply mean active accounts with a reasonable amount of Steem Power.

I like commenting as a way to let authors know that I value their posts. I can't upvote everyone at full power, so a comment lets them know that I read their content and appreciate it.

I see people upvoting all the comments in their posts, but at a 1% level that doesn't really count for anything. It seems sneaky. I've started upvoting comments to my posts, but it gets to be a cognitive overload to think about what percentage to put for every one. I like some of the intiatives, like @kus-knee has, that sends a bigger reward to the best comment to their post within a certain interval. I'm thinking that's what I need to move toward. So I'm definitely in an 'evaluation phase'!

I tend to upvote comments with between around 20%-100% voting power, and honestly, I don't think about it too hard. Yes, I've seen people do the whole "give everyone a 1% vote" thing, and I agree, it's not cool. It could potentially backfire too. Anyway thanks for your comment.

You're welcome. I probably over-think it all, way too much. I'm learning to think less, lol! ; )

I comment topics that interest me regardless of account status.. This whole approach of paying for comments, post and upvotes kind of
Feels odd .. hope this all works out but at some point this willcreate rejected users and inactive accounts much more than other platforms

That's a good point. It would be a huge shame, and rather ironic, if people who mainly just want to use the platform for enjoyment, end up discouraged and isolated. Perhaps the new hardfork will address that somewhat.
Thanks for your comment.

Great post. I am newbie. Thank you for the Steem Whales website. I noticed last week, that you can move higher also by commenting, since i thought you can only make it, by doing a lot of posts whit great content. But if you are not upvoted by whale, it is very difficult.

Ha I wish this worked for me, its hard enough to get any bank from the upvotes in the first place and upvoting a comment on my own is worth nothing to the commentor :D could be a strategy to use in 5 years time when my voting power is worth something!

Yesterday, I noticed some peoople upvoting their own comments. So I tried it myself and gave myself some rewards. Who Knew?!

This is something I don't have much understanding of, I mean, regarding the economics of it, or the etiquette, if even that exists. I tend to upvote one of my own comments if I've taken extra time to write it.

I question the etiquette and ethics of it too. I wouldn't mind if the function didn't exsist. I upvote on both comments and posts alike. And I have to admit I have justified upvoting my coments for now because, my newbie, quality posts, only bring in a few cents. Maybe this will change after hardfork 19?

I haven't seen any significant backlash against upvoting your own comments. It seems more corrupt if a whale does it and sucks a couple of dollars off their own Voting Power, but smaller accounts, no biggy.

saw this post through @cristof's BestOf blog. He has such acumen and good taste LOL!! I liked what you said. Up-voted & followed

You forgot to include an un-insightful comment made by yourself in the screenshots where you made serious bank.

Oh wait, you don't make those sorts of comments! Can there be a starised version of this post? ;)

Fair point indeed. I've only started this strategy today.

Yeah I think everyone's comments count and I enjoy reading them all :) Feel free to add or follow me guys, Pretty new here but I'm making the effort to make the most of this website so far.

Please vote have me $ 100 and at follow @ herman2141 yes

These are very good avices! Thank you!

Well thought and timely post my steemed @condra

¿How else would people expect to be known by their peers and gain loyal & valuable followers otherwise but interacting, reading and commenting other steemian's posts and engaging into spread live feedback about their existence all across the community?
Of course, Commenting Is Really Worthwhile or Worthwhlie (as you wrote it lol) and even more than worthwhile it's actually mandatory If someone really want to be taken seriously on any live community. :)

As for ¿Where do I find these generous comment upvoters?
I suspect I may have a pretty close idea about where to look for them. But in this case, I'm afraid you will have to fill a little quiz first. }:)

This post has been ranked within the top 25 most undervalued posts in the first half of Jun 19. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $24.70 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Jun 19 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

Great analysis of this concept. It's one I've pondered when I was active way back when, and a methodology I'm still refining as I work more on Steemit now.

I do my best to comment thoughtfully on 20 or more posts in a day. In general I'll get one or two solid upvotes that earn income.

Whether I earn income or not, I will still offer valuable comments on anything I feel I can contribute to. I like the idea of being rewarded, and I love that I'm building rewards on Steem. That isn't what I'm here for though, I'm here because I appreciate the community and want to be part of its value.

Thank you for the valuable information on how to earn more commenting. Hopefully my method works out too.

Definitely worth leaving quality and engaging comments... there are quite a few people on Steemit who don't create many original posts, but comment a lot... and are very well rewarded. I think I currently have at least 3 or 4 comments with pending rewards of $10.00+