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Today I am filled with hope that despite the disadvantage of not being a native speaker, I may have a chance to succeed on steemit. And this hope has come because of the recent changes made to the system with hard fork 19.
I had joined this platform in the month of February 2017 and tried to write a few posts. It was tough because I am used to writing in my language and had to translate it into English in my head every time before posting. This prompted me to start writing in English from scratch and I have been doing exactly that after a few posts.
I still do not feel I am ready enough and shall require more practice but I could not fail to notice the recent changes that HF 19 has brought about. And I have noticed that when I vote on a post now, my votes are not small enough to be ignored anymore.
Earlier I had thought my votes were useless and that I could not contribute any worth to even posts I really liked, so I had stopped voting some months ago. Today I find my votes have a value and has motivated me to start voting again.
I am very grateful to the steemit team for this as I feel there are more people here who have been in the same situation as I have been, and this one small change should incentivize people to start voting again.
I am sure that this is a change which will go a long way in putting steemit on the path of success because now it should give some worth to small holders of SP who had felt marginalized and powerless till now. This change I feel has also leveled the playing field and the platform will be seen as a fair place where even a newcomer with skill could thrive.
I have been fascinated with the idea of steemit since I joined and could foresee the impact it would have if it were to be adopted by the masses. But adoption on those scales would require that the system be perceived as a just and fair one.
With the latest changes brought about by the hard fork, I believe will have a positive impact and make steemit the most popular social media/ blogging platform on the internet one day in the near future.
I am grateful I am a part of this wonderful community and am grateful to them who brought about these changes which will help us spread faster now.
Thank you for sharing, I'm following you!
You are welcome and I shall follow you back.
Welcome back to posting :)
Thank you for your continuous support. :)