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RE: An Open Letter To All Steemians and especially Whales...

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Interesting comment @likedeeler.. I have pick up on the comment :
"by trying to keep their comment sections clean of adversary opinions, etc."

I really don't see that is the case.. whilst they obviously don't want to see people slag off what they are doing.. they are really not TRying to do anything .. more than rewarding people who contribute their stories or valuable stories

also, i would not say they are playing games at all. This is FAR from a game to them, this is real stuff and they are simply generating awareness and fundraising for real life action..


It is the case and it happened on your own post where me and likedeeler had some different opinions. I really felt we were slowly moved down in the comment section.

We were not slagging off, just adversary opinion as likedeeler expresses very nicely.

Thanks for the assist.
Since I am cursed with a very good memory, I know that I am right in that regard,
but I just couldn´t be bothered to dig up some hard evidence for proof.

sorry, what is the case exactly,, i think im missing something?