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RE: Should we upvote our comments?

in #steemit6 years ago

Hello, i disagree on the state of the network, i may be wrong but i don't think there is so many "whales" "raping" the rewards pool. If is true then they are shooting a bullet on their own foot and we can change their mind simply explaining how steemit ecosystem work and could benefit to everyone by simply acting with fairness.
Who is doing your number 2? i can help to explain them it's not beneficial long term to do it or simply share this post whith "unbalanced exploitative whales".


Oh, did I say there were many? I have personally seen two. As for saying who it is, I will not because most of the people I know who have posted the proof, have been targeted and seen all their earnings wiped out on post after post after post. It is easy to wipe out the little 1 cent to 10 cent the majority earn when you have 40 + bots, each with the ability to wipe out hundreds of dollars in one single downvote.

If you google the search term "steemit whales abuse" you will see many posts that name many of the culprits, but I did not see a post regarding the worst one I have personally seen. You may have to read some replies to the post to see that information.

I believe you are much like me and would prefer to think people would use logic and think about the welfare of others. But the reality of people is, there are some cruel people in this world and some of them are on Steemit.

I see, thanks for sharing it.
You didn't explicitely said there are many whales doing it but to rape the reward pool it imply enought steempower has bad behaviour to impact the rewards distribution...
Ho yes i am sure some people will never change their mind and act as assholes whatever we say, i still think the vast majority of persons adapt their behavior when we take time to talk between each other.
I was not aware of some vendetta against minow.

See, this is another area that causes problems. What exactly is enough to be called raping the reward pool? That phrase is thrown around by many but there is no definitive answer so no one puts much thought into it. The person I follow who was the one attacked so relentlessly, rarely had a post make more than $300 and many were only $20. But every single upvote was by a real person, not a bot. In my mind, if he is providing information good and detailed enough to have 30 or more people upvote him (again real people, not bots) should it matter how much he makes.

The other person has enough power on 40 or more bots, to downvote every single penny this person made and many of his followers. His stated reason was because the other person was raping the reward pool.

Every time one of his bots upvote one of the other bots it gives it more than $100 each time, is that not raping the reward pool.

The problem is, there needs to be a consensus as to what is allowed, and write the code to enforce it. This leaving it up to each individual to make their own decisions and giving them a system where they can easily abuse others, will do nothing but create an ever increasing number of people who will abuse the system out of greed, with no regard to what is best for Steemit.

I am not willing to put any more money into steemit as long as this can happen. I could put a lot more in, but I don't want to put money into a system where someone can so easily prevent me from earning.

I tend to put 4 to 6 hours into each post because I do my research to double check all the facts I have in my head and make sure every image I use is credited. That is a lot of effort to see one person wipe it out because they disagree with my post.

I guess when you are a victim of unfair vendetta from high ranked steempower user you can ask for help, i am sure a lot of people can start to upvote you to defeat the downvote, if the bad actors continue to bully you then the pool of "good actors" can directly downvote the bad one...I am sure we will stop the fight pretty quickly.

Community will always win.

Someone should take care of complaints and daily post about it, so we directly know wich user is "certified" in need to be helped.

I think, we don't need new code to take care of this problem simply organize the community in a better way.

How do you know who are the good guys and who are not. I am fairly new and don't have a very big following yet. My reach is very small and if every one of them joined together to try to stop them, it would barely be a smack on the wrist. Perhaps if we had a group working specifically to grow for this goal???

Someone would have to take this role in charge and do it seriously, this person would be paid by vote and the post would be view by the majority of the community who daily check all complaints and vendetta downvote activity. Each person could read the report and easily see with proof wich steemit user is unfairly bullyied by others and need help (vote tp counterdefeat the downvote).
Persons that often downvote for vendetta reasons would rapidly be flagged by the community.
It's is actually a great idea for someone to work and generate revenue helping the fairness of steemit community.
Who want to take care of it?