Upvoted 100% @darkminded153
I believe that CHANGE is the only thing permanent in this world .. Some ideas could be true at our "now" and will be proven wrong by tomorrow.
I don't think ideas change any person - I think the person decides to step up and challenge himself to be different than yesterday and decides changes should happen in him
as for what other authors seem to be writing here - I don't think it's because the game changed them - i think they were just unleashed. Perhaps - that's who they are , they had been and would be.
I live in the principle my mother taught me back when I was just 15 and was going to be living alone in a dormitory to study in the university.
She said;
"Be like water - it could take the shape of any container you can place it in without losing itself."
Thank you.
I believe that only an idea can change people, for if they don't have any ideas on how to do things differently, they simply won't. There are 3 different ways that people behave.
@darkminded153 you have a point - it could be, too