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RE: dMania owner zombee is abusing steemit delegation with multiple accounts, stealing users chances of getting rewards and censors them

in #steemit6 years ago

I didn't say you had something to do with zombee, I just said that you are shit curator and zombee likes shit curators, like it says in the post. It wasn't about you, it was about zombee giving you as an example, when you upvote every single post that you find, in the lowes ammount of time that you can do it. Actually that was the smart move to do and I wish I would have done that also and mind my own bussiness. But that's not my problem that you do that your delegation to dMania, everyone does what they like with that delegation. My problem was with zombee supporting that. That's all, you have no fault in doing the smart thing in that kind of situation. But I liked how active you became in the discord channel recently and also how you didn't liked the min 50 REP for accounts in order to get the bot upvote situation, pretty good timing no, with that huge delegation ? :) ... Cheers.


My huge delegation to dMania happened because I stopped delegating all my SP to smartsteem, because I feel like dMania is a much better use of it .

I literally have posted three memes in like 2+ months.... The upvote bot isn’t there for my use..

I know this might be hard to believe, but everyone is not as self-serving as you are making vague accusations against...

Sorry for implying that stuff about you. This where some tough few days for me. And there where a lot of abusers on dMania, I don't want to compare you to them, you didn't abuse it in any way and probably was having high expectations from this platform like I used to have and now you feel disappointed like I was. Sorry one more time, you didn't deserve that. But in the post I didn't make any accusations about you and I was only talking about how zombee treated curation. Hope no hard feelings.